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  1. Since I may be partly responsible for raising the issue of boredom, let me clarify a personal matter. I wasn't suggesting that living in LOS was inevitably boring. Maybe some places are but certainly not all. I remember years ago a TV member describing Hua Hin as littered with the bodies of expats who had died of boredom. And now I have just moved to the rural outskirts of Hua Hin. But it's personal and comparative. I'm used to living in Manhattan where I plan on doing half-years. Spring and summer, I think. Any change of pace or scene has to lessen boredom at some level.
  2. Sorry, I don't get it. You didn't leave Thailand or earlier patrie?
  3. Do you become an expat by living in Thailand half the year, as I plan, or does it have to be the full year? A half year here and a half year there should decrease the boredom potential but it means putting down roots in both places. I just got the Thai house. The next step is the even more difficult job of getting a Fiance Visa to be with the GF in both places. We're doing this a bit later than you advise (in our 40s and 80s), but you can never do it earlier than you are.
  4. No, the Kama Sutra would be appropriate karma.
  5. I'm awake with the sun--from 6:30 to 6:30. Sometimes 7-7; even 7-8, never 7-11.
  6. Thanks, Dad. I've only be doing this for 70 years--to better and better reviews. Enough time to learn that "typically" and"Generally" don't count.
  7. You've never met me either. That what turns anonymity into useful social information.
  8. In 10 minutes of mouth and lip action, she comes multiple times, thanks me profusely, and tells me to turn over to return the favor.
  9. There may come a time when the gell doesn't work, but there are other ways of getting testosterone, including injections. I consider myself lucky in having the partner I have, but I work at replacing declining T. My urologist prescribes it. And I increase dosage rather than give up.
  10. (Asking about testosterone gel) I get the Andro Gel in New York. ( It's made in Mexico.) I've also gotten packets of testosterone gel at Fascino's in Pranburi. There's also a Fascino's in Market Village, Hua Hin. (I haven't tried them.)
  11. At 83 I use testosterone gel (Andro-gel) and 20mg of tadalafil (cialis) daily. No side-effects to speak of. Not as vigorous as I was in my 70s, but I stay engaged and enjoy it. And my GF doesn't have the energy she had ten years ago in her 30s. I'm getting her to take progesterone. These "pharmaceuticals" aren't more chemical than the hormones they replace.
  12. I just bought my first lease for a Thai rental (6 mos in Hua Hin), for 1/3 the cost of my partly subsidized long term rental in Manhattan. Biggest advantage is the face I wake up to and kiss good-night. Restaurants in NY are better, but I eat well enough in Thailand. I can read the New York Times online (though I prefer the paper) and I can listen to WQXR on my laptop (though I prefer the radio). I can't give up NY but I expect to bring my TGF there for March to August. Wish me luck.
  13. 1st stage has been my visiting for vacations about four times a year, a few weeks at a time. Now entering second stage, renting a house together for her residence and my longer and more frequent visits. Nice feel having our own home together, even if I have to return to New York frequently to supervise legal wife's hospice care. I imagine a third stage post mortem, living half a year in our Thai home and half a year in NY.
  14. What makes you feel sick? Is it an old guy enjoying life?
  15. I've just turned 83 and find I need more of a kick so I upped cialis from 10 to 20 mg a day which helps. I might also have to drop finasteride or just take topical version for my hair. Cialis (tadalafil) is prescribed for both ED and BPH. May also consider upping testosterone from gel to injections. I have no interest in giving up sex. Nor does my 42 yr old GF/wife. Even though her main enjoyment is the multiple orgasms from my cunnilingus.
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