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Everything posted by unheard

  1. Never crossed my mind! ???? I don't have to measure rpms, only the output frequency. Thank you!
  2. To do that I'd need to find the "rpm screw" on the carburetor. And then be able to measure the actual rpms. I'll probably be able to locate that screw by searching youtube since the motor looks to be the very common Chinese knockoff of Honda. But how about measuring the actual rpm?????
  3. Just to verify if I get it correctly. Looking at the outlet's diagram: Local L --> Line1 Local N --> Line2 Local Earth -->Nearby earth rod Does it mean that I can get something like this, cut the existing plug off and connect the L14-30 male plug instead, wired as per your instructions? It will be a kind of a stationary setup, since it needs to be attached to the Earth rod. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/amc-4-3-30-2-i2837402191-s10353318778.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.54304abfAAZTj3 Regarding to your point on "(it doesn't actually matter)" Did you mean that the Local L and N could be connected to either Line1 or Line2, interchangeably, as it doesn't actually matter?
  4. I've acquired an old but perfectly running generator. The only problem - it's designed for the 120V 60Hz American standard output. I don't think the minor difference in frequency is much of a problem. My question is about voltage. The front panel features a twist-lock NEMA L14-30 connector rated 120/240V Is there a way to adapt a L14-30 plug to output 240V to a local household type outlet?
  5. He's mentioned non-rust.. SCG PVC gutters would work and last just fine.
  6. @33 RPM "which direction the weather mainly comes from" Seasonal:
  7. And the question is.... What would actually happen if the balance falls short of 400K at the moment of the stamp pickup? Apparently there has never been any precedence reported of the stamp denial in such a case.
  8. In the sticks they don't need no stinking papers! ???? But seriously, it's always a great idea to lab test your well water - well worth the price even if not required!
  9. After a quick search that's the best I could come up in English (sort of). "This is very important. I believe that there are probably many people who do not know that there is a law enforcing " not to use water pumps to suck directly from the central water supply pipe " in order not to affect the public use of water." https://wave.co.th/2021/06/12/ถังเก็บน้ำสำคัญอย่างไร/ Look at number 3.
  10. I'd like to know as well.. You can ask any contractor. They'll tell you exactly what it is. I've really never bothered to look for a specific citation since the "law" is well known and just common sense, or so I thought.
  11. Unless I'm missing something, but you're obligated by law to have a tank if using a pump. It's not an option to go tank free. Again, unless I'm missing something and your pump won't be directly tapped into the municipal water supply. Here are the only available legal installation diagrams, straight from Hitachi and Mitsubishi:
  12. Price? Quality and performance derive from the manufacturer's expertise, money and effort spent on design and development. Stiebel Eltron mostly produces various water heaters - it's their core product. Not just a consumer byproduct among many other consumer product lines, which is the case with most other brands. And they're very competitive in the marketplace. Panasonic water heaters are very good products. But really, their designs are pretty generic and mostly outdated, though quite pleasant aesthetically. Panasonic don't seem to be willing to spend any considerable effort and money on updating their older designs. I wouldn't call them the highest tier product.
  13. What continuous re-applying?
  14. @33 RPM Are you sure your builder offers it as an option? And at what cost? I mean the "real" polished concrete, not some imitation coating which is so common in Thailand. The real polished concrete is virtually non-existent in the non-commercial housing sector due to the high cost disadvantage vs tile. Polished concrete floors are fantastic - super durable, can be made super beautiful, with various levels of grip for sleep protection (flat, satin, semi-polished, highly-polished). But they must be done right, by experienced crews with appropriate tools and machinery.
  15. @srowndedbyh2o "Copper or Plastic?" Wrong question. Go with the highest quality brand specializing in water heaters. Those would be Stiebel Eltron and Bosch
  16. But then it would take many years for the soil to settle. Wouldn't it be a better option to use soil (if cheaply available in the area) instead of the rubble as the filling material?
  17. Plastic bag is being commonly called plastic! Geotextiles by definition are permeable fabrics. Not plastic! Do you call your car metal? It's a metal box after all.
  18. It's not plastic! It's synthetic fiber!!! Why don't you call it a proper name instead of causing confusion and arguments?
  19. The key word is permeable. I don't know what blue sheet you're referring to. Initially you've called it "plastic."
  20. He asks for an advice on geotextiles which are being used on "difficult" soil/terrain variations in road construction. Geotextiles are permeable fabrics - nothing to do with plastics (at least not in their common definition).
  21. Why would he need any plastic to start with? What is its purpose?
  22. I did a quick search and couldn't find anything relevant to your claim. Plastic being placed on freshly poured road surface might be used as a protective barrier to preserve surface moisture.
  23. Yeah, that's how they do minor roads here. Over here we have a major type of a road being expanded to add more lanes. They use lots of sand, different types of gravel and many huge compactors going back and forth as a prep work for the top hard surface layer.
  24. In what form? Plastic sheets or plastic structural cells? I see plastic sheets being used for initial erosion control. But I've never seen plastic sheets being used as a layer under the fill material. Can you point me to relevant websites?
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