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Everything posted by jay36

  1. Thanks, all I thought id have been moved on by now but im still stuck here with health issues and no job. At the time I thought i could just bounce by plane the next time if needed but apparently its risky, so yeah hindsight. Maybe an agent can assist to improve chances. How do you find an agent i hear to use an agent for Cambodia embassy but all around there i contact visa agents and they do cambodia visa only. Maybe they mean a travel agent there, ill just keep asking people
  2. Been here 4 years tourist 3 months before then 4 year working visa non b job and now 4 month as tourist again, its been long ive been here yet i have to still stay for a bit, i got lease to wait out and goto find a job and wrap up my affairs, and im concerned if i fly out and come back they wont let me back on another exempt or it could be risky? Got some family in Cambodia so may as well go there a bit, would the best thing to do is go there to the consulate and apply for a proper tourist visa and come back to Thailand that way? Any issues to be aware of? Thanks!
  3. Its funny 1 year i literally forgot to do the check in for the entire year when i started working here i thought it was the homeowners thing and paniced and nobody cared, 200baht fine lol, no issue.
  4. What is the most affordable flight run that's safe and common to do after your 2 land runs are donefor the year? Thanks!
  5. I did thanks i take of a lot of supplements (after a ton of research so i do it the right with dosages and tests) due to past health issues and all my medical physical tests look good so its a really strange thing, my research on cause is leaning more and more towards some kind of psychophysical stress response. I have an appointment with ingjaiclinic.com up to, he looks super qualified so we will see end Jan, these guys are booked full for a while, thanks all for the help.
  6. Thanks this is great, pretty much what I need thanks
  7. Thanks interesting, will take a look. I do a lot of supplements usually to cover all my nutrient bases and tests show these are fine, but no been losing weight as not eating much due to time and stress, healthy food but not much of it so generally things have seemed fine except for this problem, even stopped drinking 1.5 years ago and that helped a lot
  8. Ok thanks, i mentioned fibro to the Ram doc as my mom has some issue with this but he did a shoulder squeeze and said its not as there was no muscle pain, not sure how effective that diagnosis is but I will try. It does however feel more like a inside burning fever, discomfort, restless leg type nerve pain, its hard to discribe, but yeah not sure at all, ill have to check all things to make sure thanks, ill give them a visit.
  9. Ohh looks great and the Doc has all the creds i need, thanks
  10. It seems to be physical issues actually which is the problem, i have anxiety issues as well but those are consistent and under control generally for long time already, this new thing is full body nerve pain and fatigue attacks. It seems physical but docs cant find cause and are saying likely so it might be that manifesting physically, which is concerning. Already do therapy, need a mental medical doc to try diagnose properly if possible, nobody else seems to know.
  11. Got some health issues and docs dont know what it is, they think likely stress related, looking for a psychiatrist or a proper medical diagnosis for work that you would recommend or know about and is good with English ideally as i cant speak Thai and the discussion would get more complex then normal hospital doc visits (fortunately got a good GP) where I already struggle and have communication issues. South of the city ideal but prob unlikely so wherever is fine. Thanks
  12. Thank you all for the recommendations much appreciated! So many leads now, awesome
  13. Wow that sounds amazing, imaging that kind of pricing. Ill have a look for this thanks
  14. Hehe I didnt complain that it broke, just complaining about unreasonable high prices that make me feel im being taken advantage of. I break stuff all the time, part of my reality that ill break it eventually, and it was the expensive ones that broke so may as well get cheap ones if im breaking them anyways. They usally not breaking due to quality, things dont last that long around me, its breaks through stupidity so pointless to get the good stuff.
  15. 2 years back I got from KC optical and I thought it was crazy expensive but I was stupid and desperate and just got it, close to 10k baht from and 7k lenses, ridiculous, didnt feel right, my weakness still annoys me. Went to Charoen Optical but they didnt even have an eye test machine. After snapping my frame now same place again now wants min 5k for just the lenses. I see a cheaper one on the brochure for 3.5 but they basically trying to hide it and say no, cant have, it bad, <deleted>. Get serious rip-offs vibes from that place or are these prices normal? According to my Thai colleague a decent reasonable price for lenses is actually around 2-3k baht not 5k. Is this correct? Where can I can go in Chiang Mai that actually has a proper eye test and English and reasonable prices or any is there another way method to save money on this, maybe an online service? I also have my old expensive pair that are just snapped clean in the middle bridge, they won fix it for me. They prob can but rather want more money from replacement instead. Any way I can simply get these fixed somewhere, Seems it should be easy to get the metal frame joined or glued somehow with such a clean break? (yeah im cheap i dont care, if it works it works). Also any type of lenses i should make sure I get at a minimum quality level, something mentioned about coating for computer work to make it easier, I sit at pc all day.. Basically dont want to get the cheapest rubbish but the middle ground value for money, 2-3k if possible. Any advice? Thanks friends.
  16. Does anybody know where or how to get an affordable smartphone under 2000 baht low risk or safely? Or what is a good model thats decent for this price. Just need secondary phone for apps and web, so probably android, and good cheap recommendations? Lazada seems to have a ton of crazy cheap ones with lots of reviews and he prices are like 20% of those phones elsewhere so I dont understand what is wrong with those offers or why they are so cheap. Surely cant be complete scams with all those review but wondering whats the catch, been hesitant to order since I cant read Thai and worried i miss some fineprint translating it. Any thoughts? Thanks
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