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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Good on you as it does help to rub shoulders with the riff raff from time to time just so that you can appreciate how lucky you are.
  2. Guess an island would afford the luxury of having your own fast boat berthed on your doorstep for a quick getaway if needed. Well until the Thai submarines are out on patrol with the sailor boys rowing like <deleted> because they still don't have engines.
  3. Seems like you are either too lazy to read the posts or simply can not comprehend those posts and the context that they are written in. So have a nice day and perhaps next time you use such statements as you did you will enable brain before mouth.
  4. Hence the saying "Is that Fanny Green on the front pew, no its just the light thro' the stained glass window" ????
  5. Yes but was not designated a terrorist act, rather a reprisal for the stance Thailand took on Uyghurs. There was actual 2 more prior to that one , Siam BTS and somewhere else I can't remember which were attributed to the political unrest.
  6. I agree but a bolt hole for crooks need to be out of sight and I ma sure that there are a lot of dodgy characters living in places like Phuket right now
  7. That's the way most of them appear to be and it does explain as to why perhaps Thai health authorities define it as a mental illness. Perhaps it is something they simply cannot comprehend as a subject that causes concern and questioning by normal folk as they are simply are incapable of providing a logical and an unemotional argument.
  8. And even their scam to produce their own under license to AZ went t*ts up
  9. Well in all seriousness I bet there are a lot of dodgy characters Brits/Russians/Mongolians/American Republicans who would love to have a pretty isolated place like that
  10. I have no doubt that perhaps next week the update on the vet who supposedly caught covid from the cat will be that he was last seen purring loudly to himself before digging a hole in the garden to take a dump ????
  11. ah stupid me. My pal lives there and when he rang whilst he was in Central downstairs in the food area he was saying even yesterday then it was only 50 % wearing masks. He anticipates now it will be more like 90% by the time the weekend is over. Mind you all the vendors I should think will maintain mask wearing if not just for good hygiene measures as they always have done for hair coverings
  12. in Thailand we should all give thanks to the almost endless care of the health authorities employees, not just for the ones looking after those covid patients in hospital but also the hundreds of thousands who worked tirelessly giving covid injections day in day out. It is irrelevant whether in hindsight it was necessary or not, those dedicated people just strove to do what was asked of them at the time and they deserve our thanks.
  13. 100% agree and another example of how this fringe minority are playing the game to the detriment of those who really do need health care rather than simply a whim which they play out to the rest of the world that they are special cases. Special my back side., sorry shouldn't mention that word where Ladyboys can read it .????
  14. Well acces to it, if it is as remote as you say will play a large part in what you can realistically achieve. However it may be worth pm-ing some of the posters on here whom by their own statements appear to be in the league of the ultra wealthy so hence an isolated property may well suit their lifestyle.
  15. The problem you will face if this farcical Armageddon that the OP put on here is security. Its all very well having everything you need but many of your Neighbours may not be so well provisioned. How do you intend to stop intruders, especially at night ? Don't tell me dogs as they are so stupid they will quickly eat poisoned meat. Geese are a good bet, use to have some 60 years ago but to my knowledge they are neither quick enough to doge a bullet nor are there kevlar protective vests made for them. But seriously have you given any thought to that ? Possibly more to the point why should you as a food shortages will never occur in rural Thailand.
  16. Yep same stuff I used a while back on my Neighbour's pipe, still going strong after a few years.
  17. I wonder how the BMA intends to ensure the safety of any protesters given the deliberate agitating and violent tactics of the RTP in the past together no doubt with army agitators dressed as civilians on the order of the PM or his master ?
  18. Well that should half the ticket value straight away
  19. I wonder if the rather effeminate voice of the speaker had any bearing on that video ?
  20. And those temp checks are so inaccurate they are next to useless which is why in so many places they were simply replaced with facial scanners, similarly useless but at least the Ladyboys can see if their lipstick looks ok.
  21. Well they haven't so unfortunately you will just have to go an cry elsewhere.
  22. Thank goodness for that
  23. Not being a user does Vick also prevent ingress of curry fumes as well as bad body odour ?
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