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Everything posted by Excel

  1. I must be lucky in all my years here I have never seen a female motorcyclist cause an accident that I witnessed. You must have witnessed many such accidents to make that post of yours. So exactly how many accidents caused by lady motorcyclists did you witness exactly and did you stop to help at any time ?
  2. Never has been, always done as he was told to do and that is the only reason he is there.
  3. But this thread is not about the West or the rest of the world. It is about the "Boss" the Thai Red Bull heir and in Thailand escaping Thailand has nothing to do with lawyers, Its all about how much you can bribe people and/or possibly, which is more the case here, how well your family gets on with the person or persons who control this country.
  4. Sports Minister more likely given the times he has been spotted at F1 venues over the years.
  5. So the PM has taken to smoking wacky backy now then with statements like that ????
  6. Because they only count the dead at the scene of the accident. If they count those that died as a result of an accident then no doubt they would score top marks and be number one.
  7. Most things are challenging to many Thai drivers, predominately the males driving pick-ups who are clueless in vehicle control and safe driving.
  8. No problem as they should simply go on board their aircraft carrier that has no planes either and all make paper planes and practice with them. That way they can crash them to their hearts content without costing the nation billions in unnecessary play things.
  9. Interesting that @Rambo has not replied or offered any info on my original question which was "To start with where did he borrow the money from ? A lending institution such as a bank etc or some "other" ?" This indicates to me that his post lacks any sort of credibility. In fact it appears he/she has not posted further and the fact there are so few posts by him/her since joining in 2006 I wonder if he/she is just another that I would term a "clickbait" sleeper perhaps ?
  10. Serve the country indeed, wish he would rather than serving just one person.
  11. Possibly a good few thousand endangering the lives of others yet I am a believer in karma so perhaps those thousands of potheads driving around will will only crash into the thousands of drunk drivers driving around, fingers crossed anyway.
  12. To start with where did he borrow the money from ? A lending institution such as a bank etc or some "other" ? If the former then most certainly the lender will go to court to pursue their claim. There an agreement to repay may be accepted by the lender and will be entered into the court records as such. Of course it may not be accepted. and have to be negotiated at the court so both parties agree. If the lender is "other" then be very wary of the next stages that the lender may possibly take, as almost certainly it will involve loan sharks if "other".
  13. So that sounds like the bouncers at that nightclub are armed ? Is that legal? Anyway just another piece of bad publicity for Phuket ?
  14. So whist possibly what you say may have some elements of truth, you have chosen to similarly make bitter judgment on those that you call out as making bitter judgement of the beauty queen. That is plain hypocrisy
  15. And thus make it a "Disneyland" for the RTP to extract "donations".
  16. Who was the contractor constructing it, anybody knows ?
  17. But at least with the lottery everybody knows that it is most likely you will lose your money and not win so hence not cheating others out of their investment. The same can not be said about all crypto
  18. You mean just like yourself ? Seems that is hypocritical for you to say that but I thoroughly agree with you so hope never see it again on here ? transam Star Member Advanced Member 53059 72884 posts Gender:Male Posted Tuesday at 08:04 AM I think most of us do, don't worry about the Labour Party, they have nothing to offer but spin and wild predictions, and beer Kier at the helm, gawd 'elp us....
  19. Perhaps you should offer your own "genius" insights to other governments
  20. Take up knitting perhaps to relieve your boredom ?
  21. I can't believe anybody would say that ???? They were tested in Malaysia and found to have what in Malaysia is an illegal substance in their body. So as they were in Malaysia, tested in Malaysia they are illegal in Malaysia. Clear enough for you ? Or are you one of these people who thinks anybody who has twenty drinks in a pub, then drives on the road shouldn't be guilty of DUI because they drank alcohol elsewhere ? oh dear oh dear oh dear.
  22. no idea , perhaps you should ask the poster who raised it
  23. How perverse !!!! Wang Kelian checkpoint is in Malaysia not in Thailand , understand ? As it is in Malaysia, and irrespective of what you or others on here may think or simply choose to bicker about, it appears that they were contravening Malaysian law.
  24. Why ? If they are breaking Malaysian laws then they should be penalised or do you think Thais have the right to wonder the world disregarding any other countries laws if thy so wish ?
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