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Everything posted by twizzian

  1. I hope not, we don’t want the culprit caught
  2. I’ve read three different stories of this tragedy, but this one makes him to be an utter coward fleeing the scene but at the same time a scapegoat to satisfy the parents until it all blows over
  3. When you have kids that age it brings a tear your eyes reading the story, seeing images of that bus. They are at an age where no survival instincts have developed. The intense pain endured during that fire and by the parents of the lost. OMG
  4. Most deaf folk can lip read. But in this case he’s both Deaf and Dumb.
  5. The 68 year security guard should have stepped in & sorted this fracus out
  6. After she’s done a stint in a Thai slammer eh!
  7. No mention of arresting the owner. when will they ban these vicious killer animals
  8. Horrifically different outcome if those spikes weren’t at a 90deg angle, I shudder the thought
  9. Can you honestly earn 25k per month on a food cart or selling second hand clothes etc
  10. I also see these black shapeless object things flying around everyday. I think their called Floaters
  11. Meanwhile in another big news story, there was a guy who stole a chocolate bar from 7 Eleven. Police are still hunting down the culprit..
  12. Example of the lower class
  13. Gay Does the barber get excited when you tell him, I’ve a large Todger
  14. Keep calm & Carry on
  15. The Thai goverment has hit Starmer’s theatre of doom follow me button
  16. A tactic I tried in my younger days. Two guys confronted me after one of them has shoulder barged past me. I turned round & both of them started shouting, they wanted a punch up. I stood there and said nothing but just looked at them, I had my arms down but at a slight ready stance. The verbal provocations continued for a long while & asked what was wrong with me. I still said nothing. They got scared and eventually went on their merry way, They didn’t understand their own situation and couldn’t gauge any outcome because of the complete silence. I call that a win without fighting.
  17. He bought the gun in anticipation of that final provocation & intended to use it. My nitwit neighbor hates our cats and put a long piece of wood with hundreds of sharpened nails on his fence ledge. I’d better be careful of the old git, he maybe trawling the website
  18. Shields up, Scotty get us out of here… Full impulse power
  19. I still get the lonely Russian wench multiple times per week, it’s getting older than me. Some are the same incl pic but different addresses with the odd click the attached dangerous link thingy
  20. Looks like the thuggy teen, with his purposely sharpened ended screwdriver, took this weapon of choice with the intent to use it at any forthcoming occasion. Probably more deadly than a pocket knife
  21. At last some proper news
  22. In a care home could be the best place for this old geezer
  23. I was around 12 when mummy and daddy let me go to the barbers by myself. When I went home after being at the barbers, mummy always said oh what a handsome boy with the new haircut. I still continued to do this regular routine even after I was 25..
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