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Everything posted by Al BB

  1. Add to this the wrong "Photos" of candidates, wrong Electoral Number assigned, and "Ran out of Ink" to the list of the F@@@ery the EC is up to! There were 9 Instances of "Skullduggery" quoted in an article today that the EC have been asked to amend!!
  2. This Gov / Junta, gives subsidies to all manner of things (Travel, Shopping etc) How about Farming subsidies / cheap loans to buy machinery to harvest crops? BTW, always making sure the subsidy isn't used to buy the latest Pick Up.
  3. Correct! My brother worked in Israel doing Pipeline Surveys. His next job was in Iraq, which meant he had have a 2nd passport, without an Israeli "Stamp" in it.
  4. Barry, Just did my extension 18th Jan; Under consideration until 8th Feb ( 20 Days) Picked up on the 8th, Happy Days!
  5. Didn't take the Brit Bashing mumpsimus long eh?
  6. And we all know who "appointed" the 250 senators!
  7. Seem a few on here have their panties in a twist over this one!
  8. I've just binned my Tiddlywinks! .....Can't be too careful!
  9. Me too, Double Vax with AZ and 1 Moderna Booster. My sore throat and Cough lasted 3 Days.. but then I am knocking on 80!!
  10. I Agree, it also has the "Voice" option, which I find useful, as believe or not, one of our workers (Aged 34) cant read or write. My Thai is not up to much, as I'm still learning, so its a great help.
  11. You seem to "conveniently" forget that the US is only about 50 Miles from Russia!! ....Stop watching RT ....and BTW is Cuba!
  12. I have never bought anything from Big Camera or any other Thai Outlet, nor Online here, I always research prices on ANYTHING, after all, I was a Buyer for nigh on 50 years. Caveat Emptor. (BTW its CANON)
  13. Agree, I have been using Nikon cameras and lenses for 50 odd years. Bought and Sold lots of equipment on Ebay. I check prices in Big Camera and find it hard to believe the prices, given that the stuff is made here!
  14. Thanks for you replies folks. Will give it a go,.. the 40000 + will still be "in the Bank" as insurance until I get the Ext. Regards
  15. Because of the Holidays here July 28/29. My Pension deposit for July was made in August. (This Pension comes from the UK on the Last Day of Every month- In case it is a Saturday or Sunday or even a Bank Holiday in UK) it is paid on the previous working day. But with the holidays here on 28/29 it only arrived in my Bank on 1st August. I was hoping to Change from keeping 400K in the Bank and using the "Monthly" deposit method when I next renew my Marriage Ext. Will Immigration at CW BKK accept this (With Bank Statements) or is it a lost cause? Anyone have/had experience of this?
  16. Yes, It would be good to know who the Underwriters are.
  17. .....cr@p food, high rents, poor infrastructure, fat birds, cr@p internet and Typhoons......................and earthquakes 555.
  18. Are these outlets Franchises? I read a couple of people had lost money, 2MB and 2.5MB respectively.
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