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Posts posted by james12345thailand

  1. Okay as I have been out of the country since I last filed my extension I will go to immigration, file my TM30, cancel my my extension and show a letter from my school and then I apply for a tourist visa extension to get my 7 day final extension correct?  Is that the correct order to do it?

    I have also just returned from my home country with a new passport will this cause complications? as my TM30 and old visas/extensions are all in my old passport not new one I returned to Thailand on. Thanks

  2. Okay thank you that is good to know. Can I apply for the 7 day final extension at any immigration office or does it have to be Chiang Mai as that is where my extension is filed at? 
    Do I need my TM30 to get the 7 day extension and when do I have to apply for the 7 day extra visa? Can I do that while my ED extension has a few days left to run or does it have to be on the last day of my extension valididity?

    Appreciate all your help!

  3. Hi there


    Im currently studying Thai at Chiang Mai but will be leaving Thailand in a few weeks. Can I just walk into the immigration and cancel my ED visa extension before I leave Thailand or do I need some paperwork from the school to do so? 

    After I cancel, the date of my validity to stay in Thailand changes or stays the same? ie if I cancel 2 weeks before im due to leave/the end of my extension, will the date be the same after I cancel or do I have to leave within 24 hours of cancelling the extension?



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