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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Religion and politics cannot be separated. They are one of the same as both are human instruments developed to exert power and influence over the masses by any means possible.
  2. Which is irrelevant to within the context of the post you replied to
  3. Spent most of the morning watching those and the Mr Khan ones.. Stomach hurts now from laughing so much.
  4. And if that happens the PM and his minions plus the puppeteer are not going to like that one bit. Lest just hope the groundswell of opinion is greater than the bullet this time. If that does happen I bet Thai airways planes outbound will be at full capacity for a while.
  5. I think what you are really saying is as yet no lady has found you good or trustworthy enough to be prepared to spend their lives with you but simply will not admit it perhaps ? ????
  6. Unfortunately is that their assumption ? or possibly simply a statement from those bitter ones that could not find a successful and long relationship and simply take any opportunity to illustrate their bitterness ? Of course there would be a huge number of successful partnerships made from girls that worked in bars and gogos but those are the ones you never hear about obviously.
  7. Possibly because he was a lady boy who had already sold it ????
  8. Last week then ????
  9. And on the days you can't manage it so much, just get your mates round to help you out ????
  10. Afraid so , very many do of course, if they take a break they still yurn for the excitement although I suspect the alcohol together with the comradery of pals in a similar predicament plays a big part, and many do return. Of course many don't, either leaving that episode of their lives behind simply accepting that is something they needed to do at the time, generally for family support reasons. Of course they still miss the buzz, but can come to terms with a more normal lifestyle, that's not to say that when an opportunity presents itself for an occassional visit with BF/husband later that they have forgotten how to let their hair down. The sad ones of course are those that can never leave, possibly in with a bad group and/or boyfriend, introduced to drugs etc. I wonder where those poor girls finally end up once the drugs and drink have taken the toll on their looks ?
  11. Well at least the garlic will keep the witches away, so no bun in the coven for you ????
  12. That is a very philosophical question for a Sunday morning.
  13. By the way, thanks for that lovely thought of yours as my FIL saw you and it tasted great as we had not had one for a while.????
  14. I think you are one of those bots with a trolling algorithm
  15. Have no worries about that, they have the tools to solve that problem ,you just need to supply the batteries. ????
  16. There are so many drips in the current administration who are they going to get ? Perhaps it will leak out later
  17. Yes and the filming of their brutality and live streams on Youtube by some sections of the national media is also effective, so had it been illegal then no doubt the PM and his boss would have them shut down by now.
  18. But so many of us can't deny that the "You hansum man" still remains true to this day ????
  19. You think ? I would suggest he does exactly what he is told, the reason he was given the nod to stage his coup in the first place.
  20. To late, already discovered by the Chinese and shipped off to the illegal brothels in China or if they are lucky, simply sold off in a Cambodian/Chinese owned casino.
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