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John Drake

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About John Drake

  • Birthday 10/16/1962

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    World Wide Travel

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  1. Don't vote for Trump. He states he will devalue the dollar and destroy our exchange rate. Vote against Trump = more baht in your bank account when you transfer dollars to Thailand.
  2. He was a permanent resident, then? Don't you need to go through a very thorough check for those, and aren't they extremely limited in number?
  3. Correct. The King of Debt stiffed a long list of cities, failing to pay for rallies from the previous campaign. Surprise. Surprise.
  4. Truth is that when Trump accepted the early debate, that is when he lost everything. Had Biden done well, then all questions about Biden would have been put to rest and everyone would have been reassured about Biden's capacity to govern. But the opposite happened. Biden debated and looked frail, weak, and disoriented, resulting in a groundswell for him to drop out of the presidential race, which is the last thing Trump wanted--even if Trump didn't realize it himself. Once he accepted the early debate, Trump was going to lose one way or the other. Nothing to do with conspiracies.
  5. Just logged into my account on the website. No red banner and no message in the notices requiring the photo ID. I don't have the app. Don't want it. Just use the website. I only transfer money from my US bank account to my Thai bank. And btw no email that I noticed. But it could have been lost in spam.
  6. It will be much closer. Kamala Harris is not all that appealing herself. And most of the country doesn't know what she stands for. But I suspect she will still beat Trump. He just generates hate. People are motivated to vote against him, with a significant minority equally motivated to vote for him. Imagine had the Republicans nominated DeSantis. It would take a Newsom to match up against him. The rest would be wiped out. But, no, the Republicans insisted on Trump. And they were bellowing with triumphalism just a week or so ago. Now, pffft.
  7. Republicans have themselves to blame for this fiasco. They nominated someone who only had a fair to even chance against one person, Biden. Now, Trump is going to be overwhelmed. This man is so hated, he would lose to every other Democrat who is a conceivable nominee. But fine with me. His stated aim to devalue the dollar is enough alone for me to vote for whomever runs against him.
  8. I agree. This is my single issue, and it is why I'm voting against Trump. RFKjr is good on the strong dollar too.
  9. Don't care. I'm not voting for anybody as much as I'm voting against Trump. And I'm a single issue voter. Dollar devaluation. Trump's for it, so he's my enemy.
  10. If you live in Thailand and get SSA or other sources of US dollars, Trump intends to take away your money.
  11. A dollar short? Actually, many dollars short if you live in Thailand and bring money from the US into the country. Trump intends to deliberately devalue the dollar. It's going to happen. He did it last time he was in office. Trump intends to cut your income if you're in Thailand on SSA or any other US pension.
  12. The only person that Trump could beat? Biden. The only person that Kamala Harris could beat? Trump.
  13. Trump is hellbent on devaluing the dollar. He will cost me money. Not a matter of if, maybe, or perhaps. He's stated that he's going to do it. Anybody bringing in dollars to Thailand to support themselves will see their income cut under Trump.
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