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rak sa_ngop

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Posts posted by rak sa_ngop

  1. Had my aircons cleaned last week and now one of my units is now playing up., It switched itself off 2 times last night and I woke up and I had to restart it.


    It was off again this morning when I woke up so I left it off, but just as I was leaving my condo an hour later it started up again.


    Basically it is switching on and off by itself. When I say switch off I mean power completely switched off and remote switched off - blank as well.


    Any ideas you guys. The unit is a Saijo-Denki, but old.



  2. Sometimes the streaming is a bit on and off. Usually in the evening when everybody gets home?


    Best to not do too much FFW or RRW as this seems to cause a less continuous stream.


    I am watching it now Sunday morning with virtually no interruptions.

  3. If Emirates have booked you through with a short transit time in Dubai I suggest you do not dawdle in Duty Free etc. Some transfers require long escalator climbs and descents in addition to the a short trip on the connecting railway between terminals.


    If you are not at your departure gate 15 mins before departure your baggage will be offloaded pronto and you will have a problem.



  4. Try grinding then down yourself. You can buy small amounts of diamond powder in the jewellery supply shops near Charoenkrung and Silom roads. Buy several micron grades e.g 0-10 microns relatively coarse down to 0-2 microns which is fine enough to polish diamonds. One small tube will only cost about 100 baht.


    Not sure how you would do it but may suspend the powder in oil and rub around the lens with your finger?


    You will probably not affect the optical quality too much unless you rub for hours.


  5. TMB bank has a  "No Fixed Account" which pays a slightly higher rate with immediate no notice withdrawals. Not sure what the current rate is nowadays, maybe close to 2 pc?


    Only drawback is that when you need to make a copy of your bank book on the day of your extension, you have to go into a bank branch to deposit or withdraw a small amount to get the book updated. (so you cannot start queuing before 8.30 am). With Bangkok Bank you can get the update from one of their passbook update machines with no transaction needed.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Drinking beer is far healthier than drinking alcoholic spirits, especially homemade ones.


    Some countries have an enlightened attitude and wish to help their citizens by providing a healthy  alternative to alcoholic spirits in the form of cheap beer. e.g. Laos and some African countries. And don't forget that European civilizations have developed because of beer which was a safe form of drinking water. Polluted beer is unpalatable whereas polluted water can taste like water.


    But in Thailand you can buy cheap gut rot rice alcohol (sato) cheaper than beer. It's a very short sighted attitude.

  7. On 9/2/2017 at 8:34 AM, Meljames said:

    IME,  the supplements available in Thailand are over priced and of questionable quality. Iherb is a better option. 

    Excellent service from iHerb in the US. Usually get the package within about 2 weeks. Price is far cheaper than Thai or even UK prices, and the low postage cost to Thailand means that you can split up your order into multiple low price packages that will sail past the customs sharks. I have had 5 successful no duty to pay deliveries so far this year.


    Just seen that online purchasing is not an option for you. Maybe get a friend to buy for you?

  8. Coming from Silom road I like to catch the 504 (yellow ac) bus that runs on past Don Mueang airport to Rangsit. Get off at Laksi (IT Square) and walk about 40 mins to get to Immigration. The bus runs about every 30 mins but sometimes have to wait up to an hour.


    Nice day out for me if I leave about 6.30 am and the traffic is moving freely.


    Coming back I catch the (free) red 166 bus from outside Immigration. No need for ac on this bus as it travels at 100 km/hour along the elevated expressway.

  9. Booze seems to be the only thing (also maybe cigarettes) a bit cheaper DF than in the shops...a litre bottle for the price of a 3/4 litre in the shops. But perfumes etc are a more expensive. So the mark up must be HUGE as the Perfume Shop chain in the UK can sell many at half price and still pay UK high street rents and make a profit.

  10. On 8/10/2017 at 3:15 PM, QuantumMech said:

    Thanks for the link! It looks like บัณฑิต is the only remotely common word where the ฑ is pronounced as ด--at least I've never heard of any of those other words (I had heard บัณฑิต spoken, but I didn't know it was spelled that way).


    Another similar word is บัณเฑาะก์ which I assume is pronounced ban-do. This word is useful to know if you visit certain schools and need to use the toilets. I saw this on a BBC news feature about some Thai schools having to provide separate  บัณเฑาะก์   signed  toilets for certain male students to put on their make-up etc because the girls objected to them using their toilets.

  11. 10 hours ago, Scott said:

    I lived in two houses that had wallpaper throughout.   I assume it was installed when the houses were built.   It seems to have been installed well, but it had yellowed and aged and through normal activity it had tears in some areas that were expanding (I assume from moving furniture and starting a small nick).   I tried to carefully clean the walls, but a lot of stains would not come out and the end result was that the stains stood out more!



    My wall-papered condo is about 15 years old and the 'paper'  was starting to look shabby in the living room. So against all smart advice I painted the walls with a matt vinyl and am very pleased with the results. No blistering etc. as predicted by the experts. Cleaning the gecko shit trails is pretty effective. But when I was touching up some paper tears I realised that the 'paper' was in fact plastic backed, so this probably helped.

  12. 3 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Being at the equator does not make you weight more, it make you taller .

    You are stretched  as a result of gravity pulling you downward and the centrifugal force , (angular momentum) pulling you up. If you lay horizontally on your back it could also make certain parts of your body bigger, but regrettably thinner.   

    Newton got it wrong. There is no such thing as a gravitational force. It's all to do with the curvature of space-time.

  13. On 8/6/2017 at 11:03 AM, Sparkles said:

    Razor blade manufactures bring out new models every few months its simply marketing .Over the years we have gone from one blade to 2, then 3, then 5,  next year I guess there will be 6.


    I suspect that when people like Gillette bring out a new model they intentionally use a lower grade of steel for their existing models. So suddenly the 5 blade model gives a better shave than the 2 blade model, even though when the 2 blade model was introduced it gave a very good shave.


    But I do like the Gillette 5 blade model as each razor lasts me over a month. I buy them in the UK in the 25 pound promotion packs: 13 blades plus one handle.

  14. When UK Sterling plunged in value the rates from Superich were at variance to the official bank rates. This suggests to me that these non-bank linked exchange companies set their own rates depending on local supply and demand. i.e they buy paper currency and reprice to sell at a price that people are prepared to pay. In the case of Sterling because of the sharp price drop it was obvious that there was a strong demand to buy Sterling so it was priced accordingly (and not linked to international bank rates).


    So I think they only deal in paper money. What they buy they price to quickly sell. That is how they can offer such narrow spreads.





  15. 58 minutes ago, Daryle said:

    I generally travel with a Suit Jacket and Pants. I have never had an immigration question from an official or issue with entering or leaving. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Well that should certainly help convince them that you are just a tourist.


    A bit like speaking Thai to them. How many genuine tourists spend long enough in Thailand to learn to speak the language fluently enough to converse with immigration officials?


    But of course TIT so who knows!

  16. On 08/07/2017 at 5:13 PM, Crossy said:


    I was immunized by two incidents in Italy (Rome). First was the "wizened old biddy" who would have given Usain Bolt a run for his money when someone lifted her collection cup, the other was the younger Romany lady with two kids in tow "very poor, cannot buy food", the illusion was shattered when her mobile rang :smile:

    That was me ringing the phone that she stole from me while I was sitting in a coffee shop!


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