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Everything posted by James105

  1. Most burglars do care if the owners are there unless they are going for the UK's dumbest criminal award or their intentions are something other than burglary. Do you have a non-NRA associated link that backs up this claim?
  2. Most people that claim to have knowledge of rifles have delusional fantasies about fending off multiple armed gangsters with their AR15 rifles. For this fantasy to become reality it would require the following: 1. The gangsters notify you in advance of their arrival so you can prepare yourself accordingly so they don't take you by surprise. 2. The gangsters need to have the shooting accuracy of a stormtrooper. 3. You are literally John Wick. People in other countries do not seem to have this same fear. I wonder if that is related to the fact that people (gangsters or otherwise) are not able to easily buy their appendage extensions from a sporting goods store?
  3. So America does have gun control then. I was under the impression that gun control was pointless as criminals will be criminals. Since America already has gun control whats the problem with the controls being tightened to make it a tiny bit harder for the next lunatic to kill quite as many kids in the next school massacre?
  4. What is the gender neutral term for "imaginary sky wizard" anyway?
  5. Insurance would not pay out if she didn't have a valid licence to ride here. Based on the price of insurance (£200) for a healthy 24 year old girl my presumption is that she paid for insurance that very explicitly covered riding a bike over here as it was something she planned to do whilst here. Seems like a sensible girl who took the correct precautions but just had an accident. It happens. At least she didn't need to rely on the kindness of strangers to help her financially with a Go fund me page.
  6. The Thai Government introduced a ban on electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or ‘vaping’), shisha smoking, and electronic shishas in 2014, for “health reasons and to discourage young people from starting to smoke”. So in order to discourage young people from smoking they ban everything other than... actual smoking. Slow hand clap for the geniuses who make these daft laws, although I think we all know that the real reason for this is lawmakers taking kickbacks from the tobacco industry who see healthier options to their addictive, poisonous, cancer sticks as a threat to their future income.
  7. Yes, you need that too but this is quick and easy. I just used a clinic on Soi Buakhao and was in/out in about 10 minutes with the certificate. This is the least painful part of the process.
  8. Not a snowball in hells chance of getting it the same day. I renewed mine 3 weeks ago and it was a case of: 1. Going to immigration to get residence certificate (2 separate trips over 2 days as immigration was jam packed). 2. Going to DLT to make appointment. They only have 70 appointments in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. Note this is not an appointment to actually get the licence, it's just an appointment to get the documents checked and then make an appointment to get the licence. I got there about 10:30 in the morning and there were no more appointments for the morning so I was told to come back in the afternoon. Due to me not really understanding the process I asked her a few questions and the time it took her to explain why I needed to come back in the afternoon took longer than the 2 minutes it took to check docs and make appointment when I returned in the afternoon. During this part there was also lots of agents queue jumping so this can waste a lot of your time even if your number is next to be called you can end up waiting a long time as any agents will go straight to front of queue. 3. Actual appointment to do the colour test and reaction test was scheduled for about a week later. Lots of waiting around, but got the licence same day and took about 3 hours total. On the bright side the girl who did the document check didn't realise I was only entitled to a 2 year extension with my visa and not a 5 year licence so I managed to swag a 5 year one. You might be able to reduce some of the time wasting by using an agent, but the guy I was chatting to there who did use an agent said it cost him 5000. That cost provides the ability to queue jump the initial document check, but still requires you to make (I think) 2 trips to DLT, as it seemed the agent cannot get the documents checked and the actual appointment for the licence without you physically being there so not sure how much value they add other than a bit of queue jumping.
  9. The finest bit of whataboutery I have seen yet! Congrats!
  10. ok so you didn't like that link (the content of which came from an amnesty international report) and chose to discredit the author rather than reading it. Here is the same report which comes from amnesty international. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/01/child-labour-behind-smart-phone-and-electric-car-batteries/ So.. are you a child slave labour supporter or a denier? No doubt you will now call into question who funds amnesty international rather than addressing the contents of that report. I'm sure that one or more of the 10 million individuals that contribute funds to them is an unsavoury character you can deflect onto as this seems to be your MO.
  11. I used the search: https://aseannow.com/search/?&q=china&type=forums_topic&quick=1&item=1283819&author=Bkk Brian&nodes=158&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy There is nothing you posted about what Greta specifically has done about the pollution in China. You just mentioned that when she talks about China she gets fat shamed. Rosa Parks had to suffer a lot worse than that when she was standing up for her rights, but then I suppose Rosa Parks really cared about the cause she fought for rather than craving attention from like minded souls.
  12. From what I can gather is that she retweeted something or wrote a tweet which seems to be the sum of her activism against the pollution that is produced from China and someone in China accused her of being a bit chubby. Is that it or did I miss a post you made that detailed her adventures in China demonstrating outside one of their 1118 coal power plants?
  13. So if she is as educated as you say then why is she protesting in Germany and not, for example, in China? Even a secondary school educated child would have an awareness of the biggest polluters in the world and would know that Germany is not one of them. What she is doing is about the equivalent of Rosa Parks complaining quietly to her friends at the back of the bus rather than taking a stand (or a seat) at the front where it could (and did) make a difference.
  14. I'm surprised she is in Germany as China has now opened up it's borders and it would be an excellent time to take her climate protests over there. China has 1118 coal power plants. Germany has 3. Has she been to China yet? Perhaps one of the consequences of not finishing her education is that she is unaware of countries in the east hence she is still protesting in countries that have already signed up to the green agenda.
  15. Brought to you by the same great minds that thought that closing pubs early and a curfew would ensure that punters would be home and safe before covid came out to play after 9 or 10pm. Lesser minds would think that a better approach to tackling the scourge of drink driving would be to make the punishments a lot more severe and actually serve as a deterrent, but thankfully this kind of foolish thinking doesn't get anywhere near the levers of power here. Perhaps we can very easily tackle obesity next by reducing the amount of time available to purchase unhealthy foods like chocolate and cakes or fast food. There is simply no way that the fatties would stock up and will simply not eat bad food during the hours it is unavailable to purchase.
  16. You actually took what he said "literally" and actually believe he genuinely wants to see her paraded down a street naked with excrement thrown at here, rather than a satirical reference to a fictional royal from a fictional book/tv show? Bless.
  17. At least he didn't ask her where she was from as that would have been racist. Well done Clarkson for not actually apologising, and well done in advance to Amazon for (probably) renewing Clarksons farm, Grand Tour etc and not bowing down to the mob who love to see people lose their jobs, especially when they have the temerity to make jokes that those without a sense of humour will never be able to understand in this lifetime or the next. At least he is punching up, can't get much higher up than royalty now can we?
  18. Didn't you recently say that Twitter polls were useless previously due to the number of bots? Yet now you seem to think the results should be valid. Must be very confusing to live in such a contradictory world.
  19. Another straw man. I literally posted the mayor of Chicago's actual tweet which is still up. There is no context. It's a tweet. She doesn't clarify or provide context and no-one has provided any they just keep saying context and the nodding dogs nod along as though that solves it. If Twitter can believe that Trump supporters can read Trump's tweet stating he won't be at an inauguration and somehow ascertain that means he wants people to take up arms and storm the capital what exactly are the deranged idiots on the left supposed to think when reading the Chicago mayors tweet that literally says she wants a call to arms and fight the supreme court judges???
  20. "powerful influencer". "Shaping discourse" Don't be so silly. She posted videos of leftists self-owning themselves on TikTok, nothing more, nothing less. She shapes the discourse as much as people who post cat videos shape the animal kingdom. If there was a news story here all it could really be is "why are liberals so dumb and why do they keep making idiots out of themselves on TikTok for the amusement of the right".
  21. You have no idea why she was banned. It could (and should) have been a long overdue ban for doxxing an account that literally just showed videos of stupid things that stupid people (leftists) publicly posted on TikTok. The owner of that account did not create her own content, nor voiced her opinion on the videos, they were presented as they were originally published on TikTok by people seeking attention (since they were posted on TikTok). If anything the doxxed account owner was giving the original publishers more of what they craved - attention. Since you are a fan of definitions here is the one for 'doxxing' "to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge" Since the account itself was not newsworthy, nor part of a news event or public interest the definition fits perfectly as there was no reason at all to publish the private information of that account owner other than so that she could be targeted for harassment and violence against her by the "be kind" brigade. Perhaps Twitter were just catching up on banning her for doxxing. Correlation does not imply causation.
  22. She is a serial doxxer. Should have been banned long ago. https://nypost.com/2022/04/19/taylor-lorenz-blasted-for-doxxing-libs-of-tiktok-creator/
  23. Did you not even read what you pasted in: "a summons to engage in active hostilities" seems fairly clear to me and there was no additional context other than to clarify that it would be a fight to victory from the Chicago mayor. Just imagine if Trump had said the same. Would you be equally placid? Here is an example of the mental gymnastics the activists working at Twitter went through to justify banning Trump based on this tweet: “To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.” "The second Tweet may also serve as encouragement to those potentially considering violent acts that the Inauguration would be a “safe” target, as he will not be attending." https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2020/suspension
  24. Well, technically she isn't in the media but this is allowed apparently, as long as it is for the right cause of course. Just imagine if Trump had actually used this phrase instead of just saying he wasn't going to bother going to the inauguration. I'm sure you would have been equally placid about that ... right?
  25. I've got eyes and ears. That's how I know that the only people that are having a meltdown are lefty journalists and, well, leftists. It's a very strange hill to die on when it comes to freedom of speech. Do you want to know where Elon's jet is currently and why do you want/need to know this and if so what do you plan to do with this information once you have it? If you don't need or want this information why do you care?
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