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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Surprised her extra marital affair with Mark Field in 2004+ has not come back to haunt her. Perhaps like Boris those that have a lack of morals are welcomed by the Tory party members who vote for them.
  2. Doesn't that need real gasoline 98 octane, not the substitute with vegetables added ?
  3. !!!! I spelt it upper case not lower case. ICE stands for Internal Combustion Engine.
  4. Excel

    Udon review

    You just being stupid asking about Wagyu. Thought the wink summed you up
  5. Excel

    Udon review

    The post is about Udon, not Ubon
  6. Its 7 years for a car. If it is fitted with LPG it is then 5 years and the LPG system has to be tested yearly thereafter. There was a thread on here about that a long time ago.
  7. Well he's been dead for 11 years so unlikely many people will see them now.????
  8. It's most likely means exactly what it say "Windows Free" meaning you don't have to pay for it. Most likely Win 11 these days. You obviously know what model you were looking at so just google the ACER Thai site and read the spec. https://store.acer.com/th-th/?utm_campaign=acerstore-()-traffic-2022-th&utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_term=dynamic_search_ads-text_1-brand&gclid=CjwKCAjw3qGYBhBSEiwAcnTRLsr6Qc01DM6TfC4Axu2cSv6RsQ93aF10BnHuXmUUms90_7bunO-y-BoCrwYQAvD_BwE
  9. Not too bad at all for a little car.
  10. Yes certainly Macron is showing a bit of statesmanship rather than that fool Truss, but then guess she is only like a ventriloquists puppet, only say things that members of the ERG group tell her to say.
  11. Well guess the answer is yes then
  12. Would that include his Son-in Law I wonder and Eric ?
  13. A step in the right direction, shame it can not be a world wide decision but of course socio economic conditions preclude that currently. China has already one province moving towards a total ban on gasoline cars by 2030 which also a step in the right direction. Of course there will be the usual dinosaurs and trolls that will attempt to disrupt/dispute this thread but reality is ICE are soon to be a thing of the past, relegated to museum pieces. EV vehicles will be the predominate motive force, no doubt about it, just need technology to take a leap to improve the range between charges. Won't it be great when you can charge overnight on Sunday and you have enough power to allow you to do say 1000 km until the next Sunday's charge.
  14. That's true but this is a forum and hence an opinion piece to which everyone is entitled to add their opinion, within reasonable bounds. You may or may not like differing opinions, that's too bad, but nonetheless it is exactly that, an opinion piece.
  15. Where did I say "All vehicle mods" Read what I write, not what your crazy prejudices think I wrote. Now away with you and slid all over the road in the wet with those stupid wide tyres, no doubt at totally the wrong inflation pressures along with your crazy mates.
  16. Don't worry, won't be long I guess before somebody posts another piece of TikTok garbage on here indicating that there is one already. I suspect that Elvis was pleased when it first opened up ????
  17. Exactly and what is wrong with the fact that their lunatic driving and stupid and dangerous vehicle mods ensures that their death rate is the second highest in the world ?
  18. And of course we all understand why that is don't we ?
  19. So what's wrong with that ? It's their values not ours.
  20. Who has been scammed I wonder ? The women ? or her Brother who sent here 130,000 THB and not heard from her since ? Especially when it is generally known in the NE communities agents charge fees in the region of 40 to 60 k. Of course still a scam.
  21. Better still if it was not allowed to be put in stuff in the first place. Fine and prudent ensuring that the product has a warning label but as Thailand has an illiteracy rate in the region of 3 million + how are they going to be protected from unknowingly consuming cannabis ? Ref; "In 2018, adult illiteracy for Thailand was 3.59 million. Though Thailand adult illiteracy fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 1980 - 2018 period ending at 3.59 million in 2018. https://knoema.com › ... › Topics › Education › Literacy"
  22. What an odious Thai man. Hope he will be given the justice he really deserves once he gets put in prison, assuming of course the RTP bother to catch him and he is duly sentenced
  23. Surprised ? I'm not . Have you noticed what has been posted, and sometimes re-posted over the last several weeks ? Seems to be some sort of an organised attempt at something or other, ????.
  24. "21 year old Thai masseuse who had arrived back in Thailand from Qatar. She contracted the virus abroad" Well most can guess what her real work was no doubt. But impressed that Dr Opas Kankawinpong stated that she contracted it abroad, I bet he had to look up where Qatar was before making that statement ????
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