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Everything posted by jimmyjam12

  1. Omg thanks I also just received mine and the return envelope was sealed as well. I’m thinking the envelope got wet with the rain or it is practical jokers. Now if I can find a black pen seems all I have is blue lol
  2. After I registered with id.gov it updated my address with the US address. The mailing address under my profile still shows the Thailand Address but when I go to look at my Social Security Benefit letter PDF it displays a US address. Any Correspondence is being directed to the US address even though my mailing address shows Thailand. Manila is telling me it’s no problem and they can not update it since according to their records my address is Thailand. I expressed concern my IDD direct deposit and 7162 letter may be affected but they assured my that it is no problem. Not sure how to proceed.
  3. Kuhn. I received the same message that this will not update anything with SSA.Gov. Well after registering my address was updated to the us address. I have been working or not with Manila for over a month to get my address updated and they are stating they cannot update. I hope my IDD deposits continue without a problem. Good news is they said I should not receive a 7162 form anymore.
  4. I just logged into my Ssa.gov account using login.gov and I was unable to update my address I am hoping they roll this out to everyone
  5. I am supposed to get form 7162 but since I live in the sticks in Issan I never get mail. I also had a I’d.me account previous I should have just added ss.gov on the profile but I was not thinking straight
  6. It was login.gov. When I was transitioning it said they verified information on your credit bureau so I used my old Arizona address. Apparently by doing that they updated my profile from my Thailand address to the Arizona address. I am hoping Manila will be able to correct the address before it causes problems. I never receive the 7162 form anyway so that will not be impacted. Lol
  7. I was able to transition from user name to I’d.gov. However when I just checked my SSA.Gov account my address was updated to reflect a US mailing address not Thailand. I am now worried about my 7162 letter and my direct deposit if they will be affected. I sent an email to Manila so I am hopeful they will correct the address .
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