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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. It has been 4 months (by date, since 11 April), or 17 weeks, 4 days (counting days) since I had alcohol.

    When I stopped, I did not tell myself or anyone else that it was for a week, a month, a year, or forever. I just told myself it was time to take a break, after dodging a bullet the size of a Mack truck, and being a moderate to heavy drinker for 30 years.

    I do not find myself thinking about alcohol much. I can be around people who are drinking with no problem. My wife has a drink now and then, there is alcohol in the house. It does not bother me.

    Could I take a drink now and not have a problem? I honestly do not know...perhaps.

    But I like being able to tell myself that 1 have been "without" for however long...I do not want to reset the counter back to zero.

    I ginned up a quick-n-dirty Excel sheet that looks like so:

    Today's Date

    Tuesday 12 August 2008............(from system clock)

    Start Date

    Friday 11 April 2008...................hardcoded

    Time Elapsed

    123 days...................................formula calculates the difference between the dates

    17 weeks 4 days.......................same as above, but breaks out the number of weeks

    When my computer is running, this sheet is open.

    Is this a gimmick? Maybe so, but it works for me.

    I am sure that a person could find any number of Windows apps that would show something like this on the desktop.

    I am not one for meetings, but I am not going to belittle anyone else...hey, whatever works for *you*. After all, nobody can fix this for us, it is up to each individual. Yes, others can help, but ultimately we have to do it for ourselves.

    Good luck...that is about the most inspiration that I can muster.

    Edit: my start dates did not match...11 April is the last drink date

  2. I think that's pretty common. Need to be cautious whenever someone blocks your path, esp around escalators.

    Yes...it seems rude, and perhaps it is, but the best thing is just to bulldoze on through. After all, if it is a legit problem, it is not going to be helped by more people stacking up at the bottom or top of the escalator...those bodies have to go somewhere.

  3. "Time share", if it is legit, is *not* a "scam".

    Questionable value? Stupid "investment"? In my opinion, yes.

    My father and step-mother bought one in USA several years ago, in Branson MO. After Pops died, my step-mother offered it to me at no cost.

    I politely declined.

  4. >"...Users of these each brand have had the ability to seamlessly cross over networks due to a service agreement between both brands"

    Funny...my Hutch AirCard works in Bangkok and Chanthaburi. It does not work in the South, it does not work in Korat, it does not work in Loei, it does not work in Chiang Mai, it does not work in Surin.

    Seamless my ass....

    At one point, it *did* work in Loei and Korat. Later, when it stopped working in those places and I asked Hutch about it, I was told that it never worked in those places and politely called a liar.

  5. Sometimes it is necessary to carry large amounts of cash. Judges, politicians and BIB don't like to take checks or master card.

    Large amounts of cash, yes...but 9 million baht????

    I have carried large amounts of cash here, but nothing like that. And I certainly was not leaving it in a taxi.

    I smell an urban legend here.

  6. AIS has the same procedure!


    Confirmed....my wife did this same thing about a year ago. We went to the AIS Customer Service Center in Shin II Tower, they sent us across the road to the Police Station, about 10 minutes to do a lost/stolen phone report, back to AIS with a piece of paper, give them some bahts and back comes a new SIM with the old number provisioned.

  7. I reckon the reenactments are to case the joint for futher refernce, or to pick up items missed the first time the BIB was at the scene.

    ...while the BIB and attendant news media people are tromping around in the crime scene, destroying whatever evidence the BIB no doubt missed the first time.

  8. Pubs. Pubs with Guinness. Pubs without bargirls and the dross that goes with them. Pubs. Pubs where you could have the craic. Pubs. Pubs with live music played by people under fifty. Pubs with comfy chairs and barstools and not hastily slung up bamboo shacks with a tinny music system blaring out boom boom boom I want you in my room. Pubs. Pubs. PUBS.

    Not hearing a song sang..... "Rike a Lock". :o


    And hearing songs sung with the verses in the proper order, with the right lines in each verse, rather then just mish-mashed together.

  9. When dealing with a governmental agency, being able to go to one person (or one internet site) and getting a definitive answer as to the proper procedures and documentation needed.

    You're obviously not a Brit then.

    You have me there...proudly American :o

    Our government runs on paper, just like any other. But you generally can find out what you need to do, even when it involves myriad forms.

  10. OP> The cleaning was excellent

    Ok, you are happy with the cleaning, one vote "for"

    OP> Is this a reasonable fee?

    Reasonable is subjective

    OP> One price for all dental cleanings seems unfair.

    Life is unfair...get used to it.

    OP> I like the dentist at the hospital...

    Ok, there is another vote "for"

    OP> ...and I am wary of the sanitation at the smaller dental clinics.

    Another vote "for"

    So there are three votes "for", no votes "against", except for you maybe thinking that you paid more than someone paid somewhere else.

    Convert that 1350 THB to your home currency, then compare the price here to the price "there".

    Bottom line, are you happy with what you paid for? You do not need someone else to tell you that.

    FWIW, up in the village, I take my wife, her daughter (6 years), and myself to the local clinic for regular cleanings. 750 THB for the three of us.

  11. These people may have certainly been touts, or maybe even the dreaded time-share touts, but being a tout does not make it a *scam*.

    It very well could be a scam.

  12. yep...it is nice to be able to pull into a shop with a flat tire, they fix it right away, and you are out the door for 200 baht.

    That is quite funny, 200 Baht to fix a flat tire.

    My bad, I was not clear...that was a tire replacement

  13. When dealing with a governmental agency, being able to go to one person (or one internet site) and getting a definitive answer as to the proper procedures and documentation needed.

    It seems to me that this site is quiet good for advice, isn't it?

    It certainly is....but this site is not a government entity. This site exists in large part due to complete, concise, consistent information not being available from the official source.

  14. yep...it is nice to be able to pull into a shop with a flat tire, they fix it right away, and you are out the door for 200 baht.

    I usually go find a couple of bottles of beer for the shop while I am waiting.

  15. I use Windows Live Mail

    I am guessing you have a free Hotmail account.

    If this is the case you cannot use Thunderbird as Hotmail does not support POP 3.

    Try using G MAIL it is much better and has POP3.

    I have it working with free Hotmail, I used the settings/procedure in the aforementioned link.

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