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Everything posted by Excel

  1. That would be far too many to inspect and with the massive bank cash withdrawals that would ensue to pay of the "inspectors" it would have the potential to see a "run on the banks".
  2. Other media are reporting that of the fatalities, 3 were minors.
  3. Isn't that the forum that was purely set-up to promote property sales and masqueraded as a forum ? Or am I thinking of another one ?
  4. For which they needed to apply for a different license. i.e most didn't bother so it gave a continuation of the income stream to the RTP to extort money rather than lose out if the bars had closed down.
  5. Which one ? Zawtika is 80% owned by PTTEP and 20% by Myanmar Oil and Gas
  6. Really ? The RTP's main aspirations and job in this country is not to protect, rather it is to extort money in any and every way possible to ensure the money percolates to the very very top. Looks like they have been doing their job only to well to allow it to keep opening after the claimed multiple shutdowns. Sorry about the sarcasm in what is a terrible and avoidable tragedy and my condolences to those families who have now lost loved ones but it is yet another illustration of how absolute corruption permeates through Thai society to such an extent human life is considered of little value compared to holding Thai baht in their hands.
  7. Seems some people had more interesting things to say than Liz Truss did. Her response is to clamp down on protesters i.e. stop people from voicing their opinions. Protesters interrupt Liz Truss speech - BBC News
  8. Looks like they have identified one scape goat already, pretty quick work even before the investigation of the cause is completed. What next, all the RTP and RTN parties will be asked to return their back handers ?
  9. 3 am and of course no drink or drugs mentioned
  10. Either big plod or big RTN bods possibly owned it indirectly. Not much in Sattahip happens without the latter being involved.
  11. Your figures correspond to those I have read.
  12. Glad you managed your third post and if you are Scottish, as you claim you are, why couldn't you spell it correctly ?????
  13. Imagine how horrible that must be for relatives of those seen on fire outside who subsequently die(d) from their injuries. Very sad indeed.
  14. Not much of a puzzle as has already been stated in many places that people who have had smallpox vaccinations previously are far less likely to contract monkey pox. So perhaps this lady had indeed had her smallpox vaccine. https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/clinicians/smallpox-vaccine.html
  15. So as you have nothing to contribute you jump on the woke bandwagon suggesting he may have a mental health issues just to deride other people's comments. You're the sad one, never mind the looney who should be deported for spitting at people.
  16. Why do you assume Farang ? The statement said "venues popular with foreign tourists" and that includes many other than just farangs
  17. Well with the appreciation of the Ruble against the THB , thanks to Western sanctions ensuring high oil prices, then the Russians no doubt will take advantage of that for their travels. Of course Thailand sports shops should plan ahead and ensure that they have sufficient stock of undersized Speedos for these visitors.
  18. Do you have signs of a long furry tail emerging ? ????
  19. Yes it appears based on the Sky program when questioned on that specific subject she is quite clueless. To respond to a question regarding the BOEs prediction that "it might not happen" is astonishingly naive.
  20. Well I guess hopefully the investigation will discover the cause of the fire and explosions.
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