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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Sounds his female pal was a right woofer ????
  2. I assume you have a Thaidriving license. Hope this helps. http://web.krisdika.go.th/data/outsitedata/outsite21/file/Vehicle_Act_BE_2522_(1979).pdf The relevant section regarding your question is on page 3 under "Private vehicle" this states;- "(2) a private car for passengers exceeding seven but not more than twelve in number and a private pick-up truck with vehicle weight of not more than one thousand and six hundred kilograms which is not used in transport for reward under the law on land transport;"
  3. They may disclose some evidence but not all. Remember this is Thailand run by ??? so all judges are bought and paid for, all and firm evidence is an ancillary matter which may or may not have a bearing on the judge's decision
  4. What good will that do ? do they really think this Thai government will admit to hacking phones ?
  5. That's the way to go but now wait for some poster to say they can't find the settings to do it on their Samsung phone.????
  6. Note they say "recently discovered under the ground" I'm sure if these really were recently discovered buried antiquities the media would have already been primed to publicise the fact. I think your statement is possibly correct although Thais can make as much tat as the Chinese don't forget.
  7. Well given the incubation period there is no proof that the family caught covid whilst in Pattaya or contracted it prior to leaving for their holiday. People should really still give more thought as to the sense of rushing out to join crowds for weekend holidays if they are concerned about covid still or else just accept millions will become infected, most mildly, as has happened in other countries where all restrictions have been lifted.
  8. OK thanks for the clarification on that. What is the status of your business in Thailand, Ltd co , partnership or other ?
  9. We don't know the legal status of that business as yet although I have asked the question, but I suspect you may be correct in your ascertain.
  10. Just for good order. Where did you get married and was it a legal marriage if you married in Thailand, registered at the Amphur as such, or simply a village wedding ? Further you make reference to your Thai business. Was this business registered as a partnership or was it a Ltd company ? If so, unless changed since, whom are the shareholders and the % of their holdings ?
  11. Only with a coup by yet another junta
  12. Unfortunately a common tale, whilst in your case it may have been anybody the RTP are the most likely culprits usually.
  13. Well well, that is interesting, seems like the momentum now will shift to one or two of the others who previously lost out a bit in the public mudslinging race.
  14. Hopefully a sign of the times that others will follow
  15. See you are still living in the past like most Tories. So let's move that further back should we in your fantasy world and just say the French have never forgiven us for the battle of Waterloo ???? But your attempts at deflecting this thread yet again has come unstuck, just like whomever is chosen as the new PM from the remaining 5 will come unstuck along with the party that they represent.
  16. But worryingly in the several decades I have lived here, Thai kids seem to be becoming fatter, obese in many cases and I attribute that, rightly or wrongly, to the explosion in fast foods such as KFC/McDonalds/Pizza express etc which basically, like your referred to, are all junk foods
  17. At least the Europeans can leave the Belgians alone now and simply take the p*ss out of the British. Boris and less then half the UK electorate (37%) can be held responsible for that theatre of farce.
  18. A male guide ? Wouldn't want to be on any of his guided tours
  19. So its not poor health care then in your eyes ? so the problem then is just a very poor educational system that does not educate children sufficiently on the danger of obesity when adult. Well that's cleared that up.
  20. And it's nice to know that some of us appreciate that they were indeed bi-elections not local elections as some others understood incorrectly.
  21. Correct, she is registered in the Cayman Islands https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/CLOUDBREAK-IMO-1012763-MMSI-319095800
  22. Isn't the fact of the matter that they acted in a cowardly manner ? why beat about the bush, say it as it really is.
  23. A foreigner in my next village was unwell, went to the local small government hospital and found to have covid. This was around 8-9 months ago. Anyway he was in hospital for 11 days and supplied with a load of medication after discharge and received two home visits by health officials after, He told me the total charge for the hospital stay and medication was 4200 baht. A far cry from what private hospitals charge, but then I have always found the government hospitals great. Two weeks ago went in and had a blood test, urine test and x-ray and together with some medication it cost 440 baht including doctors cost. Last time I went to a private hospital it cost me 700 baht for the doctor's fee and that was years ago, hate to think how much they charge now.
  24. Well never mind, some of us have tried to help you but clearly you have no wish to be helped. Now based on all of our phones you seem to have purchased a phone that is a singular anomaly. Perhaps you should keep it as clearly one that unusual, as you claim it to be, must have a rarity value.????
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