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Everything posted by Excel

  1. You didn't grasp my point as there are special divisions within BKK !!!
  2. You appear to be a bitter man who perhaps thought yourself God's gift to women but found out the hard way you are not. Judge people as you wish to be judged yourself. Irrespective as to whether they are farm girls, bar girls or Uni girls, and as all women are from any walk of life, they are all capable of summing you up and forming their own opinion about your own qualities and perhaps none liked what they found.
  3. Who uses their real name on here, you could be Somchai for all we know
  4. No he is 86 now , not dead yet but his voice may seem like he has crooked already ????
  5. And on a more serious note I hope the evacuation routes are visible, fire extinguishers are in date and that they will ensure all emergency exists are open and uncluttered. With so many old people likely there even a small incident could soon turn tragic.
  6. I wonder if they will stay with the regular military or they will be allocated to certain special divisions ?
  7. He's 86 now so guess anybody of similar age will be in the audience, assuming that there is adequate wheelchair access I guess.
  8. Pathetic response as usual from you. You seem to have a unhealthy fixation about the Guardian. You should do like many of us do listen to Sky News or BBC News , you may gain something from it, but there again perhaps not ???? But like @Chomper HiggotI too will leave the debate
  9. Well based on his lawyers comments it could be interpreted that he didn't actually know what he was doing.
  10. Yes heard that early this morning. Feel sorry for her really, running for the leadership and yet continues to tell people things she doesn't actually mean. Wasn't that Boris's modus operandi also ?
  11. Agreed but this is Thailand. If they look, or as it has been suggested they look to overseas building control standards and investigation procedures and rectification process let's hope they don't look to the UK and the Grenfell Tower block.
  12. Think you need to get your eyesight checked and pretty quickly. the threads subject is "severe-staff-shortages-reported-in-thai-hotels"
  13. How do you know the architect did specify the "less than fireproof insulation". Could it have been the building contractor did not follow the architects specifications ?
  14. Well I am trying to keep to the thread's subject, hotel workers, but up to you if you choose to attempt to deflect that away to some other area in an attempt to suit your own narrative. Why don't you start a separate thread for general workers in Thailand, may suit you better.
  15. Err we are not talking about outdoor work are we ? Is the hotel business outdoor work which is what the thread is about ?
  16. So you are paying a decent wage. My point was that no longer will Burmese, Cambodians and Laos work for half the minimum wage that I suspect which is why those hotel owners are complaining.
  17. But how much is he wanting to pay them per day ?
  18. More like more money into back pockets
  19. Actually not all given the many Thai males working there but bet several of the younger pretty females may be.
  20. I have had both those apps on my phone as long as I have had the internet service on my pc which is now very many years. It's a long while ago now but I thought I simply downloaded the app just as any other, can't really remember the details but I think you will need to register your a/c with the respective bank ( from the app) once it is downloaded but could be wrong or else it has now changed. Sorry to be so vague but as I said it is a long time ago since I did it.
  21. Well clearly you have no knowledge about the thread. It is about South Korean immigration on Jeju Island, which is a South Korean province, so please , don't comment on something that clearly you do not understand has nothing to do with the Japanese.
  22. What has Japanese immigration got to do with South Korea ? Have they invaded the Korean peninsula again and I missed it on the news ?
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