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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Not a patch on Perry Como
  2. Monopoly of civil contractors also I should think
  3. Let's hope they are checking the construction and not the brown envelopes.
  4. Its not supposed to be funny, you try eating those with your teeth all gone, all you can do is suck it up
  5. Englebert, as previously stated is 86.
  6. I agree that dark brown chesterfield sofa with what looks like a cowskin rug on top, completely tasteless.
  7. Yes you do seem confused. with such a crase reply totally out of context of my post But never mind , troll on. Again you have chosen to ruin a thread so like tiresome children you are best left to have your tantrums on your own. Bye bye for today, sleep well, happy dreams
  8. So has Jesus Christ have fans around the world, he's been dead over 2000 years but bet if tickets were sold to see him there would still be some that pay up. doesn't mean to say he can perform a few miracles anymore, much like Englebert's singing voice now.
  9. Johnson the law breaker never has been fit for purpose. The worst and most ridiculed PM since Chamberlin now to be followed by either a back stabber or a Thatcher wannabee.
  10. Are they performing as well ?
  11. Didn't realise you could buy 1 lb of fish in Phuket. All the years I have been here it is Kg or grms all over Thailand. Is then selling 1 lb of fish for which 100% of customers will be assuming the price is per Kg, the scam then ?
  12. Whilst that would be good, you still can't beat sheer common sense in asking for the prices before ordering.
  13. I guess those flashbacks can be unsettling for you ????
  14. These news reports don't get any better. Now we have a 40 year old restaurant being called "ancient" ????
  15. This was not a normal death in service so your comment was disgraceful and showed your complete ignorance of the facts when the deceased died due to the negligence of the authorities whose representative turned up for the photo op and cheque.
  16. Guess calling a lady a slut turns you on ?
  17. Been to many but never had the Minister of Labour at one, nor been to one where the death occurred due to negligence of the authorities to ensure safety yet felt it fitting for a top official, a member of that self same authority to actually attend and have the brass neck to present a cheque.
  18. A photo op with an enlarged check at a temple. Sorry for their loss but how sick is that presentation and those that took part in it. Presented to the Mother and not the wife of the deceased I note.
  19. I think you may have to use your own imagination on that one unless someone is willing to spit it out for you ????
  20. Or perhaps photos of him with Jeffrey Epstein and a few young girls, now that really would send Melania ballistic
  21. Excellent news. At least it shows some sections of the establishment are still unbiased and do not kowtow to the PM's whims.
  22. No, but clearly no women liked what was in yours ????
  23. McDonalds, KFC Dunkin Donuts to name but three ????
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