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Posts posted by izod10

  1. 25 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Let me explain basic maths to you. 

    So, for every vote Johnson loses, the opposition gains one, therefore if Johnson loses 10 supporters in reality his majority is cut by 20.

    So if he loses 30 votes, his majority is cut by 60. 

    And lets not forget, it is you who said the 30 are now opposition.



    No   he has support of 50 tory mps  those 50 are enough to carry the bill through parliament  duh

       the 30 who may have ,now will not   towing the line       bills passes easily.. Who stated the 30 mps would vote against the bill?  Did I state that?  abstain,..  but would not/dare not go against Boris 

    • Like 2
  2. 15 minutes ago, polpott said:

    Unfortunately leaving the EU has not had and will not have any effect on this issue. Shame so many people voted leave on an issue that the EU has no control over.

    would say denying access to financial means,denying access to accommodation,foodbanks even.  The new financial bill about to become law ,    Id say one step away from ID cards will cause the illegals to throw up and clear off

  3. 9 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    We get this all the time.

    Brexiteer English nationalists telling the Scots whats going on in Scotland while being completely uninformed. 

    We are gone guys. Get used to it.

    "Used to it"..we have prayed for it for longer than I can even remember

      The cries of "the South will rise again"  US  ..UK will echo here too,gone,begone with you all   quicker the better


  4. 10 hours ago, david555 said:


    Amy Jones, Political Correspondent

    11 September 2020 • 3:44pm


    Brexit latest news:

    Boris Johnson to address Tory MPs in attempt to head off growing backbench rebellion 
    The Prime Minister will urge backbenchers to support his controversial plans to override the Brexit divorce deal this evening, as MPs plan to rebel over controversial new legislation....

    He still has 50 seat majority  

    Ireland ,as Boris has stated are chock a block   of useful idiots   no more so than now

  5. 8 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    When your stamina recovers, you might want to check out UNCLOS - all your questions answered (and hopes dashed) there. 

    They are..Mr Rockall planted his flag on the rock,the English flag   another 200 miles lost in Atlantic,still you have Loch Ness , the laddies and the lassies can fondle in the heather..yet another crinkly ginger haired to take up the sporran   right up

  6. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

    Oh so many assumptions. Edinburgh is out of touch, but when the Shetlanders look to Johnson and Westminster they feel appreciated? Are you sure about that? 


    And 200 miles? So this applies to the channel Isles, IoW, IoM? No, I don't believe it does, but you keep up your faint hope and I will keep laughing as the nasty party continues to plummet in the polls and support for independence edges ever higher. 

    go for it   im voting with the scots too

  7. 8 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    I don't think I have seen any article that suggests that they have any favoured model, merely that they want to explore alternative modes of government. But a crown dependency makes no sense - as an enclave, the territorial rules of the sea are clear - they would have control over 12 miles from their shores - a mere blip in Scotland's waters. 

    Same as everybody else   200 miles    The cllrs have explored for a very long time,fact is they are awaiting the scots move,Boris knows this and is prepared but not publishing,he wants shut too.  The Shetland islanders need shutting up,they may just influence a scot vote,hopefully not    Scotlands waters end where Shetlands begin

    • Sad 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, RayC said:

    I don't for one minute think that it will come to this, but if the EU and UK were to enact an embargo on each other's products there would be only one 'winner'.


    No doubt the RoI would suffer greatly and the rest of the EU member states would take 'hits', but this would pale into insignificance against the hurt which would be suffered by the UK. For example, 30% of the food consumed in the UK originates in the EU, an amount which is far too large to replace overnight. This might mean a return to the good old days of food rationing!   (Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/food-statistics-pocketbook-2017/food-statistics-in-your-pocket-2017-global-and-uk-supply)

    Nah! this is Irish talk,  food already being stockpiled,     1000 tonnes of Idaho spuds already earmarked


    Eire will suffer mightily,the EU know it,cost them a fortune,but thanks to that the EU will cave in

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

    You raise a very good point. If the EU, as has been mooted I believe, were to start blockading, punitive tariffs or otherwise preventing trade with the UK, then we could hardly be expected to allow free and unfettered passage of goods through the Uk to the Republic of Ireland. I know that there are ferry routes from Ireland to Europe, but i am sure that the vast majority of traffic between continental Europe and the Republic of Ireland comes via the UK "land bridge".

    St Malo  France is the default capital of Eire,as from Jan 1

  10. 32 minutes ago, twocatsmac said:

    Hot Dang!

    So Cheap Charlie’s is now the high end fine dining experience in Pattaya.


    Nah!  around that quarter Id say Robin Hood for Friday fish  249  huge amount,and pint of draught tiger 99 baht  ugh!

  11. Nothing quick off the mark from the independence supporters,no summary,no quick answers,nothing.  Please do not let the Shetland affairs influence your drive for full independence from the hated English,        it is your duty to your past forefathers..remember Bannockburn,Culloden  Preston Pan or whatever the hell it was called    The rallying call  FREE SCOTLAND   lol

    • Haha 2
  12. 1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

    You see this is what happens when you only read the headlines of the unionist press.

    Orkney and the Shetlands are not looking for independence from Scotland.

    What they are asking for is more power to their local government.

    I think after independence this would be a good thing. 

    We should not have centralised rule based on the UK model. 

    Not quite,been muted for years, scots go Orkney/Shetland do not   SNP not in power there,not by long chalk    18 to 2 is one hell of a majority   they too want shut of scotland

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