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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. What if you wear a red + yellow combination??

    will you only recieve a half hearted beating or will you be able to stand untouched in the middle of a scuffle???

    Two scenarios that I see:

    1) The two colors' magic combines, forming a force field around the wearer...untouchable

    2) The two colors' magic cancel each other out...the wearer absolutely gets the shit kicked out of them by both mobs

  2. US could stop paying the chinese, seize their assets - yanks have pretty much all they need resource wise.

    Exactly so...China really supplies nothing that USA cannot source somewhere else, either externally or internally. Granted, there would certainly be some lag time as USA brought manufacturing capacity back online...but we could live without cheap plastic toys and shitty hand tools for a while.

  3. I would think the 2 passport/alternating 30-day stamps approach *might* fall within the letter of the law...it probably is not within the spirit of the law.

    It would be interesting to see that particular part of the Immigration code that prohibits the 2 passport scenario, if indeed it is codified...but I am not going to search for it, as the situation does not apply to me and I hate reading legalese.

    I would not be prepared to classify this approach as illegal, unless I could offer solid evidence.

    The visa exempt entry is tied to the person (passport holder) and his nationality, not to his passport. The passport may be different, but the passport holder would be the same person.

    Fair enough, I agree that is the spirit of the law....but is this codified somewhere? Can you post the text of the pertinent regulation?

    I would think as a practical matter this would be difficult to police.

    If it is as you stated, it is tied to the passport holder + his nationality. So in the OP's case we have dmcrory, American citizen and dmcrory, Canadian citizen. Using your explanation above, we are dealing with two different entities.

    If you are referring to having two passports from the same country, then we are closer to being in agreement. But even then, we are dealing with two different passport numbers...we are back to that practical matter of policing it.

  4. It worked for me.

    I was stopped at a toll booth two weeks ago - the guy obviously saw my farang arm stretching out to pay my toll booth. He pulled me across and started making up some bogus offence I was guilty of and suggested the fine was 500 baht.

    I got out of the car, took out my phone and took a picture of him, his badge number and that of his partner. He seemed so taken aback that he did nothing when I got back into the car and drove off, the 500 baht note still safely in my wallet.

    There aint any way I'm going to be intimidated by those idiots.

    Your methodology can quite often be effective. I was referring to the "don't stop" approach suggested previously.

  5. if you interested my dog just had babies.. they are half german shepard. I think it's 1 month before they can be taken away from their mother.. 4 of them to get rid of

    Typically 8-10 weeks is good for separation from the mother. Dogs vary, but usually around 6 weeks or so the mother will start nursing them less. If they can stay with the mom a bit longer she will teach them a bit more.

    Purebreds vs. Puremutts? Having had both around, I like the mixed breeds better myself. Probably hands-down the best dog I ever had was a St Bernard/German Shepherd Dog cross. She was around 90 lbs when fully grown, very friendly and calm, but also very protective. She was extremely trainable, and would work with voice or hand signals equally well.

    The part about adult dogs being untrainable and set in their ways is mostly not true. Again, individuals vary, but most dogs can adapt to new situations and learn readily. We have a dog here that my wife had before we met. I suppose he was about 4 years old when I started spending a lot of time around him. Granted, he seems smarter than the average dog, and I seem to enjoy success training dogs also, but he listens to be very well, he is learning hand signals and English even.

    Look at it this way...if you select a soi dog that is in good shape and is 2-3 years old, by the process of natural selection your odds of getting a good one have increased exponentially. The stupid ones die young.

  6. I would guess that the reason is that the authorities would like to end this embarassing debacle amicably and peacefully.

    Rather than some methods advocated by members of this forum that run right through the gamut up to and including a full on NBC assault. Funny how some people can cheerfully suggest such methods be deployed against civilians and in the next breath slag off the USA for breaches in human rights.

    saam naam naah

  7. Exactly....try to give the environment a little break...more chemiclas into the drains to empty into the sea...specially when a hard scrub with hot water will do the same job.......ahhh bugger it, not like the klongs are a pristine environment to protect, go for it and double up on the bleach.

    I am thinking a shot of haiter might help the khlongs

  8. A few years ago, my (now ex-) wife was thinking about buying our son (then 9 years old) on of those "kid" phones (I forget the marketing name)...no keypad, just programmable buttons for "home", "emergency" and a couple of others.

    I told her that was silly to buy a "crippled" phone...just buy a regular phone and set up the incoming and outgoing restrictions, so he can only call to and receive from the numbers you specify.

    As far as children in school taking calls in class, that is a school issue. In most if not all USA schools, cell phones/pagers/PDAs must be off during classes.

    There are legitimate arguments for and against children having cell phones...bottom line, you as the parent get to decide, not the children.

  9. I was in department store in the morning late yesterday. A tall and big guy was rudely pushing his trolley in the supermarket, annoying some other customers. We have been at the cashier in the same time. He was throwing noisily big boxes of beer in his trolley, moaning against the small cashier who can’t carry easily the big packs of beer….

    Ten minutes later, a car hooted me aggressively, wanting to use the wrong lane for passing a few cars at red light… The driver had his big red stupid face at the window… Yes, he was the same guy.

    A farang in my estate has bought several houses for renting out and his customers are European people in holiday. Because they are in holiday, they imagine they are alone on earth and shout, drink all the night. They definitively ignore other people living there.

    Of course, my farang doesn’t care. Money first.

    For lunch, I was in the cafeteria of a dept store. A furious farang was howling against the waitress: "why are you working here if you can't speak English...?"

    The guy had a terrific problem. He wanted ONLY half a glass of ice, and she had put a bit more.

    I'm farang living in Thailand and often, I'm not proud of us.

    Recently there was a thread somewhere on Thai Visa about "why do expats ignore other expats?"

    I think this answers the question quite tidily.

  10. Unfortunately - Oz/China and most of the world is involved with subprime mortgage mess - hate to tell you this, but yes they are in the shi*e too.

    Correct...the base issue is that the subprime mortgages have been used in so many "follow on" transactions, as securities or as "cash", it has really spread throughout the worldwide financial system. The contraction that we are seeing now is the flushing of that "funny money" from the system.

  11. Quality electronics are not cheaper here...same cost or more expensive than USA. What is different than some places is the availability of cheap electronics...they run the entire range from "perfectly serviceable" to "absolute trash".

    Caveat emptor.

  12. I would not expect any "credit" or "refund" on the "90 days per six months" deal. Just unraveling the credit for overstays is going to be a headache for Immigration.

    I suspect that Immigration will end up taking the easy approach and say that perhaps for the next week after flights start leaving, overstays will be ignored for anyone outbound.

    It might be a good time for those people with the massive overstays to "clear the books", so to speak.

  13. I would think the 2 passport/alternating 30-day stamps approach *might* fall within the letter of the law...it probably is not within the spirit of the law.

    It would be interesting to see that particular part of the Immigration code that prohibits the 2 passport scenario, if indeed it is codified...but I am not going to search for it, as the situation does not apply to me and I hate reading legalese.

    I would not be prepared to classify this approach as illegal, unless I could offer solid evidence.

  14. "Thailand *may* be headed for a coup"? We need a think tank to tell us this?

    They could say the same about any country and it would be accurate.

    This reminds me of listening to CNN as Desert Shield was transitioning to Desert Storm. One of the talking heads asked Wolf Blitzer (at the Pentagon), "Is there any doubt in anyone's mind there that we might be headed to war?"

    hel_l, if it is that easy I will start my think tank next week.

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