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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Well they had their man on July 16th when they arrested him for opening the place illegally . What happened in the intervening 20 days when it went up in flames I wonder. Wonder if they will "lose" him again, especially if his family are "connected" or those who bank rolled him are.
  2. Taking the rap for sure but wonder who had the real money behind it ?
  3. Well in another publication it states the "police reported that the pub owner, Pongsiri [surname reserved] was arrested on July 16 this year for opening Mountain B without a license and for opening beyond the times permitted by law. An initial investigation reveals the venue had only two fire extinguishers, which is not enough for the capacity and space of the venue" Seems the police must be very well paid to allow it to open again.
  4. Possibly spending it on publicity telling people how good they think they are. Dogs are out of control in Thailand and these people getting them sterilized is a pointless exercise helping nobody as a sterile dog can still maim children and spread rabis.
  5. Who nicked his ears first ? chewy them
  6. Whilst that may seem strange and uncaring then considering the time of day and the type of establishment perhaps many of them were simply blind drunk, high on pot or other drugs and hence had little grip on reality
  7. Not sure if we can quote and link "Pattaya News" so apologies to mods and I won't link if not allowed but they have just published a report that states 5 senior Sattahip police officers including the Chief have been transferred to Chonburi Police HQ for allowing the place to keep operating. They are named in that article.
  8. Yes terrible video I agree. They can cover up anything here when they put their mind to it.
  9. Not released but would not be surprised if it were a high ranking Thai Royal Naval person so hence we will never hear.
  10. Well many of us are fully aware of what happens in other countries however this is Thailand so whatever rules and regulations are in place elsewhere it is totally irrelevant to this incident.
  11. Although it say he was a Brit, with those short shorts he could well have been Russian
  12. Well they don't seem to have much luck in those measure so far.
  13. Yes sad as it is, it is a phenomenon here that the crossing of palms with Thai baht notes seriously impairs hearing and sight. The more the number of 1000 baht notes then obviously the greater the impairment.
  14. It was a manageress and she gave a media briefing as reported on here elsewhere and she was unhurt.
  15. Because they are needed, possibly in other positions, to ensure proceeds of corruption are still channeled appropriately upwards.
  16. “Are you all sitty comftybold two-square on your botty? Then I'll begin" - Are you related to Stanley Unwin ?
  17. Well we all know what the outcome will be.
  18. Well just look at who really runs the country, hardly a role model for the students.
  19. Well full credit to Suwadee Phuttaseutrong for publicly putting her head in the firing line. Unfortunately for her now it will be all on her as to why the fire exists were not marked or not blocked ( if they were ), why the club was operating without a valid licenses, why minors were allowed in etc etc. She will go down for this no doubt as one of the main scapegoats, but the unnamed owner ? well let's guess shall we ?
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