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Everything posted by Excel

  1. My thought when I read this last night was if he arrived illegally as he say, how has he, or how did he become a legal immigrant ? Just a thought as he has now become a knight of the realm and how is that possible for an illegal immigrant ? That's nothing to do with his early life of hardship as he has outlined, far from it, just curious how he got legally into the system as from what I read that was not explained.
  2. Possibly a significant amount more than you over the years running into tens of millions to help the very poor but there again it is not the point. Blowing one's own trumpet in order to suggest to people you have done good is not the point. The point is many families live below the poverty line and exactly what have you done to help those ? several zeros come to mind so may I suggest you just crawl back to your self opiniated cacoon of self praise and continue trumping your gifts to one school to your fellow well off pals, because simply the poor in Thailand simply do not care about your self proclaimed do-gooding, they are too concerned about putting food in the mouths of their family daily.
  3. Oh dear, no wonder you stated you didn't understand what I posted. Raising awareness is of zero use to those families that have 1000 baht or less per month to survive on. They may be poor but not totally stupid and many would love to have some further support , such as solar, but simply can not afford it. I appreciate that is hard for you and many others who are fortunate enough to not live in poverty to not understand. Come and live amongst them permanently, not just take fleeting visits for photo ops.
  4. For a moment there when I read the headlines I thought it was going to be pictures of the ruling elite ????
  5. A few round here have solar pumps for water too and I am very aware after living here 38 years. Have you ? Seeing a few does not create the illusion it is wide spread and certainly for the very poor even a few thousand baht is beyond their reach, but perhaps to you a family living on a monthly income of less than 1000 -1500 baht, if they are lucky, is something you have never experienced ?
  6. That's good. However as you are aware those 12million + very poor households have no access to those sort of funds that would allow them to install solar. Perhaps the government should consider having a program of installing solar as a social benefit to those poorest families that would also lower the governments import energy costs longer term, Well I know this government only work to benefit theirselves and those of the elite, but perhaps one day Thailand just may get a socially responsible government who plan long term for the nations sustainable development.
  7. Unfortunately this whole episode was brought about by one of your blue tie pals not behaving himself with other members whilst in the private Carleton Club. ????
  8. Doesn't matter, the thread is about Thai electricity costs, not the number of deflective posts involving the US/China/Europe that can be made in one afternoon.
  9. The first 50 units are free, use 55 you pay for all of it. Stop your absolute rubbish as clearly you are ignorant of the facts. Many folks in my village are poor and their main procession is a fridge which takes them over the 50 unit/month. So what do you suggest, they turn off their fridge and endure further hardship ? Get a life and see what the reality is in Thailand, not your own cotton wool world of ignorance.
  10. So what ? I doubt that the poorer folk in Thailand who are already struggling give a toss what they pay in other countries as it is totally irrelevant to the energy cost burden that they face here in Thailand.
  11. Well most of them are two faced hypocrites anyway so it makes no difference.
  12. Actually knew him several years back and often passed the time of day with him when he was around the condo complex.. Him and I were completely poles apart yet he was always polite to the people who spoke to him. As for the bad boy image well I think that just followed him around but I suspect that your suggestion of insecurity was not quite correct, rather I always thought it was more a feeling of isolation and loneliness which he countered with his eccentric appearance and sometimes his behaviour.
  13. Perhaps the child didn't appreciate that they were firing real guns and his father went to protect him, or try to. That said then the Thai teenagers firing guns possibly have a mental age of less than the poor child that got injured.
  14. And for the avoidance of doubt, contradictions or smart a""d replies my reference to MPH on all road signs in the UK was specifically for all road signs denoting speed limits or other speed limitations or advisory speed notices.
  15. You have to remember that MM has been a supporter of that criminal Boris all along so hence anybody that condones such behaviour will, just like Boris, come up with all sorts of incorrect or even downright imaginative replies to support that outgoing liar. However when you think of all those who supported Boris now throwing their hats into the ring for the PMs job will this make any difference to the country ? I doubt it as replacing one crook with another from his gang will just be more of the same unfortunately. Ben Wallace has decided it is not for him and Penny Mordant as yet has not declared whether she is running and they are the only two who are honourable enough to hold that position IMHO. As for the rest well more heartbreak for the country I'm afraid irrespective of who wins the race.
  16. Think you are confused. My comment was regarding MPH in the UK, not the metric system in general but perhaps you simply didn't read all of my post or choose in your usual manner to be deflective simply to create an argument.. I stated "well they are still fighting tooth and nail to use miles and miles per hour so I wouldn't hold out much hope of the nation agreeing to that." MPH are on all road signs in the UK as one example or perhaps you are confused as to what it stands for ? Its Miles Per Hour ???? More of your inaccurate rubbish. Move away from the bar, think you have had enough for one day ????
  17. And bonus points for hitting those in wheelchairs also perhaps ? ???? But seriously drivers stopping and being encouraged to do so by the presence of more RTP will never worked either 'cos at the end of the day they are all Thais and as we mostly know, the me me me attitude is prevalent irrespective of what uniform is being worn or civilian clothes. In fact I'm surprised the RTP don't make more use of the pedestrian crossings to extort more money from motorists who fail to give way.
  18. That will not happen in the lifetime of this parliament nor most likely the next three. Whilst most political parties have stated they are not in favour of re-joining the SNP of course are. But what is conveniently ignored by them is that should they wish to re-join it will be on the conditions of entry as they stand now, not the conditions as the UK had previously enjoyed. Now giving up the pound for the Euro ? well they are still fighting tooth and nail to use miles and miles per hour so I wouldn't hold out much hope of the nation agreeing to that.
  19. Does the TRA not understand that the most economically disadvantaged are not the ones that live in Bangkok.
  20. Quality tourists surely don't do that, must be a mistake
  21. But then she would have got no free publicity
  22. Yes but then there was no social media for you to go on to indicate to the entire world that you thought you were sooooo special that anyone would care if your pet died. Moving forward many years these narcissi seriously think the world pays any attention to their twaddle, well I'm wrong there, the netizens who similarly have their heads up their backsides start crawling out of their holes as in this case. Mind you, guess you never thought it necessary at the time either to photograph the plight of the dead goldfish whist showing your legs almost uncovered up to your naughty bits, well as a 7 year old you wouldn't but it makes you wonder what she really is up to.
  23. No I am suggesting for his good health he should have feed the dogs whilst not riding his bike as that is what the article stated he was doing. Anyway too late now, he has learned the hard way.
  24. With Fairy cakes too ????
  25. Whilst possibly said in jest there is possibly an underlying significant level of truth in that statement considering that most Thai males are only interested in themselves, shirk any form of responsibility, sponge of their wives and girlfriends for money and as soon as their partner is pregnant/has a child then they disappear leaving the poor child without a Father. So yes perhaps they are looking for a "Daddy" figure to compensate for their not having one whilst children. And let's face it any foreigner young or old are better father figures then a Thai man generally. Of course there are exceptions, but very rare ones.
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