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Everything posted by Excel

  1. The chances of that possibly rate on a par with the chances they had been smoking cannabis or a combination of all 3 of those factors
  2. Pound in biggest monthly fall against the dollar since 2016 - BBC News
  3. Today the pound fell significantly adding further pressure to energy prices and of course those with a GBP income but living outside the UK will not be too happy either.
  4. Better everything ? my my you forget that England won the world cup in 1966, something no other English team has done since even considering that they now have mixed race players in the team, so they can't be any better, frankly must only be worse never to have won it since,
  5. Wouldn't it just be so much simpler to just not use the US extension lead but rather buy one locally, they are not expensive.
  6. They will possibly be spending more time in the VVIP sections of the Krystal Club from now until then just in case Thong Lor does get flooded ????
  7. Well based on the original report and the subsequent one regarding the 2011 floods that the suggestion is that if the weather pattern does occur as predicted then it will indeed be nothing like the 20111 floods which were caused by Northern Run-off and the opening of sluice gates to protect BKKs CBD. This time it is being suggested it will be solely due to immense and heavy rainfall through out Bangkok which the current infrastructure will be unable to cope with and hence flooding, even in the CBD, is a strong likelihood. But of course whoever trusts a weather man ?
  8. Well you seemed to have overlooked the question of academic achievements and your suggestion that racist are ignorant in your haste so for you here it is again; "Now let's see, how do yours stack up against his so that we may have a fair comparison of the veracity of your comment ?"
  9. Ignorant racist ? Well well Enoch Powells academic achievements were quite outstanding which means he could hardly be called ignorant. Now let's see, how do yours stack up against his so that we may have a fair comparison of the veracity of your comment ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Powell
  10. Yes that is true and is the case in all walks of life , especially in politics and many people don't like nor are willing to accept the truth when told to them.
  11. Perhaps you could just listen again to what Enoch was saying and keep to the EXACT subject matter, not what others like you have attempted to deflect it to.
  12. So we are now deflecting into other countries now are we !!! What next linking Enoch Powells comments to the entire world ? Please stay with the threads specific subject matter. As a side note, as those immigrants were allowed into the UK then during the 1950's and 60's saw some of the highest levels of emigration from the UK, actually exceeding immigration levels at times. Guess they too saw what was going to happen and got out asap.
  13. The EU has similar incentives to produce alternative sources of jet fuels. Anything to do with claims that it will lower greenhouse gases , IMHO is just PR BS for the masses. Look at the logic here in Thailand. Currently 77 million litres are collected monthly. Until now that has not been a high profit business stream so it is unlikely that the method of collection would involve high efficiency modern road tankers perhaps. Of course I could be wrong but I suspect that in order to get the cheapest price they would be using companies that are operating old diesel belching trucks. That put's paid to the greenhouse gas emissions argument straight away.
  14. So how do you come to that conclusion ? I find that statement quite strange and look forward to seeing your projected production cost analysis. The main points in favour of this project are that the refining process at the refinery will have known or projected fixed costs after the capital investment already. The feed stock is obtained from within Thailand from an already in place used cooking oil collection system so costs for this are a known factor. Whereas traditional jet fuel production is subject to global price pressures. One other factor worthy of note is that the initial projected output is 1 million litres per day, which equates to around 6290 barrels of oil whereas Thailand's jet fuel production runs at the rate of approximately 63,000 barrels per day, of which over 15% ish is exported. So if the home market could produce an alternative jet fuel at even the same production cost as traditional fuels, than the opportunity to export up to 25% of the traditional fuels at international prices which would be of an increased economic significance for Thailand.
  15. That may be so but the so called "doom and gloom" report earlier was not stating that the flooding is worse now than 2011, it was predicating it could become worse within the next few months as this is what they stated. "Expected rain over the next three months will be heavier and longer lasting than normal, likely heralding the worst deluges in 100 years."
  16. As opposed to someone of influence interfering with the DSI is another scenario perhaps .
  17. WISE are not registered as a banking or financial institution in Thailand so I doubt that would be possible. However no one on this thread I suspect can answer your question with any level of factual knowledge so perhaps the best way forward for you would either send them an email or else ring their Singapore office and ask the question
  18. Item 1 of your post was explained in the article clearly. Also I don't think the OP meant for the thread to be on the English Language as it has nothing to do with flooding.
  19. By using "WISE for a Thai company", are you enquiring as to whether or not you can pay a Thai company using WISE ? If that is what you are asking then yes you can using the WISE debit card..
  20. And least not forget many of the army conscripts are from poor families so I would anticipate that their loyalties would mean their support of the masses.
  21. Yes, all of them to the very very top. If they are not of Chinese descent they are not considered by the Elite as being part of the Elite. Elitism at it's finest https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_Chinese
  22. Perhaps because the article is written by PREM SINGH GILL, a third generation Indian here and we all know of the general Indian prejudice against the Chinese, almost as bad as some of the posters on here.
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