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Everything posted by Excel

  1. They did long before covid under many circumstances
  2. True in general but don't forget there are a few self-righteous folk on here also. You know the ones, attempt to take the high moral road but then you discover who they are when in a Gogo bar ????
  3. I'm guessing you did but simply made an assumption ????
  4. Who said they were ? but they are Social democratic which is considered to be centre left unlike the current batch of Tory candidates which are right to the far right in the case of Truss.
  5. Think you missed the logic, not surprising either
  6. Has anybody checked with BA that confirms the story from "HuaHintoday" ?
  7. The Scandinavian countries don't seem to have an issue of getting people to work hard with high taxes providing them with a good welfare state that makes the UK's look quite stingy. Now let's see what political leanings they have ?
  8. If wishes were horses beggars would ride. When I started work there were no such thing as private pensions and I suspect that the old age pension in the UK will always be available to those who have contributed to it. Also if a block was put on rich MPs + others using tax havens then the additional investment taxes could contribute to the UK's coffers also providing an opportunity of lower income tax for the working population.
  9. And then you get older still and the penny finally drops why they do, to pay for your pension and other benefits ( plus of course housing the illegal immigrants and thousands of asylum seekers) .
  10. So why do you watch it then ? or is it you just like something to complain about ?
  11. Must be a candidate for a Darwin award. They maintain 5 hornet's nests yet didn't think it wise to protect his body when going anywhere near them
  12. I agree and Labour are no doubt rubbing their hands at a gifted opportunity as the conservatives recklessly go into freefall. The problem is, if Truss gets the vote, how much damage will she do to the country before they lose the next election ?
  13. To be fair, he has only done what he was instructed to do and if you think that was greedy then I guess that is insignificant what the monkey has accrued compared to that of the organ grinder.
  14. And also considering the billions of baht the BMA have spent ( and distributed to connected cronies ) in flood relief works
  15. Not for the 32% of drivers/riders that don't even have a license , to them it will make no difference whatsoever. Hope mods allow this link to PBS https://www.thaipbsworld.com/police-defend-proposal-for-stiff-fines-for-drivers-without-driving-licenses/
  16. Well not really because I suspect that the whole damn lot of them avail themselves of other women/men given their lack of morals so it will be like water of the ducks back, or in this case bubbles of their back from soapy massages ????
  17. Well well don't say that there is an inference there that the Prayut government have not been telling the truth, what a surprise ????
  18. 100% agree and hope it works out like that.
  19. And they will be telling us next that RTP murdering suspects, as in the case of Ferrari Joe, is also within the accepted framework of police activities.
  20. And it indicates that the Department of Health Services has far above average the number of mentally challenged employees
  21. This wet dream project no doubt has already identified Sino-Thai construction as a preferred contractor
  22. Maybe they will find the "thrown away drugs" later in one of the attending policeman's pockets ????
  23. I take your point about the private hospitals, certainly for routine issues which I suspect accounts for 80 -90 % of admissions. I always thought that when visiting a private hospital years ago, certainly outpatient care, it was difficult to determine whether you were actually being seen by a doctor concerned about your health or simply a doctor on a commission based on sales targets.
  24. I have no doubt that somewhere there will be an amendment to that I suspect but what i attached was the only official translation to English that I could find.
  25. You can with Lottogo
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