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Posts posted by WineOh

  1. 9 minutes ago, cooked said:

    We have enough food although our chickens are looking at us nervously. We just heard that anyone caught (in Buriram province) with a temperature of over 37°C  will be TAKEN AWAY, where to we don't know, I hear the local prison has vacancies.

    AND: no more water coming through the taps, reservoir and water tank empty, luckily we bought supplies for a week or two but guess what, our toilet needs water to function. 

    AND: news that a helicopter will be spraying disinfectant over the village tonight, don't go outside...

    jeez, and I thought I had it bad being holed up sat in my briefs, swiggin Jack daniels & coke from noon till night!

    Stay safe mate!


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Hey thanks for asking. Im doing great here in Siem, in fact, my life is so UTTERLY FABULOUS that Im glad I have the opportunity to share!


    My toenails gained 2mm, and I am beginning to shape them into Raptor claws in homage to Thai girls.


    My Apt ladies fed me last night, steak, squid, veggies, curry. The maid even brought it up to my crib. Did you get that? Sucks to be you.


    I dont really go out so I dont have to bathe. That allows me more time to do nothing.


    You are never out of Looroll if you have guest towels.


    Got a dude from London living in our building and two scousers, so when we hang at the pool, he can translate.


    Im wondering if there is an older male die off, will I be considered to be desireable at last?


    If its written by Anthony Beevor, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Thomas Pynchon, Richard Holmes, Haruki Murakami or Thomas Packenham, it will be a good read.


    I have finally worked out in my head that Lord Kitchener was not "gay", and Redvers Buller, brave has he was, was incompetant, and Custer didnt die for MY SINS either. Horace Smith-Dorrien got a raw deal.


    Im going to make Mango Chutney. Maybe. Or take a nap.


    Mont Python still makes me laugh.





    I mean, none of my business but why are you still posting on a Thai forum if you live in cambodia?


    Is the Cambodian forum that boring , or are you still in Thailand really?


    Stay safe wherver you are !

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