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Everything posted by Excel

  1. This thread is not about any type of comparisons. It is about someone killing a protected animal in a Thai national park. Perhaps you should start a separate thread on "Endangered species, their protection and penalties from around the world". if you wish to contribute relevant info on that specific subject matter.
  2. Possibly to be fair to him he is so used to putting live ducks, chickens and geese into the overhead locker on his previous internal Indian flights he never gave much thought to what he shouldn't do here ????
  3. This is not the US, it is Thailand so yarns from other countries are neither here or there. It is about illegal fishing in a Thai national park.
  4. Good shot by one of the RTP anyway. Best way for any drug dealer to be dealt with in my opinion
  5. Well the tik tocker has not got 5 years, or even sentenced yet. And I guess as the Indian didn't kill anything, unlike the tik tocker, it could well be a substantial fine, deported and black listed perhaps. We shall just have to wait and see.
  6. Well alcohol can kill, or in this case the love of it did.
  7. Not really https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/thai/tycoon-sentenced-12082021160110.html
  8. Guess logic suggests the latter but what would prompt it is if a coalition of PT and Move forward resulted in some of the policies of the latter being enacted, or at least proposed. That really may upset certain people and hence the thugs will be let loose against civilians again.
  9. You possibly wouldn't because what they could charge indicates that their customers are way above your league maybe so you would be of no interest to them..????
  10. That would seem to sum it up exactly. However it would also appear to be the case that the £ 50 penalty was simply imposed because @Pumpuynarak knowingly filled the form in wrongly by his own admission and hence seems to be more of a fine for doing so. Hence of course he had to pay back that monies to which he was not entitled. If he had actually been in the UK when he completed that form then no fine could have been levied and if he had left the UK sometime after then they, either be by somebody informing, or yourself telling them, and hardly ever from them investigating you as a routine check for which it was noted by others elsewhere, there is no documented evidence supporting that theory. If anybody wishes to check exactly what information the DWP holds on you then you can make a request to; https://www.gov.uk/guidance/request-your-personal-information-from-the-department-for-work-and-pensions. other useful info https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-work-pensions/about/personal-information-charter
  11. So it's good to note your honesty but to clarify and to put all that other misleading garbage written by others to bed, It was not that the DWP did any research etc etc to discover that you were not resident in the UK , as some on here misleadingly claim, but rather, only due to your honesty as you informed them that you were UK non resident.
  12. Guess soon be time for also stopping motorcycles on the pavements, again ?
  13. This question specifically relates to not needing a letter from the embassy, whatever that is. So assuming one leaves on the old passport which contains an extension of stay valid say until 3 months time. Renew passport in the UK and return to Thailand, how will that new passport get the entry stamp as it has been said elsewhere that you will not receive a VE stamp (new passport has not got extension of stay in it) if you still have a valid extension of stay, in the old passport ( assuming of course you got the re-entry permit). Or will immigration look at the old passport and see you have an extension so automatically put the entry stamp in your new passport ? Seems a bit unclear to me what they will do, perhaps @ubonjoe could clarify this please
  14. Well if it is the same number simply block it. If it is different numbers but same subject etc undoubtably it is a scam. You can keep blocking them, but their auto dialing facility will probably last longer than your patience.
  15. Perhaps you should stay awake more instead of laying their dreaming ????
  16. Well you may have a point although I fear this time it will not just be BKK nor will it be the same numbers of people involved. In 2010 it was the "Red shirts" whose numbers were only into thousands. Since then, due to the ultra corrupt policies of a junta leader/PM, he has successfully brought almost destitution to around 70% of the population. Poverty has grown significantly as statistics show. So tell me exactly what has around 70% of the population now got to lose further by demonstrating and taking action for major change, when this utter corruption has already deprived so many of a meaningful lifestyle ?
  17. Yes I guess TAT will have their work cut out to generate more or even maintain the current level of tourism if massive protests break out as no doubt the puppeteer will order his assassins to live fire into the crowd. That may be a pre-curser to major national disruption and change perhaps, but prior to that will those high spending, high end tourists really want to visit Thailand when their lives could be endangered by the marauding "special ones" with their Stryker vehicles whilst going to queue outside the Louis Vuitton store to snap up that 120,000 baht ghastly looking handbag ?
  18. same phone number ?
  19. He may also learn in that next 5 years to show more respect in the attire he wears when talking to Thai officials instead of looking like a tramp with a "couldn't care less" attitude playing on his smart phone.
  20. Exactly, poseurs like this who commit a crime against a protected specie should most definitely be made an example of. I'm sure even 7 days in a Thai prison for his crimes will sort him out and guess after that he won't be arsed to try illegal fishing again
  21. Possibly he had a buyer for them so he could buy another gold necklace to replace the one a lady boy took from him ????
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