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Everything posted by Excel

  1. The thread is about the UK state pension, not private pension providers, some of whom have differing entitlement rules.
  2. Let's hope so as the UK pension is already low compared to many other countries.
  3. The latter perhaps due to the engineering design and erection methods being "short cut" due to "inducements" perhaps ?
  4. They have 2 years to go before the GE. Looks like inflation will top out in the next year so hence I would not put it past this crowd of incompetent and lying ministers to suspend the triple lock again so it does not get paid next year and then allow it the following year when inflation will mean a lower increase and it will then be in election year.
  5. Up to them if they find it so annoying.
  6. No mate I am neither Scottish nor fat nor in Pattaya, perhaps your brother ? ????
  7. Or simply buy a laptop instead and dump the ipad junk.
  8. Maybe Scottish and a member of the SNP perhaps. Liz Truss herself claimed that the SNP leader herself is just an attention seeker so perhaps this guy copies. Other than that yet another looney who should be locked up and deported, filthy blighter spitting at people
  9. Adverts may be annoying to some on this site as it may well be on thousands of others. However there is one simple solution for those that find adverts annoying on any site, simply don't access that site.
  10. And this conservative government has suspended the "triple lock" once already so who knows if they will do it again which means the UK pension increases may well fall below the rate of inflation again if they do the same thing again.
  11. Well no one had heard of this until the BBC report today so don't for one moment think you are so special you have to hear of everything first for it to be correct. Banned Russian oligarchs exploited UK secrecy loophole - BBC News It's quite often the blatantly obvious which is overlooked. Anyway a new thread is required for that so I shall not comment anymore now that I have highlighted this loophole
  12. Exactly and all legal and above board so wonder whether they would prefer Sunak or Truss ? Perhaps a question for a new thread perhaps ?
  13. Its done on-line mainly now hence the security issue recently raised. How do we know it has not been exploited already you ask ? A good question which is why I posted what I did.
  14. Well as you come from Scotland most English people understand you don't like such foreigners generally ????
  15. But my point was, why would that loophole need to be exploited by a foreign organisation when they could influence the outcome quite legally by being a conservative party member overseas. No need to be on the UK electoral register or resident in the UK . Seems that is a massive loophole.
  16. This leadership contest will roll on and on until its conclusion next month. However the posting of ballot papers was delayed due to the requirement to "improve security". Now in the media there has been all kinds of suggestions as to why this could be and which "actors" may have wished to play a part in hacking in order to influence the selection of the leader. Now the various polls recently have shown big variations as to who is in the lead and by how many %. Liz Truss appears to be gaining, which led me, in one of my idle moments, to question why would any "actor" wish to hack into the system to influence the outcome if there are easier ways to do that legally. So on checking you can be a member of the conservative party overseas for £ 25 and still have voting rights for the leader ( You can not vote now if you join but could have if you joined earlier) ). So why would any foreign organisation hack at the risk of being discovered when for a total outlay of only £2,500,000 they could have 100,000 of their own people have 50% of the conservative party membership, all legal and above aboard voting as instructed ? Seems odd to me that a foreign power say can legally sway this leadership contest. I wonder if other political parties allow the same loop hole ? https://www.conservativesabroad.org/standard So based on what may be legally possible who is to say who is voting for Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss ?
  17. So from that link it appears to be a Nigerian male and a Vietnamese female. The plot thickens Moriarty
  18. Tonight is a live debate on Sky. Now will they both call it off again or will they both attempt to bury each other ? Alternatively will it turn into a replay of the "Magic Round-about" with Sunak playing the part of Dougal and Truss that of Ermintrude whilst they both attempt numerous U-Turns to keep the listeners amused ?
  19. More than 38 years and if money is your prime objective in life I feel very sorry for you. I have stopped twice at accidents to provide assistance where I could but then perhaps I appreciate human life more than you do your wallet. On neither occasion have I encountered any issues with costs but on both occasions thanked by the rescue service who arrived later and unfortunately in one of those accidents by the family of one who had passed away. You must really be some sad sort of selfish person with your attitude.
  20. The earlier comments were made accusing female motorcyclist of causing accidents, not simply having accidents that you described. So like the other poster ( whom has not yet offered any comment to justify his accusation ) I will ask you how many times have you witnessed a female motorcyclist causing an accident ?
  21. Exactly. It can be proven statistically that everyone who has died has taken some form of exercise in their lives, hence it may be concluded that exercise kills eventually.
  22. Seat belts and wear a hard hat whilst driving to be on the safe side ????
  23. You mean from Yemen ?
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