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Everything posted by twizzian

  1. It wasn’t luck, it would have been insatiable greed that drove him to his own death. Probably dwelled all day every day on his lost wealth, cars and all other material things he no longer has. (had)
  2. Looking at the photo, I wouldn’t be intimidated by that little squirt
  3. (hoping for support from the Foreign Office under “David Lammy”) oh dear!
  4. I met this dude at Nakhon Sawan police station once he’d just arrived and saw me looking for someone to speak too, had a short conversation with him, he was very friendly & suggested one of his subordinates offer me a cup of tea. How easily you can be fooled into thinking someone is genuinely a good Cop, but really a murderous & sinister human being
  5. Filthy beast. lets hope he receives the same torture in his new home to be
  6. Hopefully he recovers well. Why was a loaded ready to fire spear gun discarded beside the road anyways
  7. That’s exactly what happened to me, a parked pickup suddenly done an illegal U-Turn on me. 65k of bike damage, broken arm etc etc, the <deleted> blamed me, & to the face of the cops, and the Court even when shown the video evidence.
  8. Hurty or derogative words would land you in court, but not attempted rape with theft. The world is run by Muppets
  9. Probably just as well he was KO’d, otherwise the boots would have gone flying in too
  10. Many first time tourists are unaware of all the dangers and don’t do’s. Any risks they do know of fly out the window due to excitement
  11. Donate 1m dollars to each & all the moaners, they’d still complain
  12. Regardless of how old she is, please give her the maximum at her trial
  13. She’s a very patient lady and wife, she waited 2 years for him to visit her
  14. So with all that damage to those cars that were racing, all these fools are all off the roads for a good while
  15. So much disrespect to this country when holidaying here. All that money spent on flights, hotels, beer and food, just for a handbag swinging scrap, mature men with a child’s brain.
  16. There seems to be more government U-Turns than the ones I see on the road every 500 meters
  17. Aeroflop had been dogged with aircraft issues for decades, has anything changed. I’ll never fly on one of those bucket of bolts ever again
  18. The Defamation law is strict here, but where does a race banning sign stand with law. I can imagine this scenario in the UK right now where Starmer would bang you up for 5 years for displaying a similar worded sign
  19. I wonder what he’s deleting on that phone!
  20. I’d like to see these deafening soil trucks with bucket size pipes chuffing out the smoke pulled , but never happens
  21. Unable to score with the ladies, so seeking other attention
  22. He walked into a neighbor's sign and 2 security guards appeared and kicked off. Sounds ridiculous.
  23. I don’t see the name of Airline or model of plane in the article
  24. Must have a mental problem. Wouldn’t want him anywhere near my family
  25. He could of been an overstayer if he asked the victim not to file a complaint
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