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About twizzian

  • Birthday March 11

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    Somewhere Central

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  1. Yes I always take 15k out for a pint or two
  2. My vehicles all have regular servicing, one of two reasons why I have never travelled on Buses & Mini vans for over 15 years
  3. Anyone starting a verbal or physical altercation here can expect more than just a Fat lip in return.
  4. As gullible as 10 year old
  5. If he’d behaved like that in another location like Pattaya, he would have been sleeping it off there and then on the restaurant floor
  6. Egg, bacon & “Sausage” for breakfast then
  7. If and when it ever comes to the knock on the door to steal our money, I never new or read about it in the news.
  8. I’m sure her generosity will help save lives in the future. Good hearted woman
  9. The driver misjudged, more than likely didn’t bother looking. So was it 4 or 7 killed?
  10. They said the same thing with Bruce Lee & Elvis, but I’ve heard nothing since
  11. I would have just moved to another Thailand location, not all are evil here. With the destruction of the UK, a broken & dreary country would be a very last in my thoughts to move back too.
  12. It wasn’t luck, it would have been insatiable greed that drove him to his own death. Probably dwelled all day every day on his lost wealth, cars and all other material things he no longer has. (had)
  13. Looking at the photo, I wouldn’t be intimidated by that little squirt
  14. (hoping for support from the Foreign Office under “David Lammy”) oh dear!
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