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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Same for N Korea, not able to continue building missiles. All BS propaganda for the masses.
  2. Yes and I guess him and his husband have many tea parties with the British Ambassador and his husband to discuss how to help their own citizens best, or is it only about themselves and their chosen lifestyles I wonder that is important to them?
  3. I think I may start a new thread " Why do people complain about other people complaining ? " ????
  4. Nor your role either so as a hypocrite you can join your buddy on ignore also ????
  5. So another one who thinks being on a bike whislt feeding dogs and hence not paying attention and getting caught up in wires and getting injured is not the fault of the irresponsible rider. Oh well we all have our point of view ????
  6. Put him in ignore, as all his claims are baseless. It's a forum after all and you always get people who perhaps are disillusioned with life, failed perhaps to achieve their own goals and then pretend to be something or someone they are not on an anonymous forum where, as you know, every laughs at such people.
  7. They are not designed, simply a Thai addition without any scientific proof. Sheets of rubber extending so much just ensure that the surface water is thrown out to the side of the vehicle due to the negative pressure wave being created. You have probably noticed on some decent Shell/PTT tankers here that they have a spray reduction mudflap and also around the wheel arches that has what looks like a tough plastic comb. These actually are designed and are common in Europe and elsewhere and actually do work. I suspect they are either too expensive or else the Thai truckers/owners think they know better.
  8. Just extend the overhangs, a modern style like that will suit it very well.
  9. And in places like Macau they also brought in some very lovely 5* croupiers so suitable staff recruitment in Pattaya/Bangkok would not be an issue
  10. Of course I don't know what style of house you intend building but an alternative option, seemingly overlooked so often now is to ensure direct sunlight never shine on any of your windows. I appreciate if you are building a house that is more challenging but for a single Storey dwelling then a roof overhang will resolve your problems. Also it has the advantage of providing a shaded sitting area dependent upon time of day.
  11. Its all been said previously in this thread. No need to repeat but if it is too challenging for you to understand then perhaps a forum is not your ideal mouthpiece for ideas.
  12. Exactly the article said he was out feeding stray dogs and didn't see the wires. Perhaps next time he will get off his bike, then feed the dogs.
  13. Of course you only link things that suggest you are correct, which most people do, You must spend your time trawling though such junk. Such a shame that you cannot understand why it is indeed a Ponzi scheme, but hey who cares. you want to believe black is white, claim what you invest in is a not a Ponzi, note I said claim, then your choice.
  14. I would like to see some of these Vloggers charged with that but the ladies would possibly have no wish to be involved publicly after the embarrassment of the initial video should they have suffered in some way. Doubt the actual bar owners would want it as all they want is publicity in any shape or form. I feel sorry for the embarrassment some of the girls may suffer due to some idiot putting something on Youtube to generate likes.
  15. And the only country in Europe either within the EU or within the continent of Europe where somebody has been fined for an illegal act, even though that was a summary criminal offence, is thus by definition a criminal, and is still allowed to be in charge of the country.
  16. When it comes to the environment all governments are simply paying lip service. They are self-serving politicians after all who would sell their Mothers to a whorehouse if they thought they could get something out of it. The bait is to encourage people to go EV due to the climate. That's just simply shaming people to look after their planet better, yet the real aim for all governments is to get as many people on the hook and then introduce a significant and no doubt disproportionate Electricity Tax for vehicles. Unless 100% of the additional power requirements for vehicular use is generated from renewable resources that has zero climate impact then I'm afraid as much as EV's are a nice to have and a good idea it only elevates political hypocrisy to higher levels.
  17. Well as I wrote the posts to which you simply could not understand its your head that is well below the bar. I tried to make it simple but clearly even that was beyond you. Have a nice day
  18. But in Liverpool the person who broke the law and fined would not often be the owner of the vehicle to which the fine was attached ????
  19. Clearly you didn't grasp anything. My point was that no women found him trustworthy not that he couldn't find a fake GF or wife, Goodness some people drip drip drip.
  20. There was a black RR with Laos plates at Macro Udon Thani on the 2nd June. We see lots of nice expensive Laos plated cars up here but the RR certainly has beaten that.
  21. And also drank Tequila and ate nachos I suppose ?
  22. Unless you film them killing people by putting plastic bags over their head.
  23. Didn't think she put it about that much, but there again you never know sometimes
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