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Everything posted by James105

  1. That's really not how it works. The BBC pay the contracted amount to Gary Lineker's Ltd company and it is not their responsibility to ensure Gary Lineker Ltd pays the correct taxes. It is the responsibility of Gary Lineker (using an accountant of course) to pay the correct taxes. It was also Gary Lineker's responsibility to declare his IR35 status for this contract (not the BBC). There is no way that his BBC contract would have passed the tests that would put him outside of IR35. One of the key tests of IR35 is substitution. Could Gary Lineker substitute another employee of the Gary Lineker company to present MOTD in his absence? Of course not, the BBC would have to find a replacement. His accountant would have told him this. It was his choice to avoid tax in this way and he should really just pay what he owes instead of trying to wriggle out of it.
  2. Actually quite a lot. If Gary Lineker is using controversial political tweets to prove he is not an equivalent to an employee under direction and control of the BBC and does not have to follow their impartiality rules, then this could be used by his lawyers to wriggle out of the tax evasion claims by HMRC. The fact that the BBC have suspended him from Match of the Day weakens his tax evasion case as it shows they have direction and control. So highly relevant I would think? https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/may/07/gary-linekers-political-tweets-could-help-him-avoid-49m-tax-bill
  3. It's not irrelevant at all. I've worked as a freelance contractor via the same setup and each contract you take you have to make a choice of whether to declare yourself as an equivalent to an "employee" or if you are genuinely acting as a company. Nobody forced him to evade tax by declaring himself as outside IR35 - that was his choice and not the BBC.
  4. Actually it would have been his choice of how much tax he paid, even if the BBC insisted on employing him as a freelance contractor via a Ltd company. If he declared himself as within IR35 (which is probably what he should have done) then he would have paid the equivalent of PAYE and would not be investigated for tax evasion. He wasn't working for the BBC as a "Company" that could provide the BBC a service, he was working as Gary Lineker during hours defined by the BBC who were effectively his "employer". If he had an accountant (which of course he did) then this accountant would have been fully aware of IR35 and told him of the risks of pretending he wasn't the equivalent of an employee of the BBC. So what he has done appears to be clear tax evasion and now he is paying expensive lawyers to try and wriggle out of it rather than pay what he owes, which is tax that could go some way to supporting the illegal immigrants that arrive on the UK shores that he is so fond of.
  5. Calling another journalist a mad cat woman is not political bias. If that is all you have then it's hardly comparable to what Lineker is doing is it? Lineker's comments are equivalent to what Matt Le Tissier came out with when he worked for Sky regarding Covid 3 years ago, and Le Tissier was sacked for having this view. There was deafening silence from Lineker, Wright, Shearer, his colleagues on Sky, lefties everywhere. I kept hearing "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" at the time.
  6. So that would be a no then. So predictable.
  7. Do you have any evidence that Andrew Neil made politically biased tweets or is this just something you have heard and presumed to be true due to your own biases?
  8. The tax dodger is probably just doing this for his own financial gain: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/may/07/gary-linekers-political-tweets-could-help-him-avoid-49m-tax-bill
  9. This charming fella will soon be making another attempt to get on a small boat so he can live in the UK, currently back in France waiting for his next chance: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11833125/Afghan-migrant-28-deported-raping-12-year-old-girl-tried-UK.html "He said: ‘I will never give up trying to get to the UK. I have been in France for three months and we don’t get anything. In the UK I can get education, a job and a house." I'm sure his prospective neighbours and families with young children are very much looking forward to welcoming him into their community when he gets there. Seems the solution to this problem is simply not to give them anything when they rock up and maybe some enterprising people in Dover can set up a camping business to sell them tents etc when they arrive so they have somewhere to stay. The UN do not seem to be complaining about how the French treat them so perhaps lessons can be learn from this.
  10. Nonsense. Women of today are able to reach the highest levels of office. This Admiral is a fine example of a modern woman who was one of USA todays women of the year. That this would not have been possible just a few decades ago just shows the progress that women have made in catching up to their male counterparts.
  11. This is excellent news for mediocre males who now get a second chance to compete at the highest levels if they are unable to succeed in their own gender. This is evolution in progress and these new and improved versions of women will actually be able to start lifting weights at a more equivalent level to their male counterparts. This is a tremendous victory for the woke left. I doff my cap to you. The naysayers would have you believe that this will destroy women's sports, but this ruling actually raises the levels of women's sports and this brings women a bit closer to the levels that men are able to reach with their superior strength and power. Women should be grateful to the new and improved women that will soon be smashing all the records that the old fashioned and inferior versions of women were able to achieve. Women who have penises are simply superior versions of women and if you disagree you are a transphobe.
  12. I can fly a plane if that helps? Learning to fly any kind of machine just requires training and requires no more natural talent than learning to drive a car. Average people fly helicopters every day. I have nothing against Harry, but his behaviour does suggest lower than average intelligence and given the family he was born into he could and should have done better with his life. He has done nothing of note that should earn him "fans" and I have no doubt his royal connections meant that he took the place of someone more talented who could have carried out that role more effectively. The mere status of being a royal would have meant he would have been treated differently to his colleagues and would likely have been a burden rather than a help in any conflict.
  13. How can anyone be a "Harry Fan"? What talent does he have? He is average man in every possible metric who happens to have been born into a monarchy. If not for this accident of birth what do you imagine he would have achieved in life given his "talents"?
  14. It's all very simple in your world isn't it? Good vs evil, good guys vs bad guys, almost like a Marvel comic that requires a happy ending and the good guys always win. The real world is a teeny bit more complex than this and the weapons of today have the capabilities of literally ending the human race. The "bad guys" have 6000 thermonuclear weapons so at some point, a compromise is going to have to be made as escalation cannot continue indefinitely. The question is, how many more people do you want to lose their lives before this inevitable point is reached? How many is enough for you?
  15. Sigh, once again I will have to remind you what I posted. Read carefully: I have no doubt that Russia decided to be aggressive but the only involvement the west should have is to impose sanctions, de-escalate and negotiate peace, not funnel money into the second most corrupt country in Europe (second only to Russia). The only winners in wars are those that sell the weapons, and I don't really want my tax money being spent on this quite frankly.
  16. Why stop there? USA and the west have soldiers and pilots that aren't doing much just now. Lets send them in too. Also, we have all these nukes doing nothing as well, so why stop at foot soldiers? Russia only has 6000 nukes, the rest of the world has the other half. This could be over in a day!
  17. Can you point out where in my post I questioned whether there is an actual war going on rather than what you imagined I posted.
  18. Considering the money that is involved you are not even a teeny bit skeptical about what you are being told? I have no doubt that Russia decided to be aggressive but the only involvement the west should have is to impose sanctions, de-escalate and negotiate peace, not funnel money into the second most corrupt country in Europe (second only to Russia). The only winners in wars are those that sell the weapons, and I don't really want my tax money being spent on this quite frankly. Anyway this report from CNN is quite amusing.
  19. He is asking a question, not making a statement of fact. What is the answer to his question? I'm interested to know the answer and would like to see some kind of evidence that all the billions upon billions of dollars of funding has actually been used to fund some kind of defence rather than just making a few people very, very rich.
  20. Actually it does. The BBC fell for it as they are lefty plonkers. The NZ guy fell for it as he is a brainless murdering plonker. The people who continue to give credence to this joke are just a bit dim really. The people on the right making this gesture are laughing at you if they are aware of the origins of this joke, or perhaps they are not aware of it's origins and are just signalling the okay gesture. It's probably time to hold your hands up and admit you were played as part of "Operation O-KKK" by a bunch of kids.
  21. Sure, the doctor is an extra £700 per day, £350 per nurse according to that link so they will have to be added on. I don't think there is enough space on a learjet to fill it up with the medical personnel to get it to even £100,000 yet alone £250K. The expensive part is the private jet which includes the pilot. Unless they are hiring Salt Bae to provide the in flight meals of course then maybe it could go up to as much as £100,000 with such an expensive food menu.
  22. If you actually read some of these links rather than just believing everything you are told by your fellow virtue signallers you would have seen the origin: According to The Boston Globe, users on 4chan's /pol/ ("Politically Incorrect") board were instructed in February 2017 to "flood Twitter and other social media websites...claiming that the OK hand sign is a symbol of white supremacy," as part of a campaign dubbed "Operation O-KKK".[65] So there you have it. It was a joke. You fell for "Operation O-KKK" started by a bunch of kids. The lefty media - rather than holding their hands up and admitting they were played - decided to double down on this, claiming every time someone on the right made the gesture it was racist and of course anyone on the left that used it was using it as an okay gesture. The kids who started this joke are laughing at you.
  23. I'm sure that white supremacist groups also use other phrases and gestures in common parlance too, such as giving a thumbs up, or asking someone how they are, or perhaps even commenting on the weather. Does that make these phrases racist too, or is it just a simple and undeniable fact that words that are not racist continue not to be racist, no matter who says them. Since the numbers of white supremacists are so minuscule as to be irrelevant, I do not see why they should be given such power to be able to effectively trademark gestures such as the Ok gesture and claim it as their own. Do you have links from white supremacist sites where they have actually claimed this as their trademark gesture - and what does it actually mean if it does not just simply mean okay - or are you getting this from some leftie controlled media who wish to introduce some kind of newspeak after being inspired by the works of Orwell?. If you wish to avoid such commonly used phrases and gestures so you can appear "stunning and brave" to other like minded virtue signallers please do whatever you wish, but it will continue to be a hard pass from me.
  24. So fringe online message groups now are the arbiters of what becomes a racist gesture, from an innocuous phrase such as "its okay to be white" or the even more ridiculous Ok gesture which has always and will continue to mean... Ok. I have no doubt these groups see it as an amusing game to see what harmless gesture they can get the useful idiots to consider to be outlawed next. You can indulge in newspeak if you wish to do so if makes you feel virtuous, but this is a hard pass from me.
  25. A very, very quick google search suggest that this cost should be about £65,000 on a learjet. https://www.iasmedical.com/asia/air-ambulance-thailand/#:~:text=Our medical transportation services from,The number of medics required Not surprised the insurance are questioning this.
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