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Everything posted by Excel

  1. well well who would have thought it ????
  2. Well if the principle of posting any off topic comment in a thread that one starts can not be defined as off topic let's see how that reverberates through other threads perhaps now that the precedent has been set by yourself
  3. Maybe, maybe not but this thread is about thawing pensions, not who or whom may be entitled to a pension in the future.
  4. That's really good to hear and I know of one other who is fortunately married to a civil servant and hence benefits from her SS. That aside your own treatment illustrates clearly the service from government hospitals is very good with no need to pay for the 10x costs that no doubt you would have incurred should you have gone to a private hospital.
  5. Our dog is almost 1 year old now and almost finished his training. The last two commands are proving the most problematic due to lack of props as all the chickens are disappearing in our area making the Thai neighbours suspicious of what my "attack" and "kill" commands mean ????
  6. And ironically, Some of the private hospital "thieves" use foreign business advisors. Talk about ripping off your own, they are no more than leaches in my book.
  7. Utter rubbish and you have got your story twisted, certainly your facts are not correct. A UK pension or any other will be paid into a UK bank ( assuming that is where you asked it to be paid) until such time as they are informed otherwise to pay it into another countries banking system. The fact that a UK national has got other nationalities is totally irrelevant. Don't know where you got the idea that a British national with other nationalities have to have their pension paid into that "others" banking system is from, it appears to be yet another fairytale made up to suit the narrative of some other's fairytales on here. So no proof of living is asked for so it does continue - FACT. Now if you took the trouble to read my earlier post and had read " Guess once the "deceased" person who is still getting his pensions reaches a 100 or so then maybe questions will be asked" I thought that would maybe had given a clue as to what happens then." Please stop posting infactual and misleading information on this thread
  8. I am certain that at least two places on ThongLor will though.
  9. Please get you facts right rather than make yourself out an expert, which you are clearly not.
  10. You are generalising as usual. There are a good few ex expats here who obtained Thai citizenship many years ago. When he or she dies then as a Thai, normal Thai procedure is followed. If the UK registrar of deaths is not informed ( as an embassy would do only if notified )) then the pension continues. Further if neither the DWP or HMRC are informed then not only will the state pension continued to be paid but also any private pension. The issue of legality of the whole thing maybe for another discussion elsewhere but just pointing out facts here. Guess once the "deceased" person who is still getting his pensions reaches a 100 or so then maybe questions will be asked. Best come back to this thread in 25 years times for those answers maybe
  11. It was on a big key ring with 4 wheels attached ????
  12. Yes, and that capitilised IF being the main point. In another thread there was a comment that the British Embassy only works for the benefit of the deceased, not the living. There can be no better illustration of that point than then one raised about informing them of a UK nationals death and thus they notify the UK registrar of said death, and thus automatic notification to DWP. So it is the matter of IF. I know of two persons who have not notified the Embassy in the last 10 years. It's their business what they do after all.
  13. He possibly has done so already but as the dog replied in Hungarian he didn't understand the answer ????
  14. They are even better than that as they are multilingual https://www.wsls.com/news/2022/01/10/dogs-know-when-youre-speaking-a-different-language-study-says/
  15. As most are these days anyway
  16. Yes much like paying a top of the range health insurance of 70 -80000 THB per year for the last 16 years, having no illnesses then dying suddenly from a heart attack. I told him years ago he was wasting his money but he simply wouldn't listen.
  17. She's just laughing at what she read about an ugly Sheffield slapper charging £100 for a HJ.
  18. For once a smart piece of work to arrest them before they left the country. Clearly also an advert for having Vanatu citizenship, one of the best , cheapest and quickest to get in the world, a smart move by this Chinese guy.
  19. Should take about 1 day and the posters here will have this case solved
  20. Call in Prawit, he has a nose for watches, or rather an armful, so if they were of any value he will sniff them out ????
  21. I think that is the answer and we have to guess the question ????
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