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Everything posted by Excel

  1. really ? Very strange. After your comment I checked and I highlighted from hotandsticky, ,used quote, then pasted in my reply quote and it pastes as your quote ! How is that ? Are you two the same people ?
  2. Why ? none of your business what others receive so suggest minding your own business.
  3. Thet will only send it to the address you registered with them
  4. As I have said on other threads the local clinics and government hospitals are good here, predominately there to help and assist people with their needs whereas the private hospitals are primarily there to exploit and maximise profits wherever possible.
  5. Coconut water is one of the best electrolyte providing and refreshing drinks around.
  6. Maybe they both share a liking for water sports ?
  7. I am sure there are but messengers only deliver the mail, they don't compile it and that message was in response to a poster suggesting Thailand was cheap, so perhaps you should read all of the thread and understand the context before attempting to promote your own pompous opinion.
  8. So how many have you directly helped yourself in weaning them off all that chemical rubbish ?
  9. If you have an address in your home country ( UK/US/Europe ? ) change your registered address to there and then obtain a debit card.
  10. No idea, ask the compiler of the guide, not the messenger
  11. Well my bigger concern is if the 33 + million women in Thailand are suffering from flatulence, as the OP states, what is the impact on global warming with that amount of methane being released ?
  12. Yes it's worrying that anybody, irrespective of whom they are, supporting and condoning corrupt people, whether it be the Trump family, Marcos or even Boris actually have what level of morals and ethical conduct themselves. Perhaps it's birds of a feather flock together ?
  13. I have a dyslexic one quite often but to compound that I even have a dyslexic spell checker ????
  14. You know I am not if you had bothered to read the thread in order. You are wrong about your statement "that was in 1999 , a long time after Donald became successful and rich Donald didn't get rich because of his inheritance ". Now go back and read the link properly, but again , just for you , a small extract. He did not get rich because he was successful, he became rich due to monies given to him. n 2018, an exposé by The New York Times[b] revealed that Trump and his wife, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, provided over $1 billion (in 2018 currency) to their progeny overall, while effectively evading over $500 million in gift taxes. Trump illicitly contributed several million dollars to Donald between 1987 and 1991
  15. Wrong again. Perhaps you should read the link I provided in my earlier post However here is a little extract from it; In 2018, an exposé by The New York Times[b] revealed that Trump and his wife, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, provided over $1 billion (in 2018 currency) to their progeny overall, while effectively evading over $500 million in gift taxes. Trump illicitly contributed several million dollars to Donald between 1987 and 1991
  16. Like father like son in many ways https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump
  17. You mean like homework ? ????
  18. Used them for years and as for speed and cost then I know no other, not forgetting the simplicity of the transactions either
  19. Youre right of course. Double that would give her an average income but doubt 1000/2 weeks lottery sales outside the main city areas would be doable.
  20. We don't know which Land department you will be dealing with. However my advice would be to completely ignore wasting money on lawyers. Simply go ( with a Thai speaker ) to the relevant land office and ask them directly what, if any, issues may be. They are generally very helpful.
  21. And that my friend is exactly the issue.
  22. If the lawyer has advised them that the sellor on the Chanote need not be present as the power of attorney for AN Other will suffice, then most certainly that is a dodgy lawyer. Unless of course officials at the land department are induced to ignore their own rules perhaps. In that case problems could well arise in the future.
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