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Everything posted by Excel

  1. And the public have also the right not to bother to go there, or at least walk in in large numbers and then remove their masks in protests and I doubt the dumbos that pretend to be security would have the balls to do anything about.
  2. Its a shame these people don't actually post facts as to whom exactly develeped this satellite, 20 Thais ? well guess they could have helped to keep the assembly area clean and that is about all. So take a read of this https://news.satnews.com/2022/06/21/sstls-theos-2-smallsat-ships-to-gistda-in-thailand/#:~:text=The THEOS-2 SmallSAT is based on SSTL's CARBONITE series,for early operations from SSTL. And from another news media it was stated that it has been developed primarily by British space technology engineers as part of a Thai/British agreement
  3. In a country where a PM was responsible for the murders of innocent people in 2010, when at the time the big boss man of the armed forces, what do you expect ? Murder is simply a way to gain the top positions here as Thai history shows so I doubt this poor kid almost being killed by this dog and its owner not being imprisoned is nothing more than one should expect ? No punishment fits the crime here in Thailand unfortunately as the country is run for the pleasure and benefit of the very few who are apparently untouchable. Some poor old lady taking mushrooms was imprisoned a while back for stealing them but a drug crazed moron who happens to belong to one of the connected families can murder a policemen in his car and is assisted in getting off scot free by governmental organisations.
  4. Well that is certainly a move in the right direction as most of the civilized world has already done. A good, but belated move but as they say , better later than never. My only thoughts now are what is going to be the next move by this unpopular government to scare the poorly educated populace to kowtow to this governments flights of fancy ?
  5. No worries no doubt they will allow men dressed up as women in to make it sound balanced ???? After all they like to pretend their women, some look like women and even these men consider that going into the ladies toilet is ok so no doubt they will be welcomed with open arms at this summit.
  6. Most of them are a bloody menace on the road
  7. Still 180 baht for a big bag here last week
  8. Goodness, what the RTP put themselves in danger ? never.
  9. Just blame it on the immigrants, most countries do
  10. Couldn't be read for the 2 x 1000 baht notes wrapped around it I should think
  11. That's actually a very UK thing where so called gipsies would knock on door.
  12. UK and many more can also be included in that. In hindsight the so called economic brains, graduating from some of the best universities in the world , have simply led the world astray. Or was it simply to make the worlds 0.1% wealthiest even richer ?
  13. In all my years here I have found DHL the worst to deal with. Not sure why that should.
  14. Well the RTP are renowned for being the biggest jokers in the world as an effective and honest police force
  15. When Red Bull attached them to their energy drinks perhaps ????
  16. Wait till they come up against these holiday makers, the RTP will beat Usain Bolt's running records, except for running backwards. ????
  17. British GP next week, expect he will be there, again.
  18. And ever since you have understood the meaning of "never look a gift horse in the mouth" ????
  19. Maybe his next customer/delivery will phone up and complain that their food tastes like Sh*t ????
  20. Can see that is the western model rather than the Indian or Thai, go on an enjoy big fella ????
  21. Nah if they know he is coming they will use the rubber ones he had last time ????
  22. I used to employ that man as an insurance conman ????, had to sack him though because he would never wash that vest.
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