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Everything posted by James105

  1. So we need an emergency decree just in case there is an actual emergency. Clown world.
  2. Fine, whatever. Perhaps if the unions in the UK hadn't all been screaming for harder and longer lockdowns so their members could sit at home watching Netflix at the expense of taxpayers then maybe, just maybe, there would be more money to go around. Who would have thought that 2 years of doing nothing would have consequences.
  3. Since you asked... have some links... https://nypost.com/2021/09/11/incredible-scenes-of-womens-liberation-in-1970s-afghanistan/ https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/05/1117762
  4. Western woman have adjusted their clothes over the years according to the fashion of the day. These 2 pictures are from Afghanistan. One is from a time when the women there were actually allowed to choose, the other is from more recent times now that men are making the choice for them.
  5. Of all the jobs out there this is the one that is the most easily automated as the trains (literally) run on tracks. Some lines in London already run without drivers. Strikes like this will hasten the demise of this job. If I was a train driver with zero transferrable skills and someone was willing to pay me £60,000+ per year I'd probably try and keep a low profile rather than striking and drawing attention to how easy the job is compared to how much the salary is. A bus driver has a significantly more challenging job, has transferrable skills and gets less than half the salary of a train driver.
  6. The vet probably went shopping, to bars, had massages, went to the gym and did lots of other things too. But yeah, the cat sneezed so it definitely came from the cat. Clown world.
  7. So why don't the men wear one too if it is a religious symbol? Could it be that it is nothing whatsoever to do with religion but to do with control and forced modesty perhaps?
  8. No, it is not. This is allowing misogynists to hide behind religion in order to treat females as lesser beings to the men. Sometimes the law needs to get involved so that everyone can be treated equally and fairly, regardless of the sky wizard they believe in.
  9. These sound ideal for ginger people. "They" in this case is their husbands or the outdated views of the males in a certain religious society so it is forced - the women themselves do not have a choice in this. The law in this case is (possibly misguidedly) trying to bring the males of a certain religion kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
  10. I agree. For my part I am going to follow the example set by high profile climate activists such as ex-royalty Harry and Meghan who regularly preach to us all about this. It's not going to be easy making those 20 extra unnecessary flights per year but I will do my best.
  11. Green taxes are only for the commoners. https://www.irishtimes.com/business/transport-and-tourism/corporate-jets-to-escape-eu-s-green-aviation-fuel-tax-1.4618545
  12. Is this the same UN that predicted "entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000" back in 1989. https://apnews.com/article/bd45c372caf118ec99964ea547880cd0 It's laughable how many predictions have been and gone and I scratch my head in bewilderment how people can take this any more seriously than the guy who used to stand on street corners with the "end of the world is nigh" sign. I personally take approach that when the rich folk who like to lecture us on climate change (such as Bill Gates and Barack Obama) stop building their mansions on the beach and instead build them several meters above sea level then I will start to take predictions of ice caps melting a bit more seriously.
  13. Not surprisingly those who believed the covid narrative also believe the climate narrative. We have a bit more history on this one though... https://nypost.com/2021/11/12/50-years-of-predictions-that-the-climate-apocalypse-is-nigh/
  14. Well if you believed everything you were fed from the media regarding Covid then I imagine you will believe everything you are told regarding this too. The world would have ended about 15 times by now since 1970 if the hysteria generated by the worlds media on climate change was even remotely accurate. The boy has cried wolf way too many times for any sensible people to take this kind of fear mongering seriously nowadays.
  15. The point I was making, and continue to make, is that the EU is just virtue signalling. They will not accept a country with as poor GDP or as corrupt as Ukraine into the EU. Feel free to bookmark this and come back in 20/30/40 years when Ukraine has still not been accepted into the EU if you like. What Ukraine needs is actual help, not flags in bios or empty gestures like this, but something tangible (e.g tanks) that the EU countries do not seem to be willing to offer.
  16. Only Russia is considered more corrupt than Ukraine in Europe. Even Turkey is less corrupt. I wasn't making the point that it would take years for Ukraine to be accepted - my point was they will never be accepted, just like Turkey. It's an empty virtual signalling gesture by the EU to make them look right on and has exactly the same real world effect on the people of Ukraine as someone displaying the Ukrainian flag in their twitter profile.
  17. There is not a chance the EU are actually going to let Ukraine join so this is just about as empty an empty gesture as anyone could make. Turkey is also a candidate country (since about 1987) with an equivalent chance of attaining membership.
  18. Sure, in the same way prostitution is illegal everywhere. Unenforced laws are not really laws.
  19. This is one of those laws that only applies to 7/11 and the big chain supermarkets so another new regulation that changes nothing. If I want to walk the streets without a mask on my way to a bar to have an alcoholic drink at 2.30pm I can do that today if I felt like it.
  20. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is asking for masks to be banned. You would still be able to legally wear your mask wherever you wanted to.
  21. Unfortunately the people who have bought into this madness neither see themselves as commoners or "masked". They see themselves as heroes and the mask is simply their "cape", no doubt thinking that as they walk down the street with their mask on they are literally saving lives. The only way this ends is mass civil disobedience, which thankfully is actually happening in Pattaya, but I'm not so sure about the rest of the country.
  22. Yes, because it is anti scientific nonsense. Wearing a mask outside on the way to a very crowded bar where it can legally be taken off is comically daft. I hate to break it to you but you are not saving one single life by wearing a mask outdoors. Those who put that idea into your (and many others) heads should be ashamed of themselves, but they are probably too busy counting their profits from their mask factories to do so.
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