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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. But you must have some visa, surely? Just a stamp in your passport? Are you a special friend of Thaksin :o? Seriously, ... tell me more!

    Not sure what it is to be honest as it doesn't say non-immigration O or B etc. It's just a stamp in the passport. Nothing special as pretty much all my married friends have the same thing. Where are you based? If in Phuket, PM me and I can put you in touch with the person that takes care of all my visa stuff.

    12 month extension based on marriage.

    Thanks for that. I never knew what it was called. Maybe Exall's best bet would be to contact Sunbelt Asia. I'm sure they would be able to explain better than I could.

    No need...there are any number of threads here on Thai Visa that explain in detail how to do this particular extension. I did mine a few months ago with a bit of help from some posters here.

    Surely someone who is bright enough to earn a PhD can do this one his own.

  2. I DID get the 'O' visa when we first came here. The first year I renewed it in London because we happened to be visiting there at the right time. The second year I renewed it in S'pore, no problem. But this year S'pore has decided that it doesn't want to bother with multiple entry 'O' visas - neither does Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. As for the bank account, we went to the local BKK bank. It was very clear - you are not allowed to open a bank account on an 'O' visa (apparently it's all to do with money laundering which, of course, is only conducted by foreigners on 'O' visas; never Thais). My wife said "no problem", I know someone who works in the HQ of BKK bank". So we asked her, but she said "no way".

    No no no...what is being suggested is *not* that you "renew your visa" (get a new visa) every year, but that you apply for an extension of visa based on marriage to a Thai national at Immigration inside Thailand.

    There are any number of threads on this topic right here at Thai Visa.

  3. OK, I'm one of those riff-raff that they want to get rid of.

    I married a Thai lady 18+ years ago. By virtue of that marriage, she was immediately entitled to live in my home country permanently, and work there; own property, vote, etc. Three years ago we decided to move to Thailand because all of my work was in SE Asia, and it was impractical to keep travelling half way around the world. I was entitled to get an 'O' visa for one year, I am not allowed to work in Thailand and I am not allowed to have a bank account, let alone own property. I have to leave the country to renew my visa every year. The problem is that Thai consulates in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Singapore will not issue mutliple entry 'O' visas. Kuala Lumpur might issue the mutliple entry 'O' visa, but I have to take the risk to go there and hope to meet a sympathetic consular employee.

    OK, I have a PhD and earn $150k-$200k per year, but to Thailand I am riff-raff. So what am I supposed to do? I have three choices: 1. Take a risk on Malaysia; 2. Spend ThB80,000+ to go back to my home country every year to apply for a new visa (not counting the cost of accomodation while on the trip); or 3. Leave my wife and two children, who are all Thai citizens, and go live somewhere else.

    You make enough money to easily qualify for an extension of visa based on marriage to a Thai national...why have you not done that?

  4. If someone is coming here expecting to live a "Western lifestyle" at 3rd world prices, they are going to be disappointed. Same for those who think they can stay here (or anywhere for that matter) long-term and live every day as if they are on vacation.

    If you want to live in the same manner as in the West, why come here?

    Most Thais do just fine without A/C...why does the farang living here need it? My house does have A/C in one bedroom...it has been used exactly two nights this year, when my mother visited from USA. Even she did not want it after a couple of days. Even in USA, I only use A/C because the combination of climate (Omaha, NE...very humid in summer) and housing construction (wood frame/sheetrock/carpet everywhere) demands it in order to keep everything inside from being constantly damp.

    Most Thais do just fine without all of the processed and ready-made crap food that we think we need in the West...why would the farang live here and eat the same garbage? With all of the fresh food available in the markets, who needs a big grocery store?

    Perfectly serviceable electronics are available at decent prices...and how many televisions and stereos does one need?

    Serviceable clothing is readily available and not expensive.

    My biggest gripe has been the non-availability of decent hand tools, specifically wrenches....so I brought those from USA.

    I am not suggesting that everyone live in a wood shack out in the rice paddies...but a bit of compromise and learning to live with a bit less can lead to a more than adequate existence here.

  5. It seems to me that it would be no more appropriate to "out" a homosexual than it would be to go around talking about a heterosexual's activities.

    I agree 100%.

    Since, when someone asks me, in the case of a heterosexual, "Who is Adam going out with?", I have no qualms in replying "Eve"

    Therefore, when someone asks me, in the case of a homosexual, "Who is Adam going out with", I have no qualms in replying "Steve"

    If we lived in an idyllic world where people were not judgmental about others' biological wiring/lifestyle choices (depending upon which "theory" you subscribe to re: homosexuality), that would be the right answer. However, until our society reaches that point, the two situations that you described are not equivalent. In the first situation, your answer is likely to cause neither party a problem. In the second, depending upon circumstances, you might be creating problems for both.

    I someone has chosen to stay "in the closet", who are you or I to disregard that? They have taken the decision to keep their relationship private for a reason and we should respect that.

    Let's say that you have a heterosexual friend who has just started dating someone. He, for whatever reason, has asked you to keep that information to yourself. Now, if someone asks you, "Who is Adam going out with?" what is your response?

  6. The comment on upgrade from SPK to Nor Sor Sam is correct as per my gf's info. This is one reason Thaksin was so popular with the rural people because he was fast tracking this policy. Unfortunately my family's land in Ma Mien Tai (South Ma Mien) didn't get the upgrades but those in the next village Ma Mien Nua (North Ma Mien) did before he was tossed out. Apparently the upgrade from NS3 to Chanoot is a formality that can be easily done at the land office.

    My wife has some land that is in process NS3 -> Chanote now. As far as I can tell it involves going around to a few different offices several times. Then wait a while. I get the idea that it is not difficult, just let the gears of bureaucracy grind away for a while.

  7. It would seem to indicate that in the case of an alien who has legally married a Thai woman, and can show 400,000 Bhat in a correctly seasoned bank account, they will be granted a permission to stay of one full year, without the necessity to do any sort of border run every 90 days, which I believe used to be part of the marriage visa deal... Am I right, or have I misread it ?


    You are correct

    Is this referring to Extension of Stay? There never was a "Marriage Visa".

    Extension of stay based on Marriage.

    Interesting...so if you have the correctly seasoned bank account, no 90-day report?

  8. It would seem to indicate that in the case of an alien who has legally married a Thai woman, and can show 400,000 Bhat in a correctly seasoned bank account, they will be granted a permission to stay of one full year, without the necessity to do any sort of border run every 90 days, which I believe used to be part of the marriage visa deal... Am I right, or have I misread it ?


    You are correct

    Is this referring to Extension of Stay? There never was a "Marriage Visa".

  9. Still, the Thais that I meet are as kind as they ever were, more so than the folks back home in the country and state that once meant "Friend" :D

    PB, they are only so kind to you because you are THE MAN! I took this opportunity to post ur pic below, i hope you don't mind I just want others to see you in the flesh :D


    Is that The Don?

  10. ... PAD could have easily targeted other essential places to stage the protest.

    Perhaps...but shutting down the airports got them a level of worldwide news coverage which otherwise would have only been obtained by blowing up things and/or killing people.

    What else can this be but a f-u to those that come here from abroad?

    See above...

  11. tourism trade is down so the government needs a way to keep the money rolling in.

    getting all those monthly visa runners to do it every 15 days is clearly inpractical for the visa-run people.

    so, making them fly to a foreign thai embassy will mean you have to get a 1000 baht 60 day tourist visa. (thus bringing in a bit more cash from the people that are already here).

    so, now everyone is best off doing the 3 month visa runs with the 60 day tourist visa and 1 month extension at bangkok immigration office.

    this is a really anoying rule for people that dont work in thailand who have their own money. (but of course, if they have their own money, then a holiday every 3 months isnt such a bad thing!!)

    i can see this crippling many english teachers who cant afford the flights.

    i guess for them, the best way is to take the bus out of thailand and fly back!!

    English teachers are supposed to be on W.P. So the ones that are here legitimately...again, no problem.

  12. I don't understand the "fixed cost" that doesn't depend on the number of parts. How about a fixed cost of designing and testing a part that is spread over a million vs a hundred of pieces?

    We are talking about the same thing, from different directions. For example, that large building that contains the assembly line...it costs x to build, and you must have it, even if you are building one truck per day. And the cost of that building is going to figure into the P&L sheet as x/vehicle produced.

    Same for the capital investments and R&D needed to produce parts. The cost of developing that first part will be spread over however many parts are produced over the production life of that part.

    So, as we both have stated, fewer parts = higher cost/part.

  13. I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

    Really? :o Then tell me how a 37 year old who's been here for 12 years with enough money to live on, most cash is in in a thai bank can get the right visa, not married, no intention of doing so either and no business???

    Please elaborate.

    If the visa rules of Thailand do not allow a long-stay visa for that set of circumstances, then that person cannot get a long-stay visa..end of story.

  14. Ok so the on thing i don't get yet is. If you are on a Non immigrant visa, or a proper tourist visa obtained from a Thai embassy abroad, are u still only entitled to a 15 day stamp when doing your 90 day border run? or is the fact that you have a proper visa mean you are still entitled to a 90 day pass when doing overland border stamps? Will non immigrant and multi entry tourist visa holders now have to fly for every visa stamp ?

    is the 15 day stamp only relevent to Visa on arrival?

    Anyone know this yet?

    Not "visa on arrival"...visa exempt stamp is what has changed from 30 to 15 days

  15. A family member of the person who I have been observing has consistently and regularly shown signs of even more deceitful and dishonest behavior and yet doesn't seem to have

    any guilty conscience or concerns that this conflicts with religious values. Yes indeed while this person spends a lot of money ( by Thai salary standards )

    and time merit making in temples once they leave the temple it's as if they leave that behind and they feel free to disregard all reasonable moral and religious constraints.

    This seems incredibly hypocritical to me and surely is just as you say ONLY subscribing to the Buddhist religion. I wonder how prevalent this is amongst Buddhist Thai people?

    It seems to me that often the Thai people who are the most keen on merit making are the worst in terms of morality, it's like they feel they can do all the wrong they want and then buy their way back into heaven.

    A similar observation can be made in the West, where plenty of people seem to think that as long as they attend worship service on Sunday, they are guaranteed admission to Heaven, regardless of how they act the rest of the week.

    edit: fixx speling

  16. I have lived in Thailand since April 1987, and I have never really inderstood why people can't get the correc t visa to suit their stay.

    On occassions when I am working on in country projects my company gets me a WP and when, like now I am working on overseas projects I simple come back every 8 weeks or so on a 30 day exempt visa.

    Surely it is not so difficult to get the correct visa, for example if you intend to stay one year then you can get a visa to suit. Why do people have to do "Visa Runs"?

    You just don't get it stander do you.

    By his/her own admission, Stander does not get it.

    How about you enlighten us on why people should be able to stay in Thailand, or any other country, without obtaining the proper visa for their purpose of stay?

  17. There's absolutely no way there will be any V gasoline engine in a Thai pickup. Forget about it.

    One thing about Ford - they sell so few of them that there might be an issue with the production process. Can they keep the standards high on the assembly line that builds three trucks a day instead of a thousand it was designed for. And what about components - without mass production they are bound to be either more expensive or of lower quality.

    Bottom line - the more trucks we have the better. Please someone buy a Ford for a change.

    Seems to me that a production line running slower would result in a better build quality, and allow for more QA/QC time on each completed vehicle.

    Unless the line is running so slow that Somchai is falling asleep on the job. :o

    We are in agreement on the component cost...there is a fixed-cost component that will be constant whether one unit is being produced or 50.

    For Ford, or GM for that matter, to capture a meaningful share of the market, they need to build a top-quality product at a decent price...then somehow convince Somchai that it is as good as a Toyota. It is a tough thing to do, but is certainly possible. Even 4 years ago, almost every motorbike you saw was a Honda. Now you see plenty of Yamaha and Suzuki as well.

  18. Loei province gets quite cold November through January. The worst problem is the windshield steaming up. Keeping a towel handy to wipe the windshield is a bummer especially at night.
    turn on the aircon on low on your windshield it will dry it up in a matter of seconds :o

    Yes...but in Loei, or even in Korat for that matter, this time of year, running the AC will result in the passenger compartment very quickly resembling a walk-in freezer.

    That is certainly the case with my Hilux anyway.

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