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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Let me give you a simple hint. Far more effective and a greater inconvenience then slashing tyres, where a motorbike is concerned, is to simply squirt superglue in the key slot. Its very quick to do drawing negligible attention and makes the lock useless if the owner is away from his bike more than 5 mins. requires a new lock and if the owner returns sooner than inspected and drives off he can not remove his key and still needs a new lock. So just keep a tube of superglue in the seat of your bike for those special occasions,
  2. And their phone smashed to smithereens if that was what they were using to video. They are the dregs and so many of them sound like ignorant Brits. who don't understand how this invasion of privacy could effect some people
  3. Or simply skiving knowing the covid claim will never be disputed
  4. There are delusional people on here who still think the Tardis was real obviously ????
  5. I had the self same problem and being naive all I asked was "what do I do with this stuff ?" How was to even question the validity of the reply which was "stick it up your a**e wan***r". Last time I'll ask advice on that or leave the toilet door open ????
  6. I think that is something that is native to Thailand that generally lives in a burrow but occasionally crawls out and make loud noises.????. In a previous life they were just busy body politicians but only Buddha perhaps could confirm that.
  7. What a great post of yours and for any one with a social conscience that is quite an emotional song even now after over 50 years. And even after all those years nothing has changed. Social injustice appears to me to have got worse, albeit for different reasons in different countries. Who said we live in a better world now than yesteryear ? Only those who have benefitted from it at the expense of others I guess
  8. Well that indicates they grow very well outside in the open, well before they got chopped down anyway
  9. Now that is so very true and those kids usually grow up in some of the most deprived communities with a very bitter outlook on society in general - Is it any wonder ? And those self same hypocrites who put them there then get on their hobby horse about the problems of social equality. Hypocrites is a too polite word to describe them
  10. Never seen a Pitbull with a tattoo
  11. Lovely lady, talked to her a few times well before the gunslingers chased her out.
  12. Next you will be telling us you wear your pants on the outside of your trousers ????
  13. maybe another on the 2nd to say expired two days ago ????
  14. Been like that for a long time. And why do you think most of the EU are so glad the UK left ? Sure the French have their problems with the North Africans but guess it is a trade off between the smell of shisha pipes against endless streets of curry fumes. ????
  15. I think you may be right but I suspect that the ratio of road deaths from say 20% cars/trucks to 80% motorbikes may also change to more like 60/40.
  16. Fully immersed in your own BS obviously, Dream on and try to impress children with your fairytales rather than adults.
  17. Seems to me by your own account you are travelling 10km further ( was 60km/day but now 70 km) so wouldn't you expect to use more fuel ? That aside other than basic fuel calorific values in terms of the assigned Octane number being incorrect which obviously would have an impact, which I seriously doubt even PTT would mess up, then there can be many other factors even on identical routes. Traffic conditions, load in your car , incorrect tyre inflation pressure etc.
  18. I wondered when the first claimant to " I used to train dogs to bite people" would start barking away. Please collect your winners prize on the way out. That is once you have explained why the phenomena that the jaw muscles of a dog automatically relaxes once they become unconscious, is no longer true ?????
  19. Cannot understand why America especially is moving that way. Of course we are all human beings and we all have our own opinion of what is right or wrong, good or bad and it is exactly the way it should be. Just because we don't consider it right, in our own opinion, to behave like this or that, it does not justify us enforcing personal opinions on others.
  20. Thoroughly agree and it usually the pompous self opinionated who have been lucky enough to never have friends or family members injured or worse by a dog that crawl out of the woodwork sprouting their holier than though bile as to why dogs shouldn't be considered a food source, the same as they are in Korea and parts of Switzerland to name only two countries. Now even better if you live in the Cameroons as they consider dog meat a libido enhancing source so what could be better then saying I am as horny as hell have eating chihuahua ????
  21. Well that's all fine and dandy then . Yet another male proving misogyny rules supreme in their own tiny worlds by attempting to tell females what they should or should not do.
  22. But at least in the UK a women has the right to choose abortion or otherwise. The days of bible bashing weirdos bashing their bibles are thankfully long gone. And certainly gun ownership is very strict unlike the US.
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