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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. I'm sure you're right but my hope is he fades away like Glen Beck or Bill O'Reilly.
  2. I think this is as good an explanation as we're gonna get as to how people with a (more or less) functioning brain can listen to these lies and not go; "Now wait a minute....!" Jordan Klepper Recalls His Favorite MAGA Comment And It's A Doozy "Klepper remembered talking to a woman during Trump’s first impeachment for trying to extort Ukraine and the then-president was blocking witnesses, including former national security adviser John Bolton, from testifying. Klepper asked if blocking testimony would be an admission of guilt and the woman agreed it would and then Klepper told her Trump was blocking testimony. “And she takes this very long beat, she thinks about it, and she says, ‘I don’t care,’” he said." Keppler goes on to say that when politics and identities get mixed up they don't care about the truth anymore.
  3. Uh, no but it tells a lot about his character, right?
  4. Yes, he is almost as despicable as trump.
  5. Apparently he is very welcome in Russia and if that doesn't tell you all you need to know about Tucker Carlson you're not a patriot. Top Kremlin propagandist tells Tucker Carlson he should run for president and 'You are always welcome in Russia and Moscow' ""You have our admiration and support in any endeavor you choose for yourself next, be it running for president of the United States (which you should totally do, by the way) or making an independent media project. We'll happily offer you a job if you wish to carry on as a presenter and host!""
  6. Oh, but you do care. You care a lot and we all know it.
  7. So you're defending Fox by listing more of their lies/MAGA dog whistles???
  8. So if they were telling the truth why did they agree to pay 787.5 mil. $ to Dominion? Game, set, match........
  9. Still better than trump who believes himself to be a stable genius. PS. Linking to Fox "News" who just surrendered and agreed to pay a huge settlement (and more to come) because they knowingly lied to their viewers just says it all about you MAGA guys - completely detached from reality.
  10. Benghazi, Hunter Biden's laptop, Soros etc. MAGA dog whistles the Fox Goebbels-wannabes use to rile up the base, thereby increasing viewership/income. Murdoch has made billions out of dividing a country and thereby creating an atmosphere were people get hurt and killed. In a fairer universe Rupert "Sauron" Murdoch would be jailed for life.
  11. That sounds like a way to interpret something said in a way that fits with your beliefs rather than trying to be a rational listener. It's like a religious person listening to a preacher. Very MAGA indeed.
  12. So how are you able to better interpret what trump said than others? I mean, the guy can't string together a series of coherent sentences if his life depended on it. Watching his speeches quickly reveals that it's just word vomit sprinkled with MAGA dog whistles.
  13. Highly unlikely. The world wide outrage will be epic and even China will be forced to renounce Russia. Game over.
  14. trump was "right" the way a broken watch is "right" twice a day. He had an excellent relationship with the world's worst dictators and murderous despots but a very strained relationship with the elected leaders of the allied countries of the USA. This individual must never again be in a position of such power....ever. 'Nuff said.
  15. I had a very successful Songkran - avoided getting drenched completely.
  16. I have lived here full time since 1993 and I fail to come up with any period since then where Thailand was run by "proper politicians, with good education". It's not that such persons do not exist. It's just that in a society where who you know counts for far more than what you know, such persons will have a very hard time getting into positions of power.
  17. How about instigating coups - should that be prosecuted?
  18. My day wasn't ruined by seeing the coup leaders face.
  19. I took your freedom away and now I need your vote in a partly sham election because I've rigged the constitution and parliamentary system in my favor.
  20. No, there's only one way and that's through the established legal ways. Even though you're in thrall of the carnival barker who has made it his life's work to bend and brake rules and laws the rest of us appreciate things being done legally. Weird, right?
  21. OK, so we agree it's not the A team. But to be fair to defendant trump it's not easy to find any lawyers to represent him at all as any lawyer worth their salt have already taken Michael Cohen's advice.
  22. Yes, because that's what defendant trump is; a victim!
  23. If I had a vote this guy would get it. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2023-04-19/harvard-alumni-to-help-thailand-reclaim-lost-decade-video "Thailand’s Move Forward Party wants to reclaim the lost decade under a military-backed rule by de-monopolizing businesses and reducing the role of armed forces, its leader Pita Limjaroenrat tells Bloomberg News. The opposition party will also push for decentralization of economic power outside its capital and commercial hub Bangkok if it wins next month’s general election, Pita, an alumnus of Harvard Kennedy School of Government and MIT Sloan School of Management said in an interview on April 19, 2023."
  24. Probably the biggest disaster ever befallen the Thai Army. I mean, what are the high ranking officers gonna do while waiting for the next coup - walk and play golf??! Dear Thai population, Please vote for the "right" party so that the overworked officers aren't yet again called upon to cancel democracy and seize power!
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