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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Used these for a long time now. Excellent service, well suits my needs anyway. UK Postbox - The UK's Online Post Office
  2. Given Thai drivers mainly male, proclivity to run the red light I don't see how an earth this will save innocent pedestrians from being mown down at these crossings by these irresponsible and reckless imbeciles.
  3. So educating their kids in the dangers of drug abuse is not a requirement then of good parenting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. And of course no mention of magnifying glass to find his own penis to cut off ????
  5. Terrible that and RIP to the poor lady but you have to think what sort of an upbringing was this murderer given by his parents ? Another gutless Thai male who picks on women, in this case his own Mother to murder.
  6. 3 gutless Thai men attack and kill one Thai man !! That's unusual as these people prefer at least 6 onto one. Cowardly cretons with no morals is about all you can describe them as.
  7. Exactly and considering the world opinion of the US these days and the way they have invaded and ruined countries in the last 50 years I should think most people would side with China.
  8. So that's a place on the coastline where they hold auctions is it ? ????
  9. And when you know how the Thai military has treated its own people over the years it is hardly surprising the current regime supports Myanmar now is it ?
  10. How fortunate for much of the world currently, many do not hold the same view as you. Feel sorry that you are most likely in a less than ideal relationship for you to have formed that view.
  11. Is this for use on a charcoal stove, gas stove, conventional electric ring or induction hob ?
  12. Exactly, it should be reported to the government as fake news ????
  13. Probably even more infirm now that he got hit by a motorbike unfortunately. However the number of times I have seen people, young and older, scampering across a road, rather then taking their time to walk safely over the footbridge makes me think it is the lemming instinct sometimes.
  14. Whilst cases may be increasing then if the UK is a good comparator then serious hospitalisations from omicron are not following that same trend. Given that and the majority of cases appear to be much milder symptoms then this has resulted in most regulations in the UK being relaxed. Now that suggests that Thailand, a country of similar population, although a slightly lower median age, then should they follow suit, would follow an even lesser trend given the statistics of the other variants contagion previously in Thailand. So it appears that should they re-classify it as an endemic it will pave the way for Thailand to open up properly again and provide opportunities for the poor to regain employment and for those business that have suffered badly to hopefully improve their lives again, But, and it is a big but, do this government really want that to happen ? rather is it their plan to keep the state of emergency running as long as they can manipulate it and call a snap election ? As with these powers they have with them the means to deprive the general population, which they appear to despise so much, of allowing a fair election ? However let's hope this regime put politics and their own cronyism to one side and Omicron is considered just another health hazard, like flu or the common cold and hence classified as endemic so that Thailand can hopefully recover from the sorry state it is currently in. Now that would really bring happiness back to the millions of people who have suffered economically.
  15. And exactly how will they check the 100s of thousands private rural homes, who will now be growing it, that it will have the variety with less than 0.2% THC ? Nobody will grow that junk surely and just plant the better quality plant. I have 3 rai spare so would appreciate advice as to where to get the better plants. Perhaps the variety that grows freely in Lebanon on particularly very poor soil is the one to go for ?
  16. thanks so let's see if other offices follow this pattern or whether your office are just being a****holes
  17. Yes you are right. Perhaps they have stamped out bad corruption but expanded the good corruption aspects ????
  18. Well that drop down the order indicates that this regime has definitely brought happiness back to the people, well the corrupt people that support the regime and the regime members themselves that is.
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