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Etaoin Shrdlu

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  1. I think your best bet is to see a urologist. I'm not sure there are many GPs in Thailand. Every doctor seems to be a specialist.
  2. I think the penalty for not filing the FBAR is fifty percent of the value of each account for each year not filed, subject to a minimum of $10,000 per account per year. The statute of limitations on FBAR filing is six years. In reality, I don't think they actually levy the penalties in full. I read an article years ago that said that the DoJ was avoiding doing that because this level of punishment was very disproportionate to the injury caused and would probably be struck down by the courts or be ruled unconstitutional.
  3. Yes, employment and payment of personal income tax for a minimum of three years is a requirement for PR. There is a minimum salary requirement, too. It is possible that the immigration officer may not know that you're not employed as an extension based upon marriage does not preclude employment. Probably the main benefit of PR is not having to obtain an annual extension of stay and also having one's name in a blue tabien baan which serves of proof of residence for any and all things Thai. The Camarata's Guide thread discusses PR in detail.
  4. It is also possible that the target market for the unsweetened product is willing to pay a higher price in order to obtain perceived health benefits. Market segmentation.
  5. Impressive monthly income? For a wage slave in Thailand, perhaps 300,000 baht per month and up.
  6. Yes, Thailand back in the 1980s and 1990s was more fun. I was a lot younger back then, too.
  7. I think the RD sends out a form to every taxpayer that filed in the prior year, or perhaps in any of the prior several years. Whether you need to file will depend upon your particular circumstances, not just because the RD sent you a form.
  8. I think the FBAR filing requirements came about because of the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 and that the $10,000 filing threshold hasn't changed since then. If indexed for inflation, the filing requirement would now be more than $75,000. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much political will to do anything about this.
  9. Yes, few Americans resident in Thailand will need to file Form 8938 with their Form 1040 due to the high reporting thresholds for specified financial assets. FBAR (FINCEN Form 114) is, as you state, a separate filing requirement apart from tax filing obligations and is indeed triggered by an aggregate of $10,000 or more in reportable accounts or assets.
  10. Even with a 50 million baht house, I don't think you would have to worry. I don't think real estate counts as a "specified financial asset".
  11. There are fairly high thresholds for filing Form 8938. It isn't linked to whether one has to file a tax return, but instead to the aggregate value of specified financial assets held outside the US. For single persons resident outside the US, the threshold is the aggregate value of specified foreign financial assets of $200,000 or more at the end of the year or $300,000 or more at any time during the year. For single persons resident in the US, the thresholds are $50,000 and $75,000. Higher thresholds apply to those filing jointly, both for residents of the US and non-residents. Details here: https://www.irs.gov/instructions/i8938#en_US_2020_publink100045144
  12. Yes, a number of firms have given out what I think is inaccurate or misleading advice. I am especially leery of any firm that advised US taxpayers that their traditional IRA withdrawals were not taxable by the US because of the US-Thai tax treaty.
  13. The CRS forms that banks are asking accountholders to complete require that the accountholder self-declare their tax residence.
  14. For those who were confused with my mention of liver fluke, here's a Wikipedia article that mentions the connection between Koi Pal, liver fluke and cancer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koi_(dish)#:~:text=Koi pla eaten in north,cholangiocarcinoma via liver fluke transmission. And yes, Ivermectin is recognized as an effective treatment for liver fluke.

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