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Everything posted by Excel

  1. It does not say she was a sex worker although most people will form their own opinion naturally. Can't wait for the spin that will be put on this though to pretend she was not involved in the trade and her contracting the disease was purely an act of God, or perhaps Buddha.
  2. Agree with you, yet another stupid article and even sadder are some of the replies
  3. So know you know then. The galvanised is generally in far less section sizes and on the thinner walled sections which you often see on Thai houses were the spans are minimal.
  4. Well wouldn't know but doubt it because the people I see eating it when walking past appear to be normal looking Thais as vegans are generally scrawny, wear bandanas and quite often have some sort of skin infection don't they ????
  5. Do you mean the oiled black steel compared to the galvanized steel which you refer to as shiny ?
  6. I am still trying to discover his connections, if any, to the RTN, as clearly he appears to have someone other than the bent police ( now removed to another posting ) allowing him to dodge the "bullets", metaphorically speaking of course.
  7. So has this delay allowed Somyot Panprasong to do a "runner" I wonder ? He was known about on the 6th August so why only now did the police act ? https://thailand.postsen.com/news/31685/Fire-in-Chonburi-pub-netizens-dug-until-they-realized-the-owner-and-found-it-posted-it-as-an-omen-like-this.html
  8. So from what you say then BK are now top of the grotty food chains both in product size and cost.
  9. Well maybe if they thought they could make money out of it I'm sure some one in government would try and re-legalise it as Ya ba tablets were formerly sold legally at gas stations and used by long-haul drivers to stay awake. The drug was outlawed by the Thai government in 1970
  10. This thread has put a whole new meaning to my old corner shop that had an electronic buzzer that went bing bong ????
  11. So you think she may have done, but in truth we don't really know.
  12. Read this and learn a bit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chulachomklao_Royal_Military_Academy
  13. I always wanted to give Shari Lewis my own lamb chop.
  14. I'm not sure about that as I don't know whether the military academy that Prawit attended has sodomy as an initiation act, unlike Eton so perhaps the unacademic subject matters are not comparable.
  15. Well when you have a convicted drug dealer afforded a high position in government what would one expect ?
  16. In that case you are possibly correct, which illustrates clearly a comment that I made in an earlier post that "That Thais would not know the difference" so hence it would not be them complaining about the beef quality as they know no different given that they have no comparators.
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