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Posts posted by JohnFlory

  1. I checked the Channel News Asia article again this morning regarding US vaccines given for South Korean military. The following passage that was included last night has been edited out.


    "Authorities designated the vaccine for military-related personnel, including reserve forces and the civil defence corps, as well as people planning overseas business trips or diplomatic missions."


    No mention of why.  https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/south-korea-covid-19-vaccination-johnson-and-johnson-vaccine-14925606

  2. Now the J&J vaccines sent by the US will NOT be going to only Korean soldiers (an arguably valid thing for the US to do as Korea is a treaty ally). Now it is support staff and some civilians including the families of top Korean military...but the US government doesn't bother with US citizens overseas.


    From Korean Press:  The Janssen vaccine was approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety earlier in April, but it has not been administered in Korea yet. Upon approval, the drug regulator restricted its use on people aged 30 and under due to reports of possible side effects related to blood clotting in younger people. 

    Due to this age restriction, the government announced that the doses from the U.S. cannot be offered to most active service members here ― conscripts mainly in their 20s. Instead the vaccines will be offered to military-affiliated personnel, including civilians. 

    The decision negates the initial purpose of the vaccine offer. In the press conference after the summit, Biden said, "We'll provide full vaccinations for all 550,000 of those Korean forces engaging with American forces on a regular basis, both for their sake, as well as the sake of the American forces."

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  3. 5 minutes ago, GuyDow said:

    Get your wife to register a usufruct in your favour at the land office. This will give you the continuing right to stay there if she predeceases you. The land will automatically pass to her next of kin if she dies intestate. So she needs to make a will if she doesn't want her family to inherit. As you know, the land must go to a Thai. Everything else she can leave to you. 


    An alternative would be for you to lease the land from your wife. You would then be able to sell the lease if you set it up correctly. Don't try to cut corners on this. You don't want the Thais to take you to court.

    Thanks for the answer. I will have her make that will and look into the usufruct. One thing, maybe you can answer. If she predeceases me intestate, as her legal husband, registered and documented at her amphur, am I not first in line to inherit? Or, because it is land, does it jump me to first Thai relative? He parents and siblings are all deceased. Just Aunts, uncles and cousins left.

  4. My Thai wife and I recently built a house in Suphanburi. Of course, the land and house are in her name as non-Thais can't own the land. My wife is only 43 (I am 53), but what happens if she passes away before I do. This is not a life or death issue. The house is not too large and expensive and we also have a condo in Pattaya in my name. My wife does not want to leave it to her family...at least not currently. Would I be able to sell it? How long would I have? When I get back to Thailand I'll be consulting a lawyer, but I wondered if anyone here knew the answer.  Thanks!

  5. 2 hours ago, bermondburi said:

    I have to admit that I've never heard of a country called America. 


    The name is United States of America. We Americans and many other people shorten the name to America. If this is a difficult concept I will try to help you out. Let's say a man has a name like David McGee. Now, he could use the name David or McGee to refer to himself. People would most likely understand. If he were really adventurous, he might shorten the first name to Dave. To further help you out, he may even refer to himself as Mac or Mic. I know, living in Thailand, it must be hard to grasp this idea because everyone here always states their full given proper names. I do hope this helped. I was, frankly, shocked that you'd not heard of America. Do you know what the Thai word for The United States of America is?

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  6. I plan to go to Thailand to see my wife in December. I live and work in South Korea (I have Alien Registration), but am a US citizen (haven't physically been in the US since July 2019). I checked the Thai Insurance website. If I say I am from Korea, the 60 day policy costs a little over B3,000 and if I say I am from the US the premium is over B8,000. I want to register, obviously, as a resident of Korea, but worry if that is acceptable. Any thoughts?   And yes, I will be asking the Thai Embassy in Seoul, but thought I'd see what people here thought.

  7. 1 hour ago, Miss Pickle said:

    I can’t see how this is going to work it says that you have to come from a country that has no new cases for 2 months well that rules most of Europe out as we have new cases.Most of the Long stay tourists are Europeans.And who is going to want to be locked up in a Hotel for two weeks at inflated prices like a prisoner.A lot of people on long stay have condos to stay in why not isolate at home.Surely this makes more sense.

    How do you "isolate at home". Do you live with any other people? Do you have food at your home waiting for you when you get there? Enough for two weeks? All delivery? From people who only accept credit cards on line? How does Thailand know know you are actually isolated?

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  8. Again, I can do the 14 days, but there are no flights other than the charters. I have two months to spend money in Thailand, but I need to know I can return on a specific date and not get stuck.


    Now they say I need to use a Thai travel agent? How does that help me? Their commissions just drive up the prices. 


    My vacation is at the end of December...guess I'll just wait for the "plan" at that time and see if it is feasible. What a joke.

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  9. 4 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    Make every weekend a four day weekend....


    that will solved the issue of no people?


    No....the answer is letting foreigners back in w/o Q and manage them...


    otherwise, expect a week-day ghost town...


    cant expect people when there are no people around....

    I'll go with the quarantine. I own a Condo in Pattaya and am married to a Thai. I can, it would seem, go now, but my vacation is at the end of December. The problem is the flights back to Korea where I work. Are there any? I have Nine weeks vacation. My wife and I have been seperated for almost seven months already. I can only go in December if I know I have a reliable fight back to work at the end of February. The Thai government "plans" are ridiculous. They change every other day. Do I go to the Thai Embassy in Seoul tomorrow? Can I book flights? Can I cancel my AQS if for some reason I test positive 48 hours before my flight? Do I spend US$3,000 and not even get to go? Sheesh!

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  10. 29 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    Your personal beliefs are irrelevant.. This is about USA losing it's power, nothing more then that. My last paragraph is not worth quoting because you know it is true..USA throw their weight around in their own self interest, it has jaff all to do with fighting the moral high ground. I am not surprised you believe it, you are American, lots of Americans are blind to what the truth is. Anyway, it doesnt matter, USA does not have the weight to bully China anymore, and no other country is going to join a campaign to "crush" China economically...

    Wait...are your writings not your personal beliefs? Why are they relevant, but mine are not? I've not asked if you are Chinese, and I do not care. 


    China is a middling power to be sure. She shall spread viruses and misery to her own people and to others. The US, The EU, the UK, South Korea and Japan will stand together with some ASEAN nations to repel the government of China. We will support freedom in Hong Kong and Taiwan and hpoe that the good people of China will dispose one their vile, genocidal government and live in freedom.

  11. 1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

    Why is it just because I don't agree with the "good ole USA" I must be a "Commi lover"? 


    I will answer in brief, I wonder if you can see any value in the responses...? So for China and the virus,, the reason why this virus has spread so quickly all over the world is due to it's asymptomatic nature, if it was as easy as tracking sick people it may not have even left China.. I think there is truth about them hiding the true nature, however I don't know for sure, I guess it will take some serious unravelling after all this is over to know, but when did the USA ever need truth to act? (weapons of mass destruction anyone)


    The Chinese are certainly guilty of many things, in our eyes no doubt about that, but how about the USA? (self appointed police of the world). Can you honestly say that the USA has never used it's military might to protect it's self interest masquerading as moral justice. Thousands of people are dead due to USA military,, thousands...


    My view is this. China is not perfect but they are the new superpower, nobody can change that. The USA had it's shot like many Nations before it but it's Asias turn now which was rather ironically fuelled by Americas greed crushing their own manufacturing to exploit China's cheap labour starting decades ago. This "boycott China" nonsense is nothing more then the USA trying to take away Chinas power after giving it to them. The USA has a twitchy pooper because they know they will not be top dog soon so they do the good old trick of trying to scare the world on how terrifying it will be to have China as top dog. The USA are masquerading their actions (against China) under the guise of moral justice (enslavers, forcing abortion, Hong kong rights blah blah blah),,, Funny how the worlds number 1 economy is very selective about when it comes to using its toolbox for moral justice,, "the fight for freedom and liberty,, blah.blah,blah" (boll**ks). How about Zimbabwe? A few pointless sanctions whilst millions die. However muck about with our oil and by God we will crush your with the biggest military might on Earth (in the name of moral justice of course).. Time for a change in the world, bring it on I say.



    "I don't agree with the "good ole USA" I must be a "Commi lover"? "



    Nobody said that.


    "I think there is truth about them hiding the true nature, however I don't know for sure, I guess it will take some serious unravelling after all this is over to know, but when did the USA ever need truth to act? (weapons of mass destruction anyone)"



    Thank you for admitted that they hid the truth. That was exactly my point. They knew the virus could perhaps (not defiantly would) spread, but they are so afraid of their own people, they hid things from them and the world.

    Regarding your non sequiter to WMDs, that was what was believed by many intelligence agencies (It is an entire thread if we wish to argue that point). It was not something that the US had internally and hid from the rest of the world.


    USA (self appointed police of the world).  Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sometime the world wants the US, sometimes they don't. My guess is that South Korea...oh wait, I don't need to guess as I have lived in South Korea for 20 years...is happy that the US stopped North Korea and China from their invasion. (And yes, I know the history). Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and others appreciated the "world place" after the 2004 tsunami, as did Myanmar after Typhoon Nagas.


    Your last paragraph is not worth quoting. I stand with Hong Kong, I stand with Taiwan, I support the right of Uyghers to have their own culture, I stand for the right for the nutty Falun Gong religion to be nutty, and I support the Chinese people to throw Xi Jing-peng into the ash heap of history.


    No, in my edit, I must address this stupidity.  "The USA are masquerading their actions (against China) under the guise of moral justice (enslavers, forcing abortion, Hong kong rights blah blah blah),,, Funny how the worlds number 1 economy is very selective about when it comes to using its toolbox for moral justice,, "the fight for freedom and liberty,, blah.blah,blah" (boll**ks). How about Zimbabwe? A few pointless sanctions whilst millions die. However muck about with our oil and by God we will crush your with the biggest military might on Earth (in the name of moral justice of course).. Time for a change in the world, bring it on I say."


    "Enslavers, forcing abortion, Hong Kong rights"... You are for the first two and against the third...that says it all.  You speak of Zimbabwe, it was China that supported Robert Mugabe. Are you that ignorant?


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