I think when they refer to staff shortages they really mean short of Burmese, Cambodians and Laos people willing to work for half the Thai minimum wage.
Well, of course whiskey is a combustible liquid, however the gnat's p**s they call Hong Thong would probably have been put to better use dousing the flames.
This is the one that is more worrying to me. We know how testing and inspection works in Thailand, so when kick-backs come into play how many of these chargers, presumably at existing petrol stations, will explode and burst into flames ?
So who is this guy that was seen coming out and the police felt the need to summons him ? Not the owner as a different name has been reported for him elsewhere together with the fact he is 27, this fellow is only 22 according to the report.
So, why don't you enlighten us all, sharing your profound knowledge on this specific subject and explain with links and confirmatory detail ? Of course if you cannot provide factual and irrefutable information then guess we will all have to draw our own conclusions as to your actual depth of knowledge.
Irrespective of the outcome I hope neither of them choose to keep the current chancellor in his post because just like the PM they are MIA with no comments from either following the BOE shocking announcement and forecasts that has seen confidence in the UK taking a dive if the exchange rate currently is an indicator.