You would have to remove the old tile.
For the roof material go with the Bluescope brand of the color coated rolled metal.
You can opt for the either grade:
Colorbond - more expensive, thicker coating, I think 30 year warranty
Zachs - less expensive, thinner coating, 10 year warranty
Don't settle with the cheaper Chinese or Korean brands of metal, go for the best stuff - the difference in price is not all that great.
But if you're on a real tight budget then those should be OK also.
Make sure to get PU insulation.
Most of the the roller-forming shops that sell those roofs have machines that add the insulation layer during the production process.
25mm of PU insulation is sufficient - it's really great, but the thicker layer would be even better.
Bluescope shops are franchises.
Just about every sizeable city has one.
I bet you've seen this logo before.