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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. There was very rarely a need to "look for an angle" as most of the time what he posted were outright lies a 5 y/o would be too embarrassed to tell.
  2. No, we most certainly didn't. Only the cultists "eagerly awaited" trump's non-stop moronic brain dead drivel. The rest of us found it utterly boring and inane.
  3. I wasn't referring to you but the "OTHER PEOPLE" you were using as examples in your post. You're right, reading comprehension does make a difference.
  4. The MAGA crowd don't need, nor want, facts as that would only mess with their beliefs. They're a cult, and cultists have faith, and that makes them impossible to engage with, impervious to facts/truth and unpredictable and dangerous when their god/idol eventually crashes and burns.
  5. Scores of judges (some of the appointed by trump!) have ruled there are no grounds to believe this and legions of Republicans have since the election turned every stone trying to find any evidence of the mindblowingly comprehensive and genius conspiracy needed to pull this off. What have they found? A, big, fat NADA. So if you still believe "the election has been stolen by fraudulent means" you need to seek the help of a mental health care professional. End of/'nuff said, finito la musica, la fin.
  6. I wouldn't call people who see trump for what he is lefties, I would call then sane and grounded in reality.
  7. That's bull of course but even if it weren't in what way would that be pertinent to him stealing secret documents?
  8. He doesn't hold office anymore so he has no constitutional privileges of office. Understand?
  9. LOL, we know that. Well, at least us bleedin' libs. Not so sure about the MAGA crowd, not sure at all.
  10. Please do try to pay attention. It was the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) that searched the Temple of Tastelessness, not members of Aseannow. Understand now?
  11. Now why didn't you start the post off with that sentence so that I could just have gotten on with my life and ignored your post entirely. I mean, how completely lost in the MAGA fog does one have to be to quote the utterly disgusting slime dwelling creature that is convict Roger Stone?!
  12. Funny how trump used to brag about only hiring the best and brightest only for them, almost without exception, to turn on him. Only those deeply inflicted by the MAGA lunacy would not find that worrisome.
  13. No surprise here even if it comes from a bledin' heart lib... John Bolton Says There's ‘No Evidence’ FBI Search Of Mar-A-Lago Was Partisan Overreach "Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said Wednesday there was “no evidence” the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was a partisan overreach, breaking with many GOP lawmakers that have rushed to condemn the event as a political attack. “There is no evidence there is a partisan motive here,” Bolton told Reuters. “I think everybody just ought to calm down, whether you’re pro-Trump or anti-Trump, and let the process work its way through.”"
  14. When defending the indefensible one has to get "creative"!???? http://Trump Attorney’s New Claim About Mar-A-Lago Causes Jaws To Drop On Twitter Rudy Giuliani Cooks Up Bonkers New Excuse For Trump's Hoard Of Sensitive Docs I have learned a lot since trump stepped onto the world stage with a [insert farting sound] and some of it could be used to coin a new saying: The smellier the turd, the crazier the fly.
  15. I see some very eager MAGA cultists trolling this thread, total waste of time engaging with them. Hopefully justice will be done and the orange one will be orange clad for a loooong time. At that time I will break out the popcorn and watch the trolls explode.
  16. Yes, we can just see trump, the voracious reader and stickler for facts and details, buried in documents in the evenings frantically preparing himself for the upcoming meetings in the days ahead. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dude, seriously??
  17. As we're talking about the MAGA devotees it'd surprise me if there weren't a massive amount of attacks like this. This bunch of [what Hillary said] is an unholy mix of racists, sexist, facist filth all egged on by their orange boy and I expect lots of attack (physical and otherwise) against their percieved enemies. And what are the GOP members in Congress saying? Not much at all, the spineless maggots.
  18. Nope. Claiming the election was stolen is crazy, believing trump is fit to lead anything at all is crazy, voting for that individual is crazy, certifiably bat s**t crazy. Keeping files of posts doesn't even come close.
  19. "The dem party has been exposed for their extreme far left agenda." Extreme far left agenda!???? Please give us some examples, pretty please. "GOP has a few excellent people to take the reins in 2024." That deserves another ????! Again, examples, please. PS. If you start listing clowns like Jordan, Bobert, Greene, Canc Cruz etc I'll probably rupture something laughing.
  20. ! donald j. trump doing ANYTHING that's not completely self-serving???. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wonder where the "love for his country and his sense of patriotic duty" were hiding when the country called on him to serve and he ran as fats as his little bone spur ridden feet could carry him! PS. If you really believe that drivel then please PM me cause I've got a couple of bridges you just gotta have - special price for you my friend!
  21. Apparently, as you lost me because of the humongous porky pie you served, which in no shape or form could be confused with the truth.????
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