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Posts posted by URMySunshine

  1. 10 hours ago, Traubert said:

    Not being too critical here, but I've been in China a long time and never heard of Free WeChat. WeChat is P2P, not open, maybe you or your nephew is thinking of Sina Weibo? Of course there are news groups on WeChat but you have to 'follow' them and they're not open to comment.


    Whatever, the fact that people are angry is not disputed. What would happen if someone cancelled Christmas? However everyone knows it wasn't the government that was flogging dead wild animals in a market, their anger is probably directed at the nationally hated 'cheng guan' or market police.


    When it's all dies down there will be heads rolling there.

    He called it 'free WeChat' in my conversation so it is no doubt as you say. Uncensored was his point I think and therefore deemed to be one yardstick of testing the temperature of true public feeling. Of course the internet is very bad in amplifying news feed without analysis or context and if I was locked down with food shortages and panic buying I would no doubt be angry and afraid.  With what we know so far the Chinese authorities seem to be doing the best they can maybe partly down to the amount of criticism they received for their handling of SARS.


    So long as they dont cover stuff up, and release info in a timely manner, I won't criticise them over stuff this time. Because contrary to the wording some articles will no doubt use when taking a blame angle, I don't think there are any countries that could manage to suppress an outbreak of a new infectious respiratory disease if it develops the ability to spread between people with ease. We never have managed such a thing before, to my knowledge. But you still have to try anyway because if it turns out to not be such a good spreader, but is rather deadly, then control and containment may be viable, and the stakes are different.

  2. 2 minutes ago, candide said:

    I hope the coronavirus doesn't like heat because when it is introduced in Thailand (it surely will due to the usual hords of Chinese tourists), I don't trust the current clowns in power to fight it. I would likely feel safer in China.

    Hopefully it won't be able to survive the PM2.5 smog which will fumigate the air. Every cloud and that ...

  3. The horse has probably already bolted. Because when you see hundreds of cases showing up, that usually means there have actually been many thousands of cases already (because plenty will be asymptomatic or too mild to have raised any flags). The number of cases detected abroad (people who travelled from Wuhan) gives further clues to the scale of the problem at source (larger than originally suggested for sure, hence rising estimates in recent days).


    Initial mortality data (which should be taken with a pinch of salt at this stage) suggests the usual picture - the old, and those with chronic underlying health problems are most likely to end up with severe consequences after catching this coronavirus. The wider picture will take a while to become clear. For example one possible scenario is that this coronavirus could quickly become endemic, joining the other things which we have always lumped together as 'the common cold'. Possible with not very different mortality and severe disease rates to what we already have to deal with. Slightly or much worse scenarios exist too though.


    A lot of this 'noise' is going to be the phenomenon of internet amplification hopefully and it will turn out to be over hyped and ruthlessly controlled. Let's hope so time will soon tell. My nephew who is married to a chinese girl and can speak fluent chinese is monitoring free wechat which is the stuff that passes chinese censorship and he tells me that the news on the ground from millions of lock down folk is fear,panic and anger at the government. And he feels whatever the outcome it is damaging the chinese people's faith in their all powerful government. Let's hope so mahk mahk. With the fires in Australia, smog over Thailand and now this these are certainly interesting times to be alive.


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  4. At some point panic will set in and all hell will let loose. The internet is a great device for amplifying paranoia exponentially. If the virus don't gets you then the panic buying and hysteria may well do so. So far only the ill and the very old need to be worried so that is most TVF users safe and sound. But since most don't go out and sit hunched over their computers my advice would be....


    get masks plenty of them

    get hand gel lots of it

    stock up with loads of bottled water , tinned goods , crackers and the like.


    when you go out wear the mask and only make essential trips

    avoid crowded places particularly those frequented by Chinese

    on return scrub up well paying particular attention to your hands and shower before returning to the internet for updates. 

    watch the movie Contagion - which is wholly based on scientific evidence.

  5. On 12/2/2019 at 11:29 PM, wayned said:

    I live in the last house middle of sugar cane  and corn fields.  I went out with the dogs a few minutes ago and the hills in the distance were ablaze, so, at least the mill near me, has not stopped buying burnt cane.  Most of the cane here is still cut by hand and , in addition to the fact that burnt cane can be cut faster, it also costs more to cut.  Years ago when I had sugar a bundle of 20 stalks cut and tied with cane leafs cost 1.5 baht while a stack of 10 un-burnt stalks cut an bundled cost 3 baht.  The un-burnt cane weighed more but didn't offset the additional costs.

    Those costs are being transferred elsewhere though. That would be my 8500 baht air purifier I have just forked out for. And the 50,000 baht I won't be spending as I go back to the UK a month early. etc etc. And of course the intangible cost of a quality of life one can have in Thailand that is forever compromised if the air goes to pot. 

  6. 16 hours ago, Tulak said:

    I had traveled in many countries all over the world (including Thailand) and found my (second language English) very useful.

    English language allows me to cross barriers and communicate with  people of different nationalities.

    Like it or not, English is the language of the World. It helps us to unite.

    Besides of all this, if every tourist had to learn all languages of all countries where they go, world tourist industry would stop dead.

    Regardless of all the above, it is always appreciated when tourist learns some simple local phrases. Just to say "Hello" in native people's tongue creates good vibes.

    Good will on both sides goes a long way.

    What is your native language ?

  7. 2 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Looks like he is the scapegoat in a wider rip off of the behind the scenes army owned channels that's according to my Mrs ???? 

    Our missuses seem to be right sherlocks - let that be a lesson if you want to play hooky. 


    Mine reckons it will be a cush private cell , imported food and all the luxuries befitting a man of note. It won't be the hell holes we've all seen online.

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  8. 29 minutes ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

    I pay generous amount to a 19-year old Poseidon model who I impregnated in one week Phuket tour. I pay her for heavenly pleasure of her moist crack and warm body. No, I do not pay her for love. As they say love cannot be bought and only a mother can love a person unconditionally. All other loves are conditional- does not matter if it is a salary or not, though she has professed her love for me during the passionate moment when I was inside her heavenly abode. Here is what I pay her. 40K cash, 30K credit card purchases, and unlimited maternity care in Bumrungrad hospital. I have also promised her a house and a car when the child will be born. Child's fetal DNA is already tested for paternal match. Is it large? Probably but chump change for me. 2K USD/month. I used to pay 6K USD/month to my European and American sugar babies.

    Well thanks for clearing that up it's fairly obvious who is paying "your salary". 

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