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  1. "the rest of the population?" (aka Sky News), says the frog sitting at the bottom of the well.
  2. "What transpired the other night" was a non-debate with a habitual liar (but but but trump, indeed). MAGAfan need to come to grips with that indeed., ie get their head ouf their ar#se. Though no hope for them though, they kinda stuck at their own sphincter.
  3. Funny, a troll calling a troll calling a troll calling a troll - endless loop. Somebody must have deleted a line of code, or two.
  4. People in glass house shouldn't throw stones. Haven't they taught you that in school? You think Trump would look any better, but of course he woulldn't let you touch his hair make-up with a 10-foot pole. One thing Trump positive is him rolling along with any joke that was on him, his laugh-in spectacle on the podium of United Nations was one such classic - where "a big rubber band to put around his head to hold his mouth closed" would have been most appropriate.
  5. Yes, it was. Trump has had many many-offs like that, the most notorious was the "covid bleach" scenario. Yet the MAGA fan base and FoxNews managed to get Trump wiggle through time and again. Just suck it up and dig your heels Joe. Learn from your enemy.
  6. Obviously trolls don't get out much, understandably. However when a normal human being jetsets between two continents across the Atlantic, the drastic change in environment - especially if coming from warmer climes - would likely affect one's health. Paris weather is often vicious. My first night in Paris in summer - broiling and dusty during the day and damp cold in the evening - eons back, I went out for a beer and frites. Got back in my room and came down with both diarrhea and a badass cold.
  7. PCKBS (pot calling the kettle black syndrome) ie MAGA second nature. In full display, blatant and shameless.
  8. One thing I like about Trump (father, please forgive me) of his appearance in this debate is that the arrogant air seemed to have taken a bow. Felony seems to have become Trump, god forbid. There a trace of resignation, if not humiliation, in his usual mugging. A touch of pathos, if you will, which is rare in a creature of habitual deceipt.
  9. Lisa's true talent is on full display here: twisting herslef into a pretzel! Soon they'll have a letter "L" in life-size cardboard standing in, or dancing in, for her and nobody would know - or care - any difference.
  10. Yep, let the MAGA crowd jump with joy (nah, "derangement," their "cackle du jour," would be a more apt word.) Whoever thinks it takes one person Mr/Mrs. Prez to run the whole country should go back to kindergarten. There's a whole cabinet behind him/her. So he had a cold and went on a debate with a pathological liar. The liar still lied and that in itself is a good thing. Even better than a good thing when said pathological liar is now branded convicted felon! This whole thread is like a toddlers party at a kiddie table. Let them smear their baby chocolate mousse and baby ex-creme-de-menthe in equal measure. A debate is not going to bring down a candidate when the only opponent is Trump. Trump makes you sound good even if you didn't utter a single word. Let the MAGAnites jump with joy now over this so-called "presidential debate" - that after all the hue and cry, really did not debate anything - and the next Jan6th would be their sour-grape munching party. Time two.
  11. Any particular reason that made you switch from Brialab to Osotsala? Price, quality, convenience, etc.?
  12. There are many variables to the outcome of the "take the girl out of Isaan" scenario - "could be catastrophic" being the worst case. It's like gambling, you can win/or lose big, up to you to make the bet. Some are content to just collect their win at the slot machine and go home. Others walk over to the poker table... I was just pointing out a potential for disaster of what the OP considers "Your best bet."
  13. Wh would anyone in their sane mind would want to do that? 1) Remember, "You can take the girl out of Isaan, but you can't take Isaan out of the girl..." 2) Not to mention giving her the heretofore un-asked for opportunity to put you in the rather sobering context as far as male (farang) specimen goes. Such blunder could be catastrophic.
  14. Often seen scene from daily life of a MAGA fan: talking to themselves in the mirror....
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