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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. Do you suppose that it is just coincidence that my TT&T ADSL, which has been rock-solid since my service was activated, has been a POS since yesterday (23 August) morning? This with no changes whatsoever to my home network.

    The line stays up anywhere from 1 minute to 15 minutes, looking at the modem/router I can see that the address given the modem via DHCP is bouncing all over the place...sometimes is in the 117.nnn.nnn.nnn network, sometimes in 114.nnn.nnn.nnn network, sometimes in 222.nnn.nnn.nnn network. And when the line is up it is slow.

    It seemed to get a bit better after midnight last night, it had been up for over an hour when I went to sleep.

    This morning it was bouncing again, not as frequently though.

    As of this post, the line has been up on the same IP address for 1 hour, 35 minutes.

    Shit, spoke too soon...it just dropped again.

    Somying at TT&T tells me it must be a problem at my end, because they already "fix something" at their end...and they will send someone around in 2-3 days.

  2. Seems to me that many of these volunteers come from the same demographic as "professional" protesters...trust fund babies.

    Spoiled rich kids who have never worked a day in their life, and sit up on their high horse because they are "doing something for the world". Unlike the rest of us unenlightened peons who just work for a living.

    How does one get that job as "professional protester"? And how can these people afford to not have a job?

  3. Putting the trust issue aside, I think the OP has a great solution to what is likely a common problem. That being, how can you keep your girlfriend/wife in spending money while you need to be away.

    For the purposes of discussion, take the following scenario:

    Farang husband needs to go outside Thailand working for one month. He calculates out how much money the wife will need for the month, for such things as pay the rent, pay the light and water bill, a reasonable amount for food each day, a bit extra for some holiday, a little shopping money, etc. He gives the wife that amount of money before departing for his out-of-country trip.

    The Thai wife will:

    a) Use the money as needed, paying the bills when due holding on to the extra

    :o Go shopping the next day, holiday with a few of her friends that evening, the next time the husband calls she will ask for more money.

    Any guesses as to what the answer will be, most often?

    I have done a similar thing with an ATM card on my USA bank. I opened a savings account with an ATM card that has access *only* to that account...the wife has that card. My ATM card can access all of my accounts.

    I just go online and move money into the "wife" account as needed. It only took one time of her sitting for a few days with 200 THB available to learn that it does not hurt for money to stay in the bank.

  4. I got married a few weeks ago in Phuket.

    You need a affimation of freedom to marry from your embassy which has a line about income, translated into Thai and legalised.

    If you have been married before you also need you devorce papers. Don't know if they need translated as i was never married.

    You then go to the amphoer office with a legal representative, Passport and 2 copies, girlfriends ID card and 2 copies.

    You are asked a few questions, ie where you met, how long you been together etc.

    Issued with 2 certificates, costs 100 baht and had to donate 200 baht to myanmar charity.

    Legal representative cost about 2000 baht.

    If you get married away from your girlfriends home then she has to return there to change her ID details.

    We had to travel to Lom Sak so my wife could change her ID card.

    Reference the surname, your girlfriend can either have your family name or keep her's but you have to decide at the amphoer as they put it in the paperwork you receive with the marriage certificate.

    This is about the same as my experience at Bangrak.

    I did have my divorce decree, not translated, nobody asked for it. My understanding is that is for the embassy (USA in my case) to support the Affidavit to Marry.

    The gal at Bangrak asked a few questions...one was "How many times have you been to Thailand?" She counted up my entry stamps in my passport...26 at that time.

    We used a translation/visa place on Wittayu Road, just off of Ploenchit. They did the necessary translations and the legwork out to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chang Wattana.

    As far as your wife's surname...up to you. My wife chose to take my name. Nine months after we "made the paper", she is still working on getting her name changed on various and sundry. Some things are fairly easy (ID and passport), some are impossible (water bill).

  5. I know these guys come from a rough upbringing, and I am certainly not going around antagonizing them...that is the OP's job.

    I just think a bit of realism needs to be included with some of the fantastic stories we have all heard.

    It is pretty simple really...if you are going to go around getting yourself into shit, you surely had better be able to get yourself out.

  6. I saw the Nokia 3110 Classic for sale in Tesco-Lotus for a pretty low price....< 3000 THB I believe

    I just had a look at the tescolotus site, are you sure about that price?

    Web site says 3600.

    cheers :o

    To be honest, I cannot swear by that price. I was not really paying all that much attention, I just noticed the table stacked with the boxed phones. I probably would not have even noticed it, but my wife was wondering about that "speaker" was tied to the outside and how it works with the phone...that led to a discussion on theft prevention and the various transmitting devices that stores use...like that "speaker" strapped to the phone boxes.

  7. Where did so many people come up with the idea that every Thai man, especially those driving taxis or tuk tuks, or doing motorcycle taxi service, are such tough guys? They are just people.

    Yes there is the commonly-held belief that if you have reason to fight with a Thai man you will have to fight all of his friends as well...for the most part, that is bullshit also. Several Thai men stood by and did nothing when I thumped on one of their friends (bigger than me, BTW)...that was after they stood by and did nothing when he started beating on his wife. YMMV.

    And do you honestly think that every taxi driver, tuk tuk driver, or motorcycle taxi rider is so well-connected that they are willing to simply kill anyone who crosses them? Get real.

  8. Don't use ice cubes in your cocktails.

    Might I suggest that if the alcohol isn't killing the germs, then there isn't enough alcohol in the drink?

    As the saying goes, if there is a worm at the bottle of the Tequila bottle and it is dead, then drink Tequila and you won't have worms!

    In the interest of accuracy, there is no worm at the bottom of the Tequila bottle...there is a worm at the bottom of the Mezcal bottle.

    Mezcal is derived from the agave cactus...Tequila is derived from Mezcal.

    Mezcal bad, tequila good.

  9. There is also a "driving license office" on the 224 between Korat and Chok Chai. My wife renewed her licenses there after changing her last name to mine. It seemed to go pretty well, not too much runaround.

    I have not renewed my licenses yet, even though they have expired...I will tackle that after my extension of stay meeting next week. Hopefully I will have a successful update to this thread after the first of September.

  10. A truly horrifying story with a happy ending.

    I am not sure what "coming to terms" means. But I can say that "could have, would have, should have" gets you nowhere. You were in the wrong place at the wrong times, and unfortunately the innocent sometimes are harmed.

    You could have lost your daughter, or she could have been seriously injured. Instead you have your daughter intact with a relatively minor injury. Thank <deity> and put it behind you.

    You, your wife, and your daughter are truly blessed.

    Updates as events warrant, please.

  11. Bathing a cat is not so hard really...but if you are not willing to take a scratch or two, or possibly even a bite, then do not even try.

    It does help to get them accustomed to it when young. They still do not like it, but will tolerate it a bit better.

    They really do not need much bathing, as they will clean themselves pretty well if they are healthy and happy. It is a good way to "jump-start" a cat that is being lazy about grooming, though.

    I have never heard the theory that "the saliva is what you are allergic to"...that is interesting.

  12. "Sawasdee" instead of "Hello"

    actually it would be an improvement if they said anything but "teenai" after calling.... :D

    Certainly...but the rule is, when a Thai calls another, then they have to go through the saga of where are they, what are they doing, did they eat, what will they eat...before they can get down to what the call is about

    When my wife gets one of these calls, I just shake my head and comment, "Nosy" :o

  13. Please excuse me if this offends, but I think the OP was entirely justified in his actions, and the reason being is that relationship are two-way streets. From my reading of the OP, the OPs b/f was not taking into consideration the OP:
    This happened this afternoon and it's not the first time it's happened. Was working the last couple of days and just back from flight. I agreed to come directly from the airport to Paragon to meet the boyfriend for late lunch and see the new Bangkok Modern Art Museum. (Yes, I know there is only one exhibit at the moment) As I had a morning flight from Hong Kong I had eaten little and did not eat the crew meal on the aircraft, (no loss there!) as i knew I would be having lunch.
    The OP comes back from a hard time at work and, without going home to relax, goes to meet the b/f. Unfortunately, the b/f has already eaten. The OP needs to eat and
    Fine I though I will get something quick to eat and head over to the museum. As we were passing one of the bakeries I pointed at some sandwiches and said...how about that? He said again, no I'm not hungry. We passed the super market and I said do you want anything from here? No, he said I don't want anything.
    From the origioal "I already ate with my father" to the TWO OTHER OFFERS OF FOOD, the b/f CLEARLY did not want to eat. Im most cultures, refusing something three times means you really don't want anything.

    Unfortunately, when the OP got something, the b/f has a hissy fit. Well, HELLO! He stated he already ate and refused food TWICE! That kinda means the b/f isn't interested in food. I would have done the same. Additionally, I believe the b/f needs to learn a bit about the OPs culture, where a refusal of something is really a refusal. This bisuness of refusing something and then having a fit when you don't get something is bullshit, not culture.

    I agree...it appears that in this case the b/f wanted to be bitchy and create a problem...for whatever reason.

  14. Unlike many governmental agencies, ACS in Bangkok is truly helpful, and they seem to have done all that they can to help the process along.

    I have never renewed a passport there. I have had pages added, along with various other services such as notarizing US real estate documents, affidavit to marry, certification of income, etc etc etc. Every time the process has been smooth, and the experience overall I would rate good...as good as dealing with any governmental agency can be, anyway.

    When you enter the ACS area, on the wall next to the "take a number" machine is a rack with the various forms related to passports.

    If you are an amateur psychologist/sociologist as I am, and enjoy crowd surfing, American Citizen Services in the US Embassy offers some of the best. While sitting there for your turn, you will see any number of amusing events.

    The best advice that I can give is go early. ACS is open from 07h30-11h00 and 13h00 to 14h00. If you get a number you will be served after 14h00...my experience has been if you get there before 09h00 you will have very little if any wait. I guess people do not think about a governmental office being open so early.

    Keep in mind that ACS is closed for all USA and Thai holidays, as well as being closed the last Friday of every month.

    Take a look here for more info: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/service.html

    Things to bring with you: completed forms (if possible), notes to self (on paper or in memory) of what you want to do, a pen for filling out forms, your passport (for about everything you do there you will need it). Do not forget to bring your "jai yen yen"...you likely will need it.

    Good luck.

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