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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Or simply instructed by the master not to hold one?
  2. Unfortunately for the UK a real winter of discontent is brewing up if some of the reports are credible. Liz Truss policies, if anyone really knows what they are, are rumored to be income tax cuts which does nothing to help most pensioners or those low paid workers. The winter will be grim for them, debts mounting up and according to some, many small businesses also could go to the wall. Not looking good , except for Nicola Sturgeon perhaps who must be feeling quite smug how Truss's policies will play into the SNP's hands. Liz Truss as the PM could well be one of the shortest in British history should protests reach a crescendo and a March/April 2023 general election could be called given the wide spread discontent that may be just around the corner.
  3. That maybe so but did he turn in the direction of the indicator or completely opposite ?
  4. Seems like someone or group has spoken and advised the puppets that there will be no change in the foreseeable future to the way this country is controlled for the personal gain of the very very few
  5. True and Mark Field MP must have thought so too in 2004. According to one satirical magazine they are much like her mouth, doesn't know when to keep them closed and that was said several years ago now Ideal PM, in the Tory mold following on from Boris. Just a shame her policies for the nation are not as well thought out as her private life.
  6. I'm sure your wife would like Japan but book a tour. Singapore/Hong Kong is basically just another shopping trip for her. Malaysia might be interesting, the Highlands especially. China is a bit of quandary currently with their continuous lock downs but putting that to one side there are some amassing places to see. But never mind about mine or anybody else's ideas, your wife is the only one that matters so sit down with here, in front of the computer so you can show here some places and let here decide. I note you mention she has never flown, that could be something that would cause her some anxiety so can I suggest you just take a short haul flight to somewhere in Thailand before throwing her in the deep end on anything long haul. Best of luck with your planning and look forward to your updates if possible.
  7. Well maybe but I could never see the problem with them, over the years been to several countries where they are required or similar and never a hassle to fill in. Now should they consider scrapping the 90 day reporting then that would be a different matter altogether.
  8. Soft in the head they mean
  9. 34 or 44 page passport ? Apologies, missed that so guess it would be for the standard 32 page one also ?
  10. Perhaps they were the kids of those Kuwaitis recently caught for racing ????
  11. We don't know the cc of the bike she was riding but I believe the Wave can be 110 cc or 125 cc
  12. It was answered before but it is 15 years old but restricted to 110 cc
  13. He probably does that as well as the RTP are not known for their professional integrity in general.
  14. Just to be factual to avoid misleading information by others the TM6 has not been scraped. It has been suspended. For how long we don't know as the government as yet has made no further announcement. There was a suggestion that perhaps in the future it may be cancelled if/or the relevant information can be obtained elsewhere but as yet it is only a suspension. https://www.thailandelitevisas.com/news-events-post/tm6-form-suspended/ https://www.legal.co.th/resources/visa-immigration-law/thailand-immigration-law/are-there-unintended-consequences-suspending-thai-tm-6-cards/
  15. So why pay twice as much as necessary for a good agent ?
  16. Not forgetting of course that many Thais, not all, but very many never accept responsibility for their actions ( or inaction on behalf of the parents in this case ) and immediately accuse others of it being their fault, although in this specific case, as yet, I didn't read where the poor girls parents have blamed the truck driver - yet anyway.
  17. How many more I wonder. Meanwhile the front man is out on bail I think and the real investors are wanting some money back by selling the restaurant. Sick bar stewards.
  18. Its good to point that out as simply quoting the minimum age without the cc restriction is very misleading and could actually lead to law breaking if it was taken at face value.
  19. Perhaps you can explain to us all here then as he stated he braked, coming to halt then how come that was not a slowing down motion ? Perhaps your laws of Physics are different to the rest of ours ???? Or conversely tell us all how a vehicle in motion can come to a halt without slowing down ????????
  20. The level of damage would be dependent upon the impact force, determined both by the speed of the truck, which appears slowing according to the driver ( which naturally he would say but I suspect may not be the truth given he was on a delivery ), but no info on the speed of the motorcycle. When will parents stop giving their children a death sentence by allowing them to drive anything underage, let alone motorcycles. Also crash helmets seem unnecessary. RIP to the girl as it is tragic for any youngster to lose their lives, especially so when they are completely avoidable, as is often the case when the parents are irresponsible and negligent in their duty of care to their children.
  21. Firstly I have no interest in the Muslim faith and to me it ranks equally as bad as all so called faiths in this world. All that has ever done is a create a world full of bigotry to one another. Having said that you clearly do not understand what being a Muslim means nor how they consider those that do not follow their faith. Therefore their values are completely different to yours in some areas perhaps, so it is not hypocrisy on their part at all. Hypocrisy comes into play when you are ignorant of their values and think their values should be the same as ours. Just because you, others or Santa Claus consider the way they act as not in keeping with your values it does not mean they are contriving their own code of moral conduct when it involves sex with non Muslims. As much as you despise the way some of them act just consider that for most of them they think that for you to wipe your bum with your right hand, the hand you eat with, is equally as disgusting.
  22. A 27 year old male has now succumbed to his injuries sustained at Mountain B bring the total to 21 dead
  23. What is wrong with them having different values to yours ? You think your own views and values are the ones the entire world should follow, are you that much of a bigot ?
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